105 Replies to “Aug 6, 2018: Reader Tips”

    1. I doubt it. Life doesn’t happen so easily. There IS no justice in this world.

      Trudeau will continue to be protected by the globalist elites that pay him, and if we’re really unlucky, JT will win another election next year.

      1. if we’re really unlucky, JT will win another election next year

        He will. Quebec will see to that.

          1. on June 18 the Conservatives gained a seat in Chicoutimi- le Fjord electing Richard Martel to the House of Commons, in Ottawa. Could be the beginning of the end?
            Of course, the Liberals acted like it was .”..eh, c’est rien.”
            You’d be surprised how rural Quebec can be Conservative. They like to run small businesses out in the remote parts, and are independently minded. Of course, Morneau and Trudeau think business owners are tax cheats. For that alone they should be ousted.

            Wonder whether David Axelrod is being recruited to ‘help’ out the election and stuff the ballot boxes? Worked like a charm last time. Why was ‘la’ Trudeau visiting him in Chicago last February?

          2. I knew about that, but Quebec rarely votes for a PM from outside the province.

        1. Had my regular weekly telecon with a friend in Toronto. People in Toronto (he does not know about the rest of Ontario) are becoming mightily “pissed” with Trudeau over the illegal immigration. The university residences were emptied and were left in a complete mess by the illegals. Now the illegals are being housed in hotels/motels – I told him about Sheila Gunn’s report on the illegals in hotels in Quebec and all the damage which has been done – the Canadian taxpayer will have to pay for this. The Federal government STILL has not reimbursed Quebec, Ontario or my province Saskatchewan for the cost of the first year of the Syrian refugees – that was from late 2015, early 2016. What are the chances of the hotels being reimbursed for costs or damages. My friend is a gay conservative – even his liberal gay friends are becoming unhappy.

        2. Increasingly, I don’t think Quebec likes him either. Leftists in downtown Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver; some pockets in Ottawa (like those crazies who voted for McKenna), the rest of the country sees through him. As for whether he is in on this nasty plot, basically, he does whatever his puppetmasters say. The puppetmasters are globalists, so could be.

      1. I’m curious.
        These folks that come to Canada and obtain citizenship rarely to my knowledge give up their citizenship from their country of origin.
        The danger being is that as a citizen of those countries they will be expected to follow all customs and laws of those countries without any consideration that they would be as ignorant of the laws as someone who was born and lived their life in Canada. Or let me put it this way.
        Saudi does not buy the “flag on the backpack” schtick of Canadians being considerate, if one of their citizens breaks their laws, they are subject to Saudi law (no matter out of touch we believe those laws to be) and none of their citizens can ignore those laws by virtue of having been granted citizenship in another country. Perhaps if the liberals are so concerned about their treatment they should change the citizenship act to end dual citizenship.
        Ah but then that would be the end of citizenship of convenience wouldn’t it?

        1. A Canadian-Lebanese is a Canadian-Somalian is a Canadian-Syrian . . . and K-Becers are better.

        2. “Perhaps if the liberals are so concerned about their treatment they should change the citizenship act to end dual citizenship.”

          Dual citizenship isn’t actually a legal concept, it’s just a term that describes someone with two citizenships. Canada has no power over any other citizenship than its own. It could create a law that denied Canadians by birth from retaining their Canadian citizenship if they adopted another – constitutionally and practically problematic though. It could insist. as some other states do, on a perfunctory act of renunciation in order to gain Canadian citizenship. But again, that’s problematic: any individual renunciation of citizenship is meaningless unless the other state recognizes it.*

          The only way you could prevent the possibility of any Canadian ever being a dual citizen would be by forbidding anyone not born in Canada (except the children of Canadian diplomats) from becoming a Canadian, forbidding Canadians from marrying foreigners, possibly even forbidding Canadians from studying, living and working overseas… you can see how impractical this gets.

          * In not a few cases, countries consider those born in their territory as citizens regardless. One big reason Iranian-Canadians are forever taking a risk when they return for trips to see Mum and Dad in Tehran is that the government considers them Iranians. Period.

          1. Actually not problematic at all.
            All it takes is an act of Parliament.
            Many countries do not recognize dual citizenship and the benefit of requiring those applicants as a condition renouncing their home country citizenship is not unreasonable or unconstitutional.
            This in no way would end refugee applications or temporary stays, it just restricts becoming a Canadian citizen to those willing to go all in.
            No more citizenship of convenience.

          2. “All it takes is an act of Parliament.”

