46 Replies to ““Assisted Death””

  1. And when the german doctors did this crap in 1937 they were called NAZIS…!
    So why exactly did the Belgians fight the Germans; when 81 years later they are adopting National Socialist policy?
    The thing we learn from history is that we don’t learn from history.

    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group ‘True North’

    1. The LEFT has “rebranded” NAZIISM and TOTALITARIANISM … as Social Justice. You NEED to DIE now … because your medical care is costing too much for our Socialized medical program. If the State could only eliminate that messy, costly, “end of life” medical expenses … then Socialized medicine would be “affordable”

      But don’t call it a … death panel. It’s just actuarial accounting … taking your life.

    2. “So why exactly did the Belgians fight the Germans…”

      Not that I disagree with your argument but let us not pretend that Belgians did much fighting against Germans. Chasseurs Ardennais I know I know but still…

  2. Coming soon to a body politic near you:

    Pre-emptive euthanasia and retrospective abortion.

    1. When will 40 years old be your cut off date and have to enter government mandated assisted death program!

      What….you want to live past 40, you are the reason why we kill people at 40 for the selfishness that begins after that age is no longer tolerated how dare you…

      I am pushing the button in 3 2 1 …….

      Author note:

      That we people who think start to wake up…

      It’s like banning guns, why the rush now???

      Why is the government afraid of the people owning guns what does the government know what’s coming and the want us all defenselesss…

      Police, politicians have guns after the coming ban…

      So it’s do as I say and not as I do?

      I hate government…

  3. As a libertarian, I believe that every citizen has a right to decide on his own volition when to end his own life. It is his life, and his decision. If you don’t like suicide, don’t commit it. May objection to legalizing assisted suicide, once the state recognizes the individuals right of suicide, then judges, lawyers, bureaucrats, or so-called healthcare provider will decide to exercise that right for him. These people can not, and should not be trusted.

    South of the border, we had the case of Terri Schiavo who murdered by the state based the decision of three people, her estranged husband, her husband’s lawyer and a civil court judge. It takes dozens of people to condemn a convicted felon to death, but only three to kill an innocent woman.

    1. Further, in Ontario, the regulatory authority (CPSO) demands that physicians who want nothing to do with hastening the death of a patient nevertheless make an “effective referral” to a colleague who will cooperate with the deadly agenda. The doctors who won’t help to kill their patients are vilified as unprofessional and accused of patient abandonment. Orwellian.

      1. Schiavo … was a FAMILY COURT dispute … that’s all. I know for a fact, that intentional plug-pulling occurs thousands of times per day. We even have DNR provisions in our Wills. It’s nonsense that we don’t already kill ourselves … however … if and when the State makes the end of life decisions … we will have gone too far.

        My very own longtime nextdoor neighbor (a hardcore leftist) committed suicide in his garage. Yep … right next door to me. He was found by his son-in-law with his 1968 VW Bug running in his sealed garage (overnight). In his case, it was an act of vengeance on his family. His wife had become medically institutionalized … and he was alone. He left notes throughout his house blaming his daughters for not visiting him enough. He was a bitter old leftist … who I believe make up the vast majority of “elective” suicides. Oh, and he was also a raging Atheist.

        He went out … “on his own terms” … proving to himself that HE was god of his own life. That no “sky daddy” could TELL him when to die. The final act of defiance against god. Pathetic.

        1. I have known three people who killed themselves. they were mentally ill and nothing was or could be done to stop it. when the state does it, it is murder.

  4. Belgium
    They bring in thousands of muslims who terrorize the streets and then euthanize those who despair the situation.

  5. The more that the state sanctions legalized murder, the more acceptable it becomes and when you give that power to those who consider themselves to be the elite the more your country begins to look like Nazis Germany.

    1. True, and this is where we are headed.

      The movie Soylent Green was just ahead of its time.

  6. My friends, your life belongs to the state.

    “We will decide. And we have decided. You must live. We don’t really care what you want. Your hopes and desires belong to us. We don’t care if you suffer physically or mentally. We don’t care if you spend your days in a semi conscious drugged stupor with a breathing tube in your nose and a feeding tube in your arm. We have decided you must continue on. We don’t care if you suffer indignities when you eliminate in your diaper and must be rolled over periodically to prevent bed sores. We have decided. We have the moral high ground………”

    Everyone happy now? The government is in charge. The imaginary “slippy slope” is eliminated.

    P.S. Anyone else suspicious about why John McCain died so suddenly??

    1. “Anyone else suspicious about why John McCain died so suddenly??”
      Yes, that was the first thing I thought of the moment I heard of his death.

  7. Yep. Right to die, always becomes duty; to preserve the state. Or if the lead pig needs a heart transplant cause he more equal than you.

    The common people of Belgium knew what they wanted, and they deserve to get it; GOOD AND HARD.

