Blowout 240

An eclectic mix of energy and climate news stories from around the world compiled by Roger Andrews.

We begin with the $2.4 trillion battery required to keep California’s lights on and follow with OPEC; the oil tanker crisis; Kuwait fracks in Canada; Azerbaijan gas; Rio Tinto exits coal; Russia fuels its offshore nuclear plant; Moorside nuclear in doubt; blackouts in South Africa; Australia’s National Energy Guarantee; peaking plants in Europe; an “alarming collapse” in UK renewable investment; 5,000 UK churches go renewable and how heatwaves increase deaths in UK but decrease them in Spain.

Blowout 240

One Reply to “Blowout 240”

  1. While Canada has been reducing coal generated electricity (at great cost) in order to pay California $400 million (well Ontario anyway), Australia estimates its coal-fired electricity to remain at 60% out to 2030. Nice work Australia. Great effort.
