25 Replies to “Great Moments In Socialism”

  1. “Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.” — H. L. Mencken

    Do not interfere. Do not be an enabler of socialism by giving to food banks. If a person does not have a family to help, then maybe the purposeful destruction of the family by socialism will be walked back.

    Or not. Either way, let socialists suffer for schemes they have plotted. Let anyone who went along to get along see how that turns out for them.

  2. I am wondering how long it will take for one of the enablers to come on here and type “but you have to help people”.

    How do you think the destruction of the family was accomplished?
    It was not a single thing.
    Anything that puts “community” between the individual and his family, is part of the problem.
    The care of your elderly relatives is your responsibility; not that of the state.
    The education of your children is your responsibility; not that of the state.
    The discipline of your children is your responsibility; the state shall have no say in the methods you choose.
    If your cousin has no food and no shelter, that is your responsibility first; not the food bank’s, not habitat for humanity’s, not the government’s.

    If you want the family to be restored as the primary building block of civilization, then you have to fight for that.

    Or, you can give up.

    1. The people who can’t depend on their families to help them are invariably the ones whose families concluded they weren’t worth trying to help.

      The Lord will always provide what a man needs. In the end, that all too often is a prison cell, because the man has demonstrated, repeatedly and beyond doubt to anybody who’s had much to do with him, that he will never be anything but a burden or danger to society except in an environment where he has no choice but to do exactly what someone else tells him to do.

      Socialism’s model for society is a prison camp, insane asylum, or a cult compound à la Jonestown, where a few jailers, doctors or cult leaders make all the decisions. For those who truly can’t function outside a prison or an asylum, I suppose it must seem attractive.

      The rest of us are much better off on the outside, with the socialists and their fellow lost souls under lock and key, out of sight and blissfully out of mind.

  3. CITGO has a judgement against it from Canadian gold miner Crystallex of $1.4 billion US, Venezuela’s PDVSA can’t bail it out, only selling parts will do that.
    Note that Crystallex didn’t actually mine any gold in Venezuela, it was only a contract allowing them to develop the gold fields, something of a pipe dream as this has gone on for decades with a few other companies.

    and… CITGO has been used by the Venezuela Gov’t as collateral against some Russian loans, and anyone else that has lost sums in Venezuela in the past 20 years is going to line up behind Crystallex… China is owed large sums of future production by PDVSA and as a result of falling production has no way of paying out of this debt hole in the next decade. (Venezuela has lost more than 2/3 of its oil production in the past few years, with no way of accessing credit to rebuild this lost production).


    “A U.S. federal judge authorized the seizure of Citgo Petroleum Corp. to satisfy a Venezuelan government debt, a ruling that could set off a scramble among Venezuela’s many unpaid creditors to wrest control of its only obviously seizable U.S. asset.

    Judge Leonard P. Stark of the U.S. District Court in Wilmington, Del., issued the ruling Thursday. However, his full opinion, which could include conditions or impose further legal hurdles, was sealed. A redacted version is expected to be available at a later date.

    The court order raises the likelihood that Venezuela’s state oil company, Petroleos de Venezuela SA, will lose control of a valuable external asset amid the country’s deepening economic and political crisis . The decision could still be appealed to a higher, federal court.

    Attorneys for PdVSA weren’t available for comment. Citgo declined to comment.

    Crystallex International Corp., a defunct Canadian gold miner that filed the legal action, is trying to collect on a judgment over lost mining rights involving Venezuela’s government. It has targeted Citgo, an oil refiner, because this is the largest U.S. asset of the cash-strapped and crisis-riven country.

    Many other creditors of Venezuela are also circling Citgo, but Crystallex is the first to win a judgement authorizing its seizure. Crystallex had argued that Citgo was ultimately owned by PdVSA, which is an “alter ego” of Venezuela that is liable for the South American country’s debts. The judge’s decision in favor of Crystallex allows it to take control of shares of Citgo’s U.S.-based parent company, the first step toward a sale of the company.”