            This will not prevent dual citizenship for the obvious reason that Parliament has no authority to grant or remove any citizenship other than Canadian.

            “Many countries do not recognize dual citizenship and the benefit of requiring those applicants as a condition renouncing their home country citizenship is not unreasonable or unconstitutional.”

            No country recognizes dual citizenship since it is not a legal concept. If you are a dual citizen of Italy and Canada, to Italy you’re an Italian and to Canada you’re a Canadian.

            “[R]equiring those applicants as a condition renouncing their home country citizenship is not unreasonable or unconstitutional.”

            Unreasonable? Delusional, I’d say, since such a renunciation has no status unless the other country agrees to it (you can’t simply stop being a citizen of a country just on your own say-so; you have to make a legal application; many a person has found this out the hard way on their first visit home to the “old country”).

            Unconstitutional? I never suggested it wasn’t, though it’s also essentially a meaningless gesture because the writ of the Canadian constitution does not extend to other sovereign states.

            The short answer is that if you’re a dual citizen, only your Canadian citizenship applies in Canada. If arrested for a crime here, you’ll be tried as a Canadian, not an Italian national.

    2. Trump may be for real we the people.

      Ask yourself, if the U.S. GDP is greater than the total of all others combined (G7), which allows us to negotiate from a position of strength, why would previous President’s ‘knowingly’ [unequally] distribute America’s wealth away by making unbalanced trade deals?
      Why was America’s wealth being distributed WW?
      Why was the American taxpayer essentially subsidizing the the rest of the world?
      The AMERICAN TAXPAYER has no equal anywhere in the world.
      ACCESS to the AMERICAN CONSUMER (U.S. Market) is ESSENTIAL for every major country in the world.

      Q !A6yxsPKia. No.121
      Aug 6 2018 18:31:41 (EST)
      Psychological Projection.
      Define Conspiracy.
      1. a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.
      “a conspiracy to destroy the government”
      2. the action of plotting or conspiring.
      “they were cleared of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice”
      [Fake News]
      Fake News collaborating and pushing knowingly false information?
      Fake News ‘KNOWINGLY FALSE’ narrative pushes.
      1. POTUS colluded w/ Russia to win the 2016 Presidential election
      2. POTUS is puppet to PUTIN
      3. POTUS to irreparably harm relationships w/ our allies
      4. POTUS will collapse U.S. economy
      5. POTUS will collapse stock market
      6. POTUS will cause war w/ NK
      7. POTUS will cause war w/ IRAN
      8. POTUS will destroy the world.
      9. On and on……..(knowingly false)
      They would rather see NK peace negotiations fail (WAR!) than see POTUS resolve.
      Scandalous Media Bias?
      What are they hiding?
      Think WL list of journalists who colluded w/ HRC/DNC (2016 Pres election).
      They want you DIVIDED.
      DIVIDED by RACE.
      This movement challenges their ‘forced’ narrative.
      This movement challenges people to not simply trust what is being reported.
      Research for yourself.
      Think for yourself.
      Trust yourself.
      This movement is not about one person or a group of people.
      You are witnessing a FULL PANIC ATTACK by the FAKE NEWS MEDIA & COVERT ALT MEDIA AFFILIATES (foreign gov’t).
      They cannot contain or defeat what they do not understand.
      Is any of this normal?
      Think sealed indictments count.
      Think resignations of CEOs.
      Think resignations of Senators.
      Think resignations of Congress.
      Think termination of sr FBI…
      Think termination of sr DOJ…
      WATERGATE X1000
      Attacks will only intensify.
      Logical thinking.
      Ask yourself a simple question – WHY????

  1. Qanon has made some references to Trudeau, but not in this context.
    Is it merely coincidence that everyone Trump has formed relationships seems to have shunned Trudeau? Okay, that may just be Trudeau since everyone is shunning him. I mean one week we are supposedly hypocritical pariahs for selling the Saudis some vehicles/weapons, then suddenly they are kicking out our Ambassador.

    1. Trudeau is a dead man walking, politically speaking anyway. By the end of next year he’ll be in the dustbin of Canadian history along with Chrystia Freeland. The only question is whether Canadian voters or US Marines will put him there.

      Nothing short of death is getting Donald Trump out of the White House before he passes the presidency on to his successor on January 20, 2025.

      That successor will be Jared Kushner, the first Jewish president of the United States, and the one who will, God willing, finally carry out God’s command to the Israelites to annihilate Amalek.

