33 Replies to “This Is Not Your Grandma’s Seafood Joint”

    1. And fighting back with wicked humor, intelligence, and devestating put-downs is best! Congrats to whoever at ‘Jimmies’ is at the Tweet keyboard.

  1. To re-purpose a phrase: Taking the high road does not turn your enemies into friends.

    This was beautiful to behold. More, please.

    1. Not true. Case in point … John McCain’s funeral. All his enemies who depicted him as a sharpened, bloody fanged, baby killer (when campaigning against the Magic half-negro) … are in the FRONT ROW of his funeral.

      It worked for McCain

        1. Old Italian proverb (as I heard/learned it, lo those many years ago): The best way to gain praise is to die.

        2. McCain’s enemy’s were the American people. McCain was simply part of the failure theatre that the repubs played the fool in.

          McCain was not a republican. He was at the epicenter of the swamp.

          He happily played his role, and the ultimate goal of that was to advance the leftist/globalist agenda.

          Even in death he hated America.

          Leftist heads must really be spinning – they were trained to seal clap at McCain hatred and now they are being told to applaud his greatness and vilify anyone who disagrees. Even though it was them six months earlier.

      1. McCain told Sarah Palin, his VP pick to not attend his funeral. She was specifically uninvited. Even After Steve Schmidt and Nicolle Wallace trashed her unmercifully in 2008, She campaigned for him in 2010, and dragged his corrupt carcass to victory in the AZ Senate primary. Sarah Palin never dissed him, unlike McCain, his family, and Republican Campaign Consultants that trashed her starting the day after he chose her in August 2008.
        The McCain’s are pure class. /s

        And back to the topic. If I lived within three hundred miles of Jimmy’s; I would be planning a road trip.

      2. No, Kenji , it didn’t work for McCain. The Democrats are onlly being nice nice in order to use him as a weapon against Trump. They were vicious when it suited there purpose, they are “nice” now for the same reason. Nothing has changed. They are vicious scum, all the time.

    2. Taking the high road means you end up as political road kill. Ask Harper, Romney and the late McCain, amongst others.

  2. Great. More corporations should have such balls and stand up to special interest groups and asshole “activists”

    1. did you see the size of the building the p e t a occupies. who the heck pays for that?

  3. I enjoy Seafood, but sitting there watching those poor Lobsters boil in a pot and crabs being stuffed.

    Sorry Peta, it does make me hungry.

  4. I’m told by people in the area that there are better seafood places, but stepping up like this earns my respect. I’m not a big seafood eater but for cojones like these I make exceptions.

  5. I couldn’t get anything on the video. However, “Jimmy’s Famous Seafood” have a considerable Web presence.

    Worth looking at.

  6. While visiting Chicago about 5 years ago, my wife and I were stopped by some very nice university aged young people. They asked us to sign a petition to help save young animals from poor conditions and things like that.

    I told the fellow who I was talking to that I would sign his petition if he could answer, to my satisfaction, the question, “Do you agree with abortion?”

    He answered “yes, I do”. I said that from my perspective, he answered incorrectly. He asked me why I would ask that question. I told him that I believed he was sincere in wanting to help young animals but that young humans needed protection as well.

    He said, “I have never thought of that before.” He had never had the question posed to him by anyone before. He didn’t see the paradox between helping young animals and aborting young humans.

    In a way, you can’t blame him. His education hadn’t helped him to think for himself.

    i said, that although I won’t sign your petition, “will you promise me that you will think that question through, over the next little while?”

    He said that he would…and I believed him.

    I think he did.

  7. Holy shit. I *HATE* seafood, and now I want to eat at Jimmy’s Seafood. Not even lying.

  8. I love seafood,and here in the Okanagan we don’t have one decent seafood restaurant,which is not surprising,this being a desert. maybe someone should open a scorpion and rattlesnake restaurant.

    But cheers to jimmy’s for fighting back against PETA.

    1. There used to be a marvelous ‘hole in the wall’ seafood joint down on Hastings Street Don. It was about 25’X35′ deep…no public washroom, 2 old fashioned booths and a counter with about 8-10 stools, and was always steamy when you went inside.
      The front window space was tiled and heaped up with the daily catch and you went in and they cut off what you ordered and cooked it right before you. Their mainstay clam-chowder was divine and the prices CHEAP.
      That was in the early 70’s when I was a young hitch-hiking kid with low prospects in my wallet.

      The old guy who ran it from the twenties to when I discovered it, was around until I believe the early eighties, and the quality (through subsequent hands), started on a decline after his passing.
      It was called “The Only” and even made it into Beautiful BC magazine, when ‘amazing’ Grace McCarthy was tourism minister.
      Word had it at the time that old W.A.C. and Grace had a close friendship! I think she’s still alive.
      After a few owners the place was shut down as hard drugs were being dealt out of there.

      It was the essence of old Vancouver when she was a sleepy West Coast port, where fortunes were made and lost … only to rinse and repeat.

      Now Vancouver is a place I mostly avoid as it has lost all character and is about as homogenized as they come.
      In Bennett’s day things got done that needed to move ahead.
      Now on the left coast…not so much.

    2. If you are in the Okanagan, there is an excellent fish and chips shop in Summerland, of all places.
      Yes, I know it makes no sense, but there is.

  9. Many animals eat other animals do these PETA idiots think predatorial animals eat at the forest Salad Bar? there is one bird he Shrike their a Song Bird bird a perching bird that will kill and eat a mouse and impale it on a thorn branch stub or barbwire fence there’ s this british made cartons THE ANIMALS OF FARTHING WOODS which shows a Shrike with impaled mice around him
