33 Replies to “August 26, 2018: Reader Tips”

  1. Excellent article by Dean Tea in The Post Millennial

    “Conservative governments don’t deserve praise for simply undoing Liberal policies
    Conservative governments by and large fail to do anything to change the fundamental role played by government in society.

    All this being said, it’s no wonder that there is a growing and increasingly vocal constituent of conservative leaning voters who are disillusioned and dubious of Conservative politicians’ actual commitment to their oft repeated and seemingly empty platitudes of small government and lower taxes. As mainstream conservative parties across the country pay lip service to these ideas while in opposition but fail to put them into practice in government, there certainly seems to be a role to be played by a more radically principled free market conservative party, as recently suggested by Maxime Bernier.”


    1. For example:
      I was so impressed with Stephen Harper. Alligators everywhere and still a majority. Look out. Change a coming.
      Change essentially being caretaker Liberal Government(although much more competent admittedly), accompanied by boutique tax cuts.(most already Liberalized)
      Then complete surrender to the Witless One. Followed by the cloak of invisibility.
      Now, I understand that our system deliberately precludes a Trump. Or resistance at all actually. Poor Max. About to find out what it feels like to lead a charge and turn around and find that everyone has disappeared like a Liberal without an expense account(do they exist?) when the check comes.
      But it sure would be nice if Stephen Harper rediscovered his gonads and verbally eviscerated the real enemy of the Canadian people …. and particularly Their Media.
      Payback is all about timing.
      Release the Steve!!!

      1. I wonder where we’d be now if Stephen Harper decided not to frigg off and stayed on as CPC for the good of the nation.

        Assuming of course the cannibal conservatives didn’t oust him once they were done helping defeat him.

        Where would he and the CPC be in the polls? 40%? 50%?

        No way to know, but it’s a safe bet UnMe and Andrew would be still be institutionalized, on the floor in the fetal position and eating flies while incomprehensibly muttering about income trusts and Harper not being conservative “enough.”

        Anyway, that didn’t happen and we did get the muttering, but I think it’s a nice thought.

      1. Fascinating. Knowing the maximum range of a police car on the highway is quite a game changer for those who don’t want to pull over for Johnny Law.

        Also it’ll make a lovely car-b-q someday when somebody tries to ram it.

        Last but not least, I’d be wary of criminals hiding shivs in the panel gaps.

  2. AGW FAIL.

    “beset vessels”.

    “80 and 90 of the passengers will fly from the remote Arctic coastline community back to Yellowknife in the Northwest Territories.”


    “Passengers on grounded Arctic cruise ship to be flown back to Yellowknife”

    “KUGAARUK, Nunavut – RCMP say passengers from an Arctic cruise ship that ran aground Friday morning will be flown back south.

    Cpl. Serge Yelle of the Kugaruuk detachment says he expects between 80 and 90 of the passengers will fly from the remote Arctic coastline community back to Yellowknife in the Northwest Territories.

    All of the passengers were safely transferred from the grounded ship to a sister cruise ship and are expected back in Kugaruuk later today.”



    “Northwest Passage Icebound”

    ““CCG icebreakers cannot safely escort pleasure craft.” At least 22 vessels affected and several have turned back to Greenland, according to Daria Blackwell of oceancruiseclub.org.

    Daria also posted this release from NORDREG CANADA, a branch of the Canadian Coast Guard.”

    “Good morning,

    Due to heavier than normal ice concentrations in the Canadian arctic waters north of 70 degrees, the Canadian Coast Guard, recommends that pleasure craft do not navigate in the Beaufort Sea, Barrow, Peel Sound, Franklin Strait and Prince Regent.

    CCG icebreakers cannot safely escort pleasure craft.

    Operators of pleasure craft considering a northwest passage should also consider the risk of having to winter in a safe haven in the Arctic,

    or in the case of an emergency, be evacuated from beset vessels.”




    1. LOL nothing like being stuck in the ice in August. I guess the shipping barge season is done.

      1. Darwin Award. Walk, you f&ckers, Franklin did! With history read since, you should have been prepared for it. Don’t send the bill to me to fly your lazy yuppie azz outta there.
        There should be an upfront fee to venture up there on a jaunt, made just so you can beat your chest back down south. $100,000 each minimum deposit to cover what it costs to pry your carcass out of the ice. Non refundable.

    1. This is disgusting. I used to spend time wondering how to unwind the dairy cartel while keeping the industry stable, after this and how these assholes might cost us our whole country I don’t care anymore, let the dairy cartel burn.

  3. AGW FAIL.

    EU’s socialism disguised as environmentalism.


    “Electric, hybrid and low-emission cars
    Electric cars exceed 1m in Europe as sales soar by more than 40%” (grauniad)


    “Near Record Lows Set Across Central Europe…Snow Blankets Alps Below 1000 Meters…Surface Frost In Germany!”

    “Parts of Europe woke up to near record low temperatures, snow and surface frost this morning as cold air swept across the continent from the north.

    Just a couple of weeks ago the climate ambulance chasers were hysterically crying climate wolf as much of the continent baked at high temperatures under drought conditions. But now the weather pattern pendulum has swung to the opposite side, for the time being.

    “Almost 30 cm of fresh snow”

    This morning Europeans across France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria and Italy woke up to near record low temperatures with snow blanketing some regions in the Alps.”


  4. https://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2018/08/25/conservatives-birthright-citizenship_a_23509388/?ncid=tweetlnkcahpmg00000002

    Determined to find an emotional issue the media can use against them until Hell freezes over,the CPC decides to not give anchor babies automatic citizenship. They were doing fairly well,but at the last moment,someone in the Party hierarchy decided they just HAD to bring in an issue that will have the Left screaming “racists,fascists” at every campaign stop on the trail in 2019.

    Odd, but they never made a resolution that they’d rescind the handgun theft that’s about to happen,or promise to financially compensate legal handgun owners for their loss. perhaps they don’t support private ownership of handguns either,just like the other three Parties.

    1. “…just like the other three Parties.”

      And that, Don Morris, could be the motto for Scheer and his sheep.

    2. Well if history has taught anything it’s that it would not make one jot of difference what policy the CPC put on paper, the usual suspects will call it some kind of “ist” or “ism”, it’s just what they do.
      The hurdle to get over is when the media starts carrying the meme, the CPC won’t run away from that position.
      The correct response is:
      “No I’m not anti-immigrant, and this policy is not anti-immigrant, this is about enforcement of the immigration law on the books before the current government took office.
      Why don’t you ask Justin Trudeau, if he thinks our laws are racist, ask him which ones and why hasn’t he used the majority he currently has to change them and if not why not.”

    1. I caught a bit of the CBC newsfeed this morning while waiting in the airport departure lounge when I an item about Glasgow. Apparently, the city’s website has been scrubbed of all references to native son Sir John A. Macdonald, blaming him for having established the residential school system, or something like that.