        1. The fear of the God of Israel is the beginning of wisdom. His will WILL be done.

          I defy you to name a single enemy of Israel and her God whose continued existence is any meaningful benefit to civilization, and whose destruction would be any loss.

        1. I hope not. I’m opposed to political dynasties. The ones we’ve had here – the Kennedys, Bushes and Clintons – have not worked out well for America. And (glancing northward), they’re not working out great for you guys either right now.

          “Vote for me because I share either DNA or a bed with someone who had the job before me” is a lousy qualification.

    1. “She still is a talented teacher and has those skills, and I don’t see any reason to destroy her ability to make a living…”
      It would appear that she has talents beyond the classroom. Never saw any of that from my teachers when I was 14. Or ever. Rats!

  2. Canada can do without these blabbering scatterbrain nincompoop STUPID as a sack of rocks

    1. Just wait for:
      – wage and price controls
      – a new national oil company
      – an increase in the GST to 20% like the European countries have
      – a federal vehicle tax; to be charged yearly on cars, trucks, and SUVs by engine size and vehicle weight
      Its called the Buttsian agenda

        1. Thanks Nancy, I don’t know why I forgot the imposition of the War Measures Act.

          Justin Turdeau, who admires Castro, would love to introduce the War Measures Act. No doubt Butts will come up with the reason: i.e. the “politics of fear” the Conservatives are introducing by disagreeing with the Dear Leader, is a threat to Canada which must be addressed by imposition of the War Measures Act.

          1. @12:23 Joe
            Your welcome.

            The War Measures Act was imposed from Oct 5, 1970 to Dec 4 1970 to protect Canadians, as you know.

            If you were in Montreal then, you saw tanks in the streets, soldiers with ” guns…i n t h e s t r e e t s.”

            I saw them. I was just a student.

          2. C’mon now. Some basic civics, folks.

            The War Measures Act was repealed in 1988. It was replaced by the Emergencies Act, which is a much more limited act with none of the sweeping powers of the former.

          3. @ 2:25 JJM
            The War Measures Act was passed by Parliament unopposed in 1914. It was “used” three times in our history, The Great War, WWII and the October Crisis.☆ I used the word “imposed” with the dates Oct 5 to Dec 4, 1970, (as in a term limited contract) for this crisis was brought about in Quebec, only.

            You are very much the comedian, giving us a civics lesson now, today, on this Civic holiday. You are splitting hairs -the Emergencies Act as a replacement was still in the future eighteen years away. Of course, with all due respect, you are correct in your statement, that “it is a much more limited Act with none of the sweeping powers” that the War Measures Act had. Nevertheless in circa 1970 it was what it was, the War Measures Act which was on the “books” as a law from 1914 to yes, 1988.

            ☆ Source: Wikipedia

            P.S Do read what Tommy Douglas had to say about the imposition of the War Measures Act, way back. It was rather witty. For another day.

          4. I was around when the War Measures Act was used to deal with the FLQ.

            For the record: I agreed with its implementation. Trudeau père was absolutely right to nip any whiff of armed insurrection in the bud.

            The act was a giant imprecise mallet rather than a customized hammer but it was the only immediate “non-weenie” instrument the Federal government had at its disposal then.

            (There were never any “tanks in the streets”, by the way, only a few M113 APCs at most but I’m sure for the hippie-dippie anti-Vietnam-War generation of the time that was close enough.)

          5. @ 4:59 JJM
            Sir…there is a difference between an Armed Personnel Carrier, M 113APC and Sherman tanks. Though I wouldn’t want to go inside of any. Yes, I saw something on the streets, big and green and there were some ‘frogs’ as well! Ha!

            Ooo là là- Forgive the error and sarcasm, les francos.
            Channeling Mordecai Richler- ‘Oh Canada, Oh Quebec.’

      1. Not until the next election when Trudeau will have more “flexibility.”

        Talk of Trudeau as a dead man walking is premature imho.

        The media has yet to go all in, which they will. There is no Fox north to check or buffer them.

        The banning of Infowars shows the extent the neo-Marxists are willing to go to ensure the voter does their bidding.

        Can we expect less in our northern kingdom? Who will win the 905 belt, and thus secure a majority?

        The upcoming BC byelection with the NDP leader running will be a good bellwether. The Conservatives should go for it, the Dippers barely won last time and Trudeau is not popular at all in BC and apart from Vancouver Island we’re none too enamored with the NDP either. This is Sheer’s biggest test so far and he must try to well or at least do well.

