Galt Pipelines

Federal Court of Appeal quashes construction approvals for Trans Mountain, leaving project in limbo

In the decision released Thursday, and written by Justice Eleanor Dawson, the court found the National Energy Board’s assessment of the project was so flawed that it should not have been relied on by the federal cabinet when it gave final approval to proceed in November 2016.
The certificate approving construction and operation of the project has been nullified, leaving the project in legal limbo until the energy regulator and the government reassess their approvals to satisfy the court’s demands.
In effect, the court has halted construction of the 1,150-kilometre project indefinitely.
Now, the Liberal government is the owner of a proposed pipeline project that could be subject to years of further review.

Well, then.

139 Replies to “Galt Pipelines”

  1. Trump’s gotta love how his lackey l’petit patate is doing sooo much to help Make America Great Again! Bigly applause well earned…now you can keep your money gouging supply managed eastern dairy. Does anyone think the timing of the ruling’s a bit interesting given the Friday NAFTA negotiation deadline?

  2. AGW RIP.


    “BREAKING: Rachel Notley Pulling Alberta Out Of Trudeau Government National Climate Plan”

    “She made a huge mistake by trusting Trudeau in the first place.

    The Trudeau Liberals have lost yet another province in the federal climate plan.

    In the wake of the federal court ruling shutting down the expansion of the Trans Mountain pipeline, Alberta Premier Rachel Notley says she’s pulling Alberta out of the federal government climate plan.”

    1. All she has said is she won’t INCREASE the carbon tax…..the one in existence will stay. More noise from Notley.

    2. Interesting…

      So getting re-elected is more important than their cult hierarchy… more important than what they say they believe…

      They are all for sale; FOB.

      Friend of Bill.

  3. Well, Red Rachel has pulled out of Trudopes Climate Change Plan.

    And the wheels on the bus keep falling off, falling off, FALLING off!

    FYI, all knowing Keith Baldrey of Global says the pipeline isn’t dead, there’s still a path for approval, to consult a little more with natives, until the new year.

    So 9months of chatting up the dysfunctional reserve dwellers wasn’t enough…….9 months, look what that gave birth to!

    1. Well not really….”The premier said the decision reached Thursday has no impact on Alberta’s own climate-change plan, or on the carbon tax her government introduced on Jan. 1, 2017, and raised a year later. ” So Albertans are still getting screwed by this Bolshevik. Alberta would pull out of Trudeau’s stupid climate change plan when the NDP get kicked to the curb next year in any event.

      1. Yes, so it turns out. Figures though, she’s a socialist kleptocrat. Besides, her current position is rapidly expiring. Let’s just enjoy her world slowly dwindling down, while Trudope’s world is collapsing all around him.
        Wonder where REd rach’s threat of turning off the taps to BC went? If she REALLY meant it, she would have also announced that today, to really put the screws to BC. Shows it was just more posturing on her part.
        And yes, I’m in BC

  4. I haven’t seen it said here explicitly, (maybe it’s too obvious) but it seems to me as a foreigner that the environmental leftists have won a round by getting the government to buy out Kinder Morgan. Did they see that having the government in charge of the project provided an advantageous position with respect to blocking its progress more effectively, with higher confidence? Was that the strategy all along? Certainly the present government seems much more sympathetic to this tactic. Again, apologies if I’m stating the obvious. All I can say is: Juthtin is certainly proving himself to be an effective inspiration to voters. Good luck.

    1. That seems to be the underlying, alterior motive of Trudope, saying one thing, doing another. Based on his past campaigning and speeches, he was against the oil sands and pipelines, except when he was for them. His Chief of Staff, Gerry Butts, was head of the Canadian WWF, and before that, principle secretary of McGuinty’s corrupt and failing Ontario government. Butts is a radical environmentalist. He is the defacto PM of Canada..
      On top of that, the natives show their true colours as well. No matter how much reconciliation and money is thrown their way, they still HATE western culture, and whitey. Their goal is to reverse the tables, and have all of society as their slaves, serving them. Its time to stop apologizing to them, and attempting to placate them with more money. That doesnt work, clearly. Instead, dig up their access roads at the edge of all their reserves.

