Russia! Russia! Russia?


Related – Scott Adams on “mutually assured destruction”.

27 Replies to “Russia! Russia! Russia?”

  1. I’ve thought all along it wasn’t Russia….it was China…..or at best….both….but China is better at it

    I also agree with Trump….global warming is a China scam

      1. Bob Rae’s “Uncle” Mo is no longer in the land of the living. It’s unfortunate for him he didn’t live to see his dream come true, the collapse of all industrialized nations. All this while he lived in China where it’s people have to wear masks because of the pollution.

        1. I was gonna say … he DID live in hades … based on the images I’ve seen of “modern” Beijing.

      2. Maurice Strong was from Oak Lake Ont and on born April 29 1929 and passed on Nov 27 2015 in Ottawa at the age of 86.

    1. My sister thinks (and I agree) that as more people realize that “global warming” is a scam, that the next big scam will be plastic in the ocean – again brought to you by the good people who run China. She told me that the president of the World Wildlife Fund makes $ 700,00/year. If this is true (more than the President of the United States), it is in their best interests to keep the money flowing to their coffers – you know, to clean up the plastic in the ocean.

  2. The point here is that the “security agencies” know everything about the politicians and probably everybody else.
    Hell, they are probably reading this and know who it is that is writing.
    The difference is that there is no profit in attacking a retired guy.
    There is a lot of profit, though also a loss, to attack a politician the higher up the better. Remember they are all lawyers, there is no bad publicity for the bottom feeders.
    They spy while working against the law.
    The politicians usually leave them alone, lest the spooks go public, round about way.
    Trump does not care. He gives it and expect punches back.
    He though, is in charge, it’s his call.

  3. Nothing will be about Hillary’s crimes because they lead directly to the anointed one … the head Simian and his Sasquatch wife. And his planet of the apes adviser Susie Rice.

  4. It only matters when Trump doesn’t do it by they think he did.

    All the other abuses of power are acts of patriots saving their party, I mean country.

  5. This is where Jeff Sessions needs to step up. There IS a growing and serious concern in mainstream America that there is a dual system of justice. Sessions doesn’t need to give any details, but the public needs to know if:
    1- There is still an ongoing investigation into the Clinton email issue.
    2- There is an ongoing investigation into the substantively reported “laundering” of campaign funds by the Clinton team. (FEC responsibility, with DOJ oversight.) Note: Trump is accused by some as having illegally used a couple hundred thousand in campaign funds. Hillary is accused of illegally using $84 million. Which one more merits the use of DOJ resources?
    3- There is an active investigation into the purported FISA court abuses.
    4- There are ongoing investigations into the issues brought into the public discourse by the Horowitz probe.
    5- There is an ongoing investigation regarding the reasonable suspicions of tax fraud at the Clinton Foundation.

    Even just a little daylight on any three of the above would be beneficial to the state of public discourse in the US right now.

    1. It’s becoming clear that if the Russians and Chinese had any dirt on Clinton, they would suppress it, because they wanted her for POTUS. If they had anything damaging on Trump, it would have come out long ago; he is now their bane.

      I doubt Hillary was stupid enough to have incriminating email connections between her office and the Clinton Foundation.

      But then again, on IT she seems stupid as a post, so you never know. This may yet come back and bite her hard.

      Imho Hillary started the whole Russia investigation, so good on them.

      But, why does it keep getting worse – for the Democrats?
      Russia, Russia, Russia kooks like Brennan project their own guilty minds and collusion with Russia, imho.

  6. Time for the DNC, Mueller, and the Oppo Media to … pivot … to China. Hmmm … that sounds so familiar … now who would have done such a thing? I amuse myself (about a dead serious topic).

  7. “A second source briefed on the matter told Fox News that officials outside of the FBI indicated code on the Clinton server suggested a foreign source was receiving copies of emails in real time.”

    Not one piece of evidence aside from anonymous sources. FAKE NEWS

    (Gotta be consistent with your logic, right?)

    1. The Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG) found that virtually all of Clinton’s emails were sent to a “foreign entity”

      Reading comprehension was never your strong suit … nor much anyone on the left. Consistency, and logic are EXACTLY what separates right from left.

      1. Still not seeing any evidence…

        In fact:

        Two officials with the ICIG, investigator Frank Rucker and attorney Janette McMillan, met repeatedly with FBI officials to warn them of the Chinese intrusion, according to a former intelligence officer with expertise in cybersecurity issues, who was briefed on the matter. He spoke anonymously, as he was not authorized to publicly address the Chinese’s role with Clinton’s server.

        It’s just anonymous sources the whole way down.

        1. Yeah, and we’re all waiting for the details on the US/Mexico trade deal. WTF is your point?

          Anonymous sources from the left are usually faked news, that must be where your dissonance lies.

          Funny how the non-CNN et al conspirators are right more often and not. I know, you don’t find that funny.

          Again, time will expose the usual obfuscation of suppress, suppress, insult, air brush, then claim of it’s “old news.”

          I’m fine with that. You’re not? Who cares.

          1. Fully embracing the confirmation bias eh? I see you’ve finally abandoned any semblance of objectivity. Best of luck to you.

  8. SHE has a long history of spoon-feeding American secrets to China. I believe this is consistent with her Ayers/Alinski tutelage. SHE has demonstrated a lifelong, college-sophomoric, belief that if America’s military advantages were eliminated, then the world would become a more “peaceful” place. No other than the NYT’s appears to endorse my theory …

    In the wake of HER (and Billy-Bob’s) Chinese Nuclear Spy scandal … the NYT’s finds a “silver lining” in the wake of the devestating loss of secrets and military advantage … more nuclear bans. Yes, this is what passes for HER version of “3d chess”. Eliminate America’s military advantage … then sue for “peace”.

    What is missing from this current China-hacking scandal is WHO placed the malware on her server? Her (FBI immunized and exonerated) IT consultant? The DNC’s Pakistani IT specialists? Dianne Feinstein’s Chinese “driver”-spy?

    SHE is the single most subversive agent ever embedded in America’s political institutions … followed closely by Dianne Feinstein and husband Richard Blum.

    1. ▪ At 2:56 Rich W

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  9. I continue to be impressed with Mr Adam’s grasp of humahn nature, both in his cartoons and postings.
    beware the chirese. beware. they play by different rules. they have been refining and perfecting them for 5000 years.
    beware the chirese.