        I still think the voters are susceptible to Grit shakedowns of others and payoffs to voters to be sure theirs or Trudeau’s days are numbered. I sincerely hope Sheer can pass the dual task of avoiding the blades of the right and convincing voters he will limit government for their benefit.

        If the US is doing well and we’re not, we have a chance; but the mendactic media has proven the plumbable depths.

        Otherwise the status quo of our nation, the west bled by the east, shall come to an end, one way or another.

  3. Darn you, Kate. I just spent an hour watching a whole pile of this guy’s rather fascinating mousetrap videos.

    1. I did that too. I liked the walk the plank trap; no contact with the disgusting creatures or traps to reset.
      Actually if you simply set up a 5 gallon pail with a ramp you will catch a lot of mice.

  4. It used to be a tradition here in Canada for politics to take a “vacation” during the summer: the big pols wouldshut down Parliament in July and most of August; the MPs would hit THE BBQ circuit in their respective local ridings; the big shots among the national pro-Liberal media would go on vacation and leave national media reporting to junior staff. So traditionally this part of the year would be down time for everybody, with political discussion ready to pick up in late August and September.

    I’m not sure that is the case any more. One thing I have noticed is that Donald Trump is a workhorse. He never rests. He tweets; he is either working at the White House or at political events — and the left-liberal mefia cartel south of the border must, for better or for worse, must cover him. So Stateside there is a continual frenzy of political fighting. For another, the emergence of political blogs, and the social media, means for continued debate, including Canada. Here, the declining corporate media, pro-Liberal as they are, are struggling to remain relevant.

    1. Got a flyer from my MP, No Time McKenna. There is a party next Sunday: “Annual Ottawa Centre Park Party!”
      Lotsa bragging about “our government” basically spending money. Of course PM Justupid is in 1 of 8 photos. I realize they all do it and they are all so phony. Also brags about “$2.3 billion to support clean technology companies in Canada that bring cutting edge solutions to protecting the environment while creating good jobs”. Yikes. And of course brags about the Canada Summer Jobs program.

  5. Continuing my thought: so one strategic move, not reported by the corporate media, is the the federal Liberal party has embarked on a summer, of Liberal volunteers, to go door-to-door, to spread the Liberal message. (I don’t have a link, so readers will have to gulp hard and venture forth to the federal Liberal web site to read up on this). I do not know how legal this is. In my local-yokel home town, no one can go door-to-door soliciting, and political types must wait for an election writ to be dropped before canvassing. At any rate, this seems like a good tactical idea, for the Liberals, since grassroots local work is always a good tactic. (Conservatives, big “C” and small “c”, can learn from this).

    Is Trudeau puposely laying low? Bloggers Spencer Fernando and Brian Lilley, articulate as they are, seem to think so. They point to Trudeau’s India trip, his groping scandal, the illegal immigrant invasion for drooping poll numbers. But Trudeau has no need to lay low. The corrupt national media cartel, after all, are corrupt. The national “press gallery” are bought off and won’t ask probing questions. They are on vacation, as is Justin.

    1. “[The] federal Liberal party has embarked on a summer, of Liberal volunteers, to go door-to-door, to spread the Liberal message…”

      If they stop by here, they’ll get the same appreciative welcome I extend to Jehovah’s Witnesses.

      (Hmm… On second thought, maybe I’m being unfair to the Jehovah’s Witnesses; they at least are honestly above board in their ideological beliefs.)

  6. How many times has the Sockmonkey used his tired phrase about “some people believe you have to make a choice between protecting the environment….”?
    I think its time the response to this is to question why does the Sockmonkey think that a court order to remove protesters should be ignored when it comes to building a pipeline.

    1. These assholes are the most hated people on the road in Alberta giving out nothing but chickenshit tickets. I suspect 98% of the tickets they give out have nothing to do with safety and are procedural crimes designed to maximize revenue. Body armour won’t be enough. Most truckers I know with a clear track would run them over and be gone. The RCMP would understand.

  7. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/federal-ndp-leader-jagmeet-singh-to-run-in-burnaby-south-byelection-1.4775082

    I had NO idea Jagmeet Singh was a resident of Burnaby! He must be, as in a sensible country like Canader, parachuting in of candidates must be forbidden. Yes,here in stolid, sensible Canada, i bet there’s a law that a candidate has to live in a Riding for at least one year before he can run there, I just bet!

    Jag may be in trouble, not that many Sikhs in Burnaby.

    1. No such law. Prince Albert SK had 3 MPs who were PM. Macdonald and Mackenzie King didn’t live there, just the Chief. When Tommy the Commie couldn’t win a seat in Saskabush, he ran on Vancouver Island.