      This country is on the verge of self-destruction, thanks to the BANANA crowd (build absolutely nothing anywhere near anything) and Trudope’s totally misplayed and “too cute by half” NAFTA negotiations. He totally boxed himself into a corner, and again, will make the majority of Canadians pay for his corruption and ineptitude. Hell, Jerry Dias of Unifor, turns out, is one of his crack negotiators for NAFTA. A fkcing marxist. This country is doomed, all to save a few thousand millionaire dairy farmers.
      We need a famine, and a major recession.

      1. Hey DanBC. You will only have to drive a couple hundred miles east to find that famine and Depression.

  5. Haven’t had the chance to read everything yet, but it may not be the end. They may have to go out and consult on the particulars mentioned in the court docs, but that would be the extent of it and then the FN’s must also meaningful engage as well. I never particularly liked the NEB process anyways, far to “court like” and creates a more adversarial approach. Hell they kept telling pipeline companies they didn’t have to do a environmental screening to repair a pipeline crossing, despite the fact that they did have to, because we administered portions of the NEBA which triggered those review. Despite being told that they were giving wrong information, they refused to change. My respect for the organization dwindled rapidly after that.

  6. Liberals are the only people who could starve to death in a fully stocked grocery store. What a country.

  7. According to Peeairs Courts we’re all second class citizens to the Indians… a country of “group rights” has always meant that some (francos/Indians etc) are more equal than others, as intended. The Rockafellers and Tom Steyer must be laughing their bags off at how easy and relatively cheap it was to shut down a whole nation. Peeairs country is a racist shithole…. as he intended.

  8. So whats the score this morning as the clock ticks down to the moment Trump announces the auto tariffs kick in?

    -Freeland keeps saying, ala Bagdad Bob, that “progress is being made” but when pressed for details provides nothing.
    -the media has finally recognized the elephant in the room and is admitting that in order to get a deal Canada “must” make concessions. Not a matter of if, its now a matter of what, and they all keep bringing up dairy.
    – As well as the trade negotiations going badly, TransMountain has been thrown off the rails by the courts which just publicly outed the “social license ” bs that juthtin used to legitimize kiling the other pipelines. The markets are going with the meme that Canada is closed for business.
    – Notley has declared Alberta is out of Trudeau’s climate scam, but contradicts herself by ending the central component, the carbon tax.
    – Trump at a rally last night laid out his strategy. Canada will have to conceed if they want in on the NAFTA replacement, if not, the auto tariffs kick in. He’s said what he’s going to do, our crack investigative news media is going with the “will Trudeau call his bluff meme”.
    – compare that to the talking point Trudeau used at a fundraiser last night where in he portrayed Canada in battle with tyrants. He’s not even trying to hide it anymore.
    Trudeau is in a no win situation no matter what he does now.
    If he wants to “save NAFTA” he has to gore some or all of the liberals protected species.
    If he “won’t be pushed around”(tm) we see our auto sector devastated, and Ontario could be in recession that could pretty well sink his electoral chances of the liberals even holding on to a minority. He caves and makes concessions, he becomes the global bootjack.

    All this bungling has put in place an existential threat to the world view of our cloistered laurentian elite. There are a number of factors that due to our media’s state of suspended disbelief cannot come to terms with. And the most ironic part is that as much as they repeat the liberal “its somebody else’s fault” no one is believing it anymore. This is a “crisis” they created for themselves.

    Lets see what happens today shall we

  9. Buzzfeed Headline: Stupid People Voted For Trudeau And You’ll Never Guess What Happened Next!

  10. I can solve this and many other problems in this country. Allow those who have the expertise to make decisions and allow us to ignore any decicion made by any court (outside of criminal law) for at least ten years. After all who ever said that judges & lawyers have any expertise outside a very narrow focus.

  11. Now be honest. Did anyone really seriously think that this pipeline would get built with this government? And, do you think that any inter-provincial or national infrastructure of any sort will ever get built again until the strangling regulatory mess gets erased?

    No, the corruption is too strong.

  12. The Squamish nation that was doing high fives celebrating their environmental victory manages the following businesses:

    North Vancouver Smoke Shop at Mosquito Creek (Mission Reserve)
    Squamish Valley Gas LP (Stawamus Reserve)
    Superstore Gas Bar, North Vancouver (Seymour Reserve)

    Good for them as Canadians but they are profiting from destroying the environment that they feel they are the designated protectors.
