Why Didn’t She Just Cross Illegally?

On Wednesday I interviewed Jacquie Scott on the radio. She is the Scottish mother of a Canadian born boy. She lost her work visa when she took time off work to look after her high needs son.

Now that the son is doing better and she wants to work, Trudeau’s Liberals are refusing a work permit. You’ll want to listen to this story but a warning, it might make you angry. You’ll also wonder why won’t just walk across the border.

12 Replies to “Why Didn’t She Just Cross Illegally?”

  1. “You’ll also wonder why won’t just walk across the border.”

    Because she’s white and they would set the hounds on her and throw her ass back accoss the border.

    1. Yeah, I was just going to say that. White woman, they’ll drop a fricking planet on her. She’s a legit target for a bureaucracy to flex on. Give her a tan, they won’t touch her.

      Incidentally for y’all “read until offended” types, this is not a criticism of ethnic minorities. I’m not saying they should be pernicious and horrible to black people by preference.

      I’m saying they are going to exert all their frustration on the white woman, and never even look at a non-white, because politics. And that is fascism, pure and simple.

  2. – And not only that – her son is a WHITE MALE! OH, THE HORROR!!!!!!


    And if anybody else is wondering why our government won’t take-in the white South African farmers, this pretty well sums it up…

  3. Both of the above comments are right. That is the reality today and any questions are met by epithet charges of bigotry and racism.

    Maxime is right.

  4. Sorry! But, what is the meaning here?

    >>> “You’ll also wonder why won’t just walk across the border.”

  5. It is official Canadian government policy, the same as in every other Euro Western Country to destroy the white race. They are purposely flooding their countries with non-white migrants in order to destroy the white race. It doesn’t matter whether it’s liberal , leftist or conservative governments in all white Western countries.

    It is the only possible explanation as to what our governments are doing.

    1. You are 100% bang on th buck with that …. it should be obvious to even the most obtuse that this is, and has been the plan all along.

      Population Replacement….to reduce White everything & Anything.
      Climate Change…..to ensure Energy Poverty for said Whites
      And only in Western Hemisphere Nations.

      Fascism indeed.

    2. look…there’s a very simple solution to all this….all the white people become muslims

      1. Under Islam the female Liberal cabinet can stay at home and only go out with “voluntary” full face coverings. Abortions will be banned as un-Islamic. First nations will not be allowed to dance – it too would be un-Islamic.

          1. – And I’m sure our Prime Minister would LOVE to model all the fashions for us, like he did in India…