    2. ‘Jag may be in trouble, not that many Sikhs in Burnaby.’ But are there a lot of A-holes?

      1. Yeah, there’s not many Sikhs in Burnaby but there are tons of globalist commies, just ask foreign funded Mayor Corrigan, or whatever that assholes name is… Lizzy Mao gets elected out in BC and she has zero connection to the Province… I think its a winner for the Turban… heck Turdgroper could win most ridings out on the left coast and his slogan could be “Quebekers are better than other Canadians”… thats just how effed up things are in BC. When it comes to politics BCers are as dumb, unsophisticated and self interested than any other part of this imbecilic Post National State.


    Google has chosen Angela Merkel the “leader of the free world”.

    Hmmmm, wonder what my Duck Duck Go comes with?
    Why, it’s ……. Angela Merkel!!!

    SO, it kinda looks like DDG piggybacks google while allegedly protecting my privacy. Privacy? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

    1. Does google want us all to sing:
      “Deutschland, Deutschland über alles,
      Über alles in der Welt”

      not a chance. Oh and remember Pierre Turdeau opposed Canada fighting the Nazis in WW2.

      1. “Pierre Turdeau opposed Canada fighting the Nazis in WW2”

        I think he was a coward that simply opposed Pierre Turdeau fighting the Nazis in WW2.

        1. @1:30 scar :
          Re: P.E.T. being a coward? He was ripe for the plucking too. Born in 1919, he was in his early 20s, during the war. Flush with cash and as debonair young man, he chose to tool around Montreal riding a motorcycle wearing, wait for it…a German helmet on his head. The headgear wear was about his youthful rebellious streak, perhaps. Very gay of him, in the ‘old’ sense of the word. Very convenient too.

          1. I disagree,Nancy, Pierre was being “gay” in the NEW sense of the word. He rode around Montreal wearing a pickelhaub, a WW1 Kaiser’s helmet, not as many have surmised, a WW2 German helmet which is a shame as he might have been shot on sight by a zealous militiaman.

            After his daring be-pickelhaubed dash, Pierre gaily retreated to his boyfriend’s home where they whiled away the hours in gay pursuits. Who played the dominant role is unknown.

            I have heard from too many reliable sources that our beloved First Trudeau PM “swung from both sides of the plate”, complete with his dalliances with the Montreal hedonists society to believe he was just a boring old heterosexual.

          2. Can someone here answer something that has always baffled me? I remember reading that once upon a time, the people of Quebec were culturally ultra- conservative Roman Catholics who reproduced faster than you could say “Dionne quints” and then one day in the 1960’s, all of them suddenly gave up going to church and became left wing. The only thing that united the Quebec of 1958 and the Quebec of 1968 was resentment of the rest of Canada.

            Now of course, things changed drastically in the ’60’s everywhere, but the change in Quebec strikes me as singularly rapid and radical. Let me know if I’m wrong about that.

          3. @ 4:41 p.m. don morris

            I believe you re: THAT QUEEN.
            P.E.T. gave himself away when he was captured in a photo doing his ballet move with the unknowing Queen in the background in Britain, as if he was gleeful, from one queen to another. It was a very daring move to do, at the time, and it was for those in the know back home.
            Heh, heh…” just watch me meant more than one thing.”

            Yes, the stories are delicious. He spent many years talking to psychologists about his doubts. Maggie said he was a cold cheapskate in her book. I often wonder if it was true that he ‘kept’ a former football player in the custom that he accustomed to, on the taxpayers dime. Maggie wasn’t talking, maybe she didn’t know. I read her books. Nothing in there about that. Anyone know?

          4. @ 5:43 pm Donna: as I see it…
            Under Lesage as Premier they wanted a new deal. Previously under Duplessis a lot of money in salaries was too concentrated to one group, for their liking. There were civil servants and Unions to keep happy. The money in question was going on land not the local economy. There was a big sell off. The lawyer involved was none other than Lucien Bouchard. You heard of him. Yes, that one. People fled. Réné Levesque was shaking cages. It all went down when they still reported most of the news.

            You’ll have to study it for your thesis. And that is it in a nutshell…sort of. They bombed mailboxes, kidnapped people and killed the Liberal Labor Leader Pierre Laporte. They enacted the War Measures Act, for two months and called it the ‘October Crisis’. Later, all Canadians had the French language forced down their throats. Quebeckers got more Federal jobs.