    1. There are many/most better minds than mine here.. Could we be trudeau’ed into this situation?

  4. Yeah, these are the virtues of socialism.

    Growing up in a socialist paradise run by communists, there was hunger.
    Not starvation, you got generally enough to supply your body with nutrition.
    Like in the army. You can call this a firsthand account.
    We got the food we needed for the day. The “soviet experts and scientists” decided for the whole Warsaw pact that a soldier needs 250 grams of meat a day.
    If yer body need more, you were out of luck or you got your parents to send you some salami or what have you.
    You got fed three times a day. If you were hungry as can be expected with different sizes, metabolisms and all the variables of how individual human body works, you could always get yourself a slice of bread with jam and sometimes a cup of milk in between, that was available in the mess hall.
    Other than that your meal for the day was it.
    The “soviet experts and scientists” determined that you will not upraise with that limit. As it turned out they may have been right.
    They did not mix any meal with some nefarious stuff. The food supply was bought by a drafted guy that has had some experience on the subject. Your agent, as every other soldier have done their part in kitchen. The cook was a draftee.

    In civilian life you spent most of your earnings on food that was available and in season.
    For meat, milk and bread my mom would get up at 5 o’clock in the morning most week days to stand in line before the store opened so she could buy the stuff.
    I understand that some will not believe it, so be it.
    It is not my intention to change anybody’s mind, just let you know how the socialist paradise works.

    Can’t say it was as bad as Venezuela, though as it is with all improvements in socialism, you can see the results.
    And as it is with the rulers, in countries ruled by communists of earlier times, they perhaps did not own any palaces though those were for their exclusive rent free use.
    The proletariat “owned” those even though they could never put their foot on the ground.

    Yeah, the socialist paradise has improved with age. The result is Venezuela.
    The next step is show trials and theatrics like the drone episode. That can start the ball rolling.

    1. So then … the Venezuelan Army is marching on its (nearly) empty stomachs ? Tic tock …

    2. read a paperback by someone else who went thru the huge queues and such, describing the tricks, ploys, resourcefulness, skullduggery and how VITAL it was to get membershit in the communist party.
      oh it was a grand old party that, fun fun fun.

      next phase for venezuela, sad to say, cannibalism.

      still no word from the exalted Ms N Klein, president and CEO of the ‘chavez experiment’ fan club. stoooopid leftoid c*nt.

  5. You can’t make a good burrito without fresh burro. Maybe we could send them some of our sacred wild horses.
    I’ve heard the secret’s in the sauce.

    1. There’s that old saying, “Hunger is the best sauce.” E.g. it made tough, stinky burro meat popular table fare in Venezuela.

  6. Here is further proof of my long-held contention that the best way to eviscerate leftarded ideologies is to lay them bare in public, FORMAL debates.

    Shapiro is doing almost exactly what I have been asking for by publicly calling out a socialist leftard to a forum where emotional pleas and personal attacks are both impotent strategies and knowledge of fact is what rules the day. The left would be exposed as the series of fraudulent, empty intellectual shells they truly are….

    Ben Shapiro, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez spar after he offers $10,000 to debate her democratic socialist beliefs


    “Not only am I eager to discuss the issues with you, I’m willing to offer $10,000 to your campaign, today, for you to come on our Sunday special,” he continued. “We can have an hour long conversation about all the topics under the sun, really probe your belief system.”

    I hope whatever conservative news sources are left relentlessly mock her for her ignorance of the real world, her general cowardice and her disgusting selfishness in denying some worthwhile charity $10,000. Let alone her refusal to come clean with the electorate on the ugliness of what her and Sanders truly represent.

  7. The millennials and echoes have been raised to think socialism = social justice and nothing else is acceptable.

    But they haven’t a clue about socialism’s body count, they think progressivism is tweaked liberalism – when they think at all.

    Like all generations, they need a tough test, like a war, or depression, or escalating taxes when they finally make good money.

  8. Look on the leftist bright side: soon everyone in Venezuela will be a vegetarian!
    I’m sure Naomi Klein and the NDP think this is wonderful.

  9. “…where large sectors of the population are being forced to pick through garbage and slaughter domestic animals to sate their hunger.”
    “The upside of socialism” has a nice ring to it.

    Socialism is when you have to pick through mice droppings to find kernels of grain.

    Lev, I believe you.

    1. The wonderful world of socialism. And the NDP think Venezuela is a great example of successful socialism.
      Now if we could only send Elizabeth May down there to convince them all that hydrocarbons are bad, we’d have the perfect Green utopia.