    Same goes for the common people or Canada, California, Venezuela, …

  8. It a bigger crime to dig up Sea Turtle Eggs then it is to abort your baby and in the minds of the Eco-Wackos Child Bearing should be listened as a Crime Against Gaia and the Earth

  9. Count me as contrarian to most other posters here: I believe in an individual’s right to choose to end their life, and if I ever found myself in the position of having to make that decision, I would NOT want the government, or those who would want to force their own religious beliefs on me, to intercede. Situations where someone is not mentally fit to choose…obviously that is a different matter and blurring the two issues together as some have done here–not helpful in any way.

    It should also be noted that statistics showing an increase in assisted deaths once legal, may not represent a significant increase in actual deaths, as many of those would have occurred anyway in a not-officially-assisted way in the past. Worth considering.

    1. Excellent.

      We hereby declare turtle mentally unfit.


      That was just so easy; an obvious and simple and logical path. An argument you yourself laid out but failed to see.

      This is why western civilization is over.

      1. Everybody just going along with “it sounded like a good idea at the time”, and never fully (or even at all) thinking through their position.

        You enemies will always get voted in, eventually, and seize the levers of power that you crafted so carefully for yourself and your friends and other “reasonable” people. All the rules that sounded good at the time, weaponized and turned on their creators.

        This is why the NAZIs never had to worry about gun control laws; the Weimar had passed all the gun control laws to try to hinder the NAZIs. The NAZIs won anyway, and then coercive power of the state was theirs to command.

        The only defense, is small and limited government. But everyone thinks that rule of man can make things better for them personally.

    2. “Count me as contrarian to most other posters here: I believe in an individual’s right to choose to end their life, and if I ever found myself in the position of having to make that decision, I would NOT want the government, or those who would want to force their own religious beliefs on me, to intercede.”

      Count me as a libertarian(ish) that agrees with what you have written here. Obviously not a popular opinion here. So be it.

      I won’t comment on the rest of your post.

    3. turtle, I knew that the bible thumpers would go all libtard on this one. Damn near as good as the bugs bunny road runner cartoons. The only shock is the lack of thumper…ERM, bible quotes.

      And than some idiot starts honkin about MJ. Must be full moon time in here!!!!

  10. FYI, this is what Brad Wall was eventually going to do, once he started talking about “negative billing Columbia House” for organ donations.

    You are an organ donor unless you opt out.
    This means that effectively, the government owns your organs.
    Not very far from there to the government owns your life.
    And people laughed at Sarah Palin’s death lists.

    Once the government owns your organs, how long do you think it will be before donation of a kidney is required by law when it is Colter Wall needs one.

    No idea why anyone still thinks Brad Wall did any good in government.

  11. Add in implied consent for harvesting organs and everything will be wonderful! This idea has been floated in Saskathewan.

    1. “Oh, I need a heart transplant because mine is only 95% good. Joe’s is 100% good, a perfect match, and he coughed once today. He not a party member, and even if he was I am Big Brother. Obviously his quality of life is suffering; now go get me that heart RCMP public servants!”

  12. Yeah.
    The national socialist of the Third Reich were just slightly ahead of our time.
    Doctors, killing people is difficult to comprehend.
    This will not go well. It will progress into killing of those that are inconvenient. Those that cost too much to take care of. Those that are of the wrong tribe.
    There are examples in hundreds or more of political decisions that had and have unintended consequences.
    Depending on ideology, the consequences will be justified by creative writing of lawyers and helped along by the media cartel.
    Until it catches up with them and they become the “victims”.

    1. When I go to the doctor, I don’t want the one who advertises their skill set as: “ASSASSIN”.

      Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
      1st Saint Nicolaas Army
      Army Group ‘True North’

  13. Assisted suicide should be by way of guillotine in public. Then there would be no hiding what they are doing. An execution should be something the doctor is proud of or maybe he shouldn’t be doing them at all.

  14. Thank you Kate, very timely, as I am making my oral submission to the New Zealand Parliament on Monday (specifically to the Justice Select Committee, who are handling the Committee stage of our “End of Life Choice Bill”).

    We are a small country (c. 4.7m people), and there have been a record number of written submissions on the Bill (36,000). Although pollsters report that public opinion is in favour of euthanasia, 88% of submissions are against. 3,410 submitters have asked to make oral submissions, a process which is taking 5.5 months.

    My submission is purely evidence-based, using as examples mainly what has happened in Holland, Belgium and Canada. Canada is striking to me as showing much faster expansion of euthanasia in both scale and scope compared to Holland and Belgium. Canada is also closest to NZ in its legal heritage and constitutional arrangements.

  15. How many people with some form of dementia enter long term care with the phrase “do not resuscitate ” on their chart?
    Could this ever be abused?

    1. My father-in-law had heart disease. He was denied further treatment and thrown out of hospital and put in a nursing home. He lasted about a week. I’m sure he would have rather risked the mega bypass he was denied because he was too sick but he never had the chance. Mid 70s – no dementia – the doctors decided to kill him – even before the law that is going to normalize the killing of those annoying old people.

  16. It’s still called killing Kate. Most people are smart enough to distinguish this from murder. When the one being killed asks for it, it’s not murder.

    Assisted suicide is a right.