            They go to Florida now and speak English there, unless they’re in Hollywood FLA. while someone mails them their pokey. They drink light blue and smoke… something.

            They really love you, but pretend they don’t. Nothing personal. Just send the money. Just sayin’.

            P.S. Oh yes, I forgot, they aren’t into The Pill, they abort.


      So, should Iran invade the Gulf States, Germany would step right up to lead the military coalition, contributing a minimum of 100,000 Bundeswehr troops, strategic air- and sealift and all the operational-level C4I and logistics necessary to make victory over Tehran possible?

    1. Add spotify and youtube to that.
      All acting within 12 hours on Alex Jones consistent behaviour over the last what… 10, 20 years?

  9. Alex Jones is an asshole – that’s the part he plays, quite deliberately. In no way does he promote hate speech. I have never seen him even coming close. He has a large representation of black quests and half the 50 or so people that work for him are non-white or Hispanic. Their crime – supporting Trump. I suspect we might see the Sherman anti-trust laws pulled off the shelf to deal with internet monopolies. Unfortunately AG Jeff Sessions is so Phuuking stupid.

    1. The thought police hate what he says and how he says it. That’s good enough for their “community guidelines.”

      I sense overreach, again, by those who think they’ve chosen an easy target. Their last beating wasn’t severe enough?

      Too bad about the coincidental timing of their coerced censorship. Users and investors will not be amused; hit with less hits.

      1. They are clearly not the best and brightest. Not sure why anyone who could suddenly find their business regulated as a public utility (or broken up under anti trust laws) would think someone with the direct phone number to Trump would be an easy target when clearly coordinating behaviour illegally.

        One also wonders what a Texas jury might award the humble water filter salesman in a lawsuit, especially if they know the judgement will be paid by big California corporations.

        1. The other way works against them too – Twitface Goo, by censoring one side, and now saying they approve of the messages posted on their systems. So they should be able to be held legally liable for antifa or BLM events promoted/shared on their systems, and any violence resulting from them. Whether this would mean prosecutions as accessory to assaults, or accessory to murder (BLM’s assassinations), Zuckerberg would really look like a deer in the headlights in court.

          1. It may also threaten their safe harbour protection, if anyone wanted to go after them.

          2. Deplorable – yes, that was my point. By picking one side and saying that “those views are unacceptable” they are stating that they find the other viewpoints expressed to be acceptable. I suspect they’ll come to regret that choice.

    1. Oh dear! Oh Dear!!
      Should the Saudis or one of their proxy terrorist organizations attack our beloved CN Tower, the icon of Canadian goodness, I am afraid I should fret and dither, and will rest assured that the motive is unknown and the perpetrators appear to have no motivation, and are white. I shall NOT, NOT, succumb to Islamophobia!

      I shall, like the good Canadian is a Canadian I am, deplore the action, and mention that my thoughts and prayers are with the families of the victims, unless they were all white males ,in which case, f*** ’em,they deserved to die.

  10. Justin, about that 180…

    In January 2017 Trudeau tweeted “To those fleeing persecution, terror & war, Canadians will welcome you, regardless of your faith. Diversity is our strength #WelcomeToCanada”.

    Two months later the PMO office tweeted “Regardless of who you are or where you come from, there’s always a place for you in Canada.”

    Then the asylum seekers from Micronesia came knocking (these are the people put in purgatory by the evil Australians who have said no to unchecked immigration).

    “Asylum seekers have appealed for help for years, saying they don’t have access to proper medical aid, housing or education. There have been a reported five suicides.”

    According to a spokesman for the asylum seekers “After 5 years of living here the main problem is about our future, because the government of Australia using us as political matters and playing with our life and future,”

    In July 2018 the Canadian Immigration Minister MacMillan wrote “While a small number of cases have been assisted through the Private Sponsorship of Refugees Program, at the present time, Canada is not in a position to resettle government-supported refugees from these islands. IRCC has and continues to actively monitor the ongoing situation in recognition of the vulnerabilities faced by refugees on Nauru and Manus Islands. I regret that a more positive reply cannot be provided.”


    Meanwhile the asylum seekers tweet on “we are desperate for help”.

    In another world the NDP say “Canada was a beacon of hope to refugees with the Syrian refugee initiative resulting from images of the Alan Kurdi tragedy, but after this one time lift in the refugee resettlement numbers, Canada has reduced the Government Assisted Refugee targets back to 7,600 only and has put a cap on the privately-sponsored stream even though there are more Canadians who are ready, willing and able to help privately sponsor additional refugees.” … which is probably true but I fear Justin Trudeau wants to get re-elected.

    This is the same group of people that Obama agreed to take many of but Trump killed the deal. And now, tragically, the Canadian beacon of hope has been turned off as worried politicians prepare for the next election and start listening to their constituents (for a short period of time).

  11. A little background on the Saudis shutting out Canada.

    In 2012 Canada was trying to negotiate the release of a Saudi blogger who had criticized Saudi clerics and was subsequently arrested, convicted and sentenced to 1,000 lashes and 10 years in jail.

    The family, while not Canadian, had been living in Quebec at the time. Badawi’s wife and children are still in Quebec trying to secure the release of their father/husband through the Canadian government.


    And some more…from a 2015 CBC article…

    In a letter obtained by CBC News and addressed to the speaker, the ambassador writes Saudi Arabia “does not accept any form of interference in its internal affairs.”

    “The Kingdom does not accept at all any attack on it in the name of human rights, especially when its constitution is based on Islamic law, which guarantees human rights (sic),” the letter, dated March 10, reads.

    Badawi, 32, was the editor of the website Saudi Arabian Liberals when he was arrested in 2012. The site criticised religious authorities.

    He was sentenced to 10 years, 1,000 lashes and a fine of one million Saudi riyals, or nearly $287,000. He has already received 50 lashes but subsequent whippings have been postponed, some for medical reasons and others for unknown reasons.


    The website “Saudi Arabian Liberals”…

    Refugees, who are currently living in Quebec…

  12. Mohammed has had a movement.


    “Saudi Arabia’s bold move has nothing to do with Canada
    BESSMA MOMANI” (g-m)


    “Saudi Arabia to withdraw all Saudi students studying at Canadian schools

    The desert country has expelled Canada’s ambassador and frozen new trade deals in a growing dispute over the Canadian government’s criticism of human-rights violations in the Islamic Kingdom”


    1. I can’t help but think that the Saudi actions are about much more than a criticism about human rights. Is it possible that something deeper is involved? Check Buddy’s link above to Spencer Fernando.

      1. Don’t forget that Trump and the Saudis are new besties, and Trump has decided to make an example of Justin Competent. What happens if Saudi oil is cut off to Eastern Canada at a critical time (election anyone?) and we have no pipeline to ship them Canadian oil?

    2. Here is Justhins chance to bring sunni islam to heel or look like a coward and slither away under the pressure of the saudis business partners/vassals in the west.. ….snicker

  13. re JJM comment at 240 pm, quote

    “The War Measures Act was repealed in 1988. It was replaced by the Emergencies Act, which is a much more limited act with none of the sweeping powers of the former.”

    The Liberal government has a majority. Can they pass new legislation giving them any of the powers of the War Measures Act. The Turdeaus have a history of admiring leftist totalitarian dictators. That is what the left does: get in power and then change the laws.

    Recently the government said to all those who want government funding for student jobs that you have to sign an attestation saying you SUPPORT the Liberal view of certain issues.
    If they are re-elected maybe you’ll see them pass a regulation saying you have to sign an attestation to get your income tax refund. For example: I support Canada’s position on accepting refugees. etc.
    They may act slowly or a bit faster. I could see Liberals pass a new War Measures Act. In the name of ensuring social justice.

    1. “Can they pass new legislation giving them any of the powers of the War Measures Act?”

      Probably not.

      Because they’d be hoist with their own petard: the Supreme Court of Canada (the temporary powers of the former War Measures Act are not “Charter-proof”).

      1. @4:38 JJM & Joe:

        If I may, the Liberals could do what the U.N. wants as we are a Post – National piece of World Territory.

        If worse comes to it, they will blame Mulroney who was P.M. in 1988.

      2. It would take a long time to get to the supreme court. And if there was an unfavourable ruling, they’d pass a different law with the same effect.

        1. @ 12:56 August 7 Joe :

          Great discourse re: the War Measures Act, I had no idea it was replaced with the Emergencies Act in 1988. What a silly name though. Sounds like one should call an ambulance or the Fire Department.

          Smiles from Nancy

  14. Dinosaur Death Watch.


    “Reap what you sow

    At a Washington press briefing the other day, CNN’s Jim Acosta, a particular and regular object of Donald Trump’s enmity, asked White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders how the US president could possibly describe the press as “the enemy of the people” — a misquotation, apparently. Her answer was typically blunt, noting among other points that she now requires Secret Service protection. She also inspired American blogger Andrew Klavan to expand on her theme. He might just as easily have been speaking about Australia’s media:

    “The fact is, having a group of people scream at you and denigrate you is exactly what it feels like to be in America — if you don’t happen to be a coastal elite.

    It has felt this way for the last twenty years at least. Every television show you watch, every movie, every woman’s magazine, every comedian, and, yes, every news program tells you you suck.

    Your country sucks. Your culture sucks. Your religion and your morals suck. And you personally are one of those dumb-ass racists who clings to his Bible and talks funny.

    If you believe your country should vet its immigrants, you’re racist. If you voted for Donald Trump, you’re racist. If you make a joke about Barack Obama on Facebook, you’re racist twice. If you think motherhood is a woman’s highest calling, you’re sexist. If you take it ill when Islamists blow you up in the name of their nasty little god, you’re Islamophobic. If you know that a man is a man even if he says he’s a woman, you’re transphobic. If you think it’s fair to debate whether homosexual actions are moral or not, you’re homophobic.

    Every day. From every outlet. All the time. And now people are angry. Wonder why.

    The Acosta-Sanders exchange can be viewed in full via this link or the one below.

    Continue reading…”


  15. PET POT Cemetery Report.

    Fake news, aka pravdian propaganda, from the leftist MSM.

    >>> “Canada’s prime minister may get a slight boost at home for his support of women’s rights.”

    >>> Behold MSM Bloomberg’s fake headline.


    >>> “Saudi Blowback Over Women’s Rights Gives Trudeau a Boost”

    “Trudeau’s push for women’s rights draws rebuke from Saudis

    Standoff is latest setback for Trudeau’s ‘sunny ways’ abroad”


    1. Garbage. This is wishful thinking by Liberal supporters. They may also be trying to deflect criticism from Conservatives. You can stand up for women’s rights without creating a significant international incident. So far the media seems to like to paint Justin’s screw-ups (insulting Trump, NAFTA, Saudi Arabia) as political wins. That is a complete fantasy, and I do not believe thinking Canadians will buy it. Let’s call a spade a spade. Justin and his team do not know what they are doing. Politics involves more than virtue signaling.

  16. Mohammed is hurling-spitting its wrath-venom at Stupid Liberal Justine.

    We await your reply, SLJustine.


    “With echoes of 9/11, pro-government Saudi Twitter account posts image of plane flying towards Toronto skyline”

    “The account posted later that the image had not been intended to refer to the 2001 attacks and apologized for its ‘inappropriate’ tweet”

    “Amid a diplomatic spat between Saudi Arabia and Canada, a pro-government Saudi Twitter account shared — and then deleted — a digitally altered image that appeared to show a plane flying toward the skyline of Toronto.

    The image, shared by the account @infographic_ksa, was accompanied by a message in English that contained the saying “He who interferes with what doesn’t concern him finds what doesn’t please him.” The text “sticking one’s nose where it doesn’t belong!” was also superimposed over the image.”


    1. I hope the Saudi’s will come to understand that Montreal is more important to Justine than Toronto.

  17. A claim the ads were satirical were met with silence, and censorship, to preserve freedom from inconvenient expression.

    “Facebook has banned Republican congressional candidate Elizabeth Heng’s campaign video ad about communist crimes that led her family to flee Cambodia for the U.S., claiming the platform doesn’t allow “shocking, disrespectful, or sensational” content. ”

    No, not at all.


  18. Pumped hydro is a SCAM. It is the political equivalent to a perpetual motion machine. When it costs more
    to pump water to a higher level using electrical energy than the energy generated at the back end by running
    it back through the turbines, it is nothing more than a pipe-dream! It is far less efficient than the notoriously
    inefficient solar and wind power schemes.

    I once heard an environmental nitwit on a talk radio program hyping Hydrogen fuel cell powered cars. His
    nocturnal penile tumescence (wet dream) was to use water to crack Hydrogen using mini cracking plants in
    every garage in America. This takes a crap-load of energy! He put forth the idea that these cracking plants
    could provide energy to the electrical grid while the car was being refueled during off-peak hours. I am all
    for distributed energy concepts, so long as they apply to CoGen plants and nuclear energy. This moron’s
    concept is even more insane and inefficient than pumped hydro!

    1. South of 34 @ 9:32 Just type away, the spacing will take care of itself. If you wish to start a new paragraph, then double arrow and you’ll be a much happier typist. If you have a very long word to type don’t worry about it, it’ll go to the next line automatically for you. No one helped me, I had to self teach. Still going crazy.

      Good post tho. Must have drove you crazy!

      See you around, buddy.
