78 Replies to “August 31, 2018: Reader Tips”

    1. Ask the Armenians how that worked out when the New Turks asked for their guns.

      Ask the Jews how that worked out when the National Socialist German Workers Party asked for their guns.

      Ask the Ukrainians how that worked out when the Bolsheviks asked for their guns?

      Look at how the Venezuelans are doing today, after the Chavistas took away all their guns.

      1. If the Star is right, which could happen — not likely — but could happen, then Manny was right https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a76Bvdlg_Rc . A 30% tariff on autos would hurt Canada badly. It may be fatal to Canada. Wouldn’t the resource friendly parts of Canada be better off with a US dollar than what will be a fifty cent Canadian dollar?

        1. No question that a 30% tariff would destroy Canada especially Ontario. Given the resultant destruction of their economy Ontario would probably be better off making their own trade agreements with the USA. This of course would not be met with agreement from the Laurentien elite and the Federal government would then be forced to care about the welfare of a Province that was a source of Liberal support and enabled them to rule the country with the compliance of Quebec and the maritime provinces. Ontario should make their own deals with the USA and if that means leaving a failed Confederation then so be it.This could apply equally to other Provinces who would also be affected by Turdeauism. Alberta would seem to have as much or more reason to leave as Ontario!

    1. Good call, thanks for pointing it out. For now sanity prevails. 1867 votes, 64% NO.

      1. I find the fact so many voted yes to be a scary indication of the successful march of leftist indoctrination in the country. Be afraid, be very afraid.

        1. A pistol or carbine with a smaller caliber and larger magazine with semi-auto to automatic delivery. As determined in the Spanish civil war, a big bullet and long barrel aren’t needed in street fighting; the ability to carry and fire more rounds without reloading, faster reaction time (ability to spin and shoot) with the the weapon and with a moderate accuracy is more important.

          At least according to what I’ve read in military sci-fi, this is outside my direct field of knowledge. Anyone who shows as picture of a belt fed .50 cal and calls it an assault rifle is totally clueless.

  1. Wow! I never realized how … manly … she looks. Definite man-hands, and man-hips. Does she have children? How could she possibly have given birth with that man-pelvis.

    As to the dancing (more like primitive tribal gyrations) … why? Virtue signaling? Getting down with the black man? Why?

    1. When one is a traitor to her people at home and abroad one sometimes needs to to adopt enemy’s customs as their?

    2. Kenji, Theresa May and her husband are childless.
      The Queen wouldn’t dream of making the attempt, but Charles would.
      Stephen Harper wouldn’t have, but Trudeau would.
      Trump wouldn’t, but if May was comfortable attempting it, guess I won’t try to second-guess her.

  2. I need to comment regarding those Conservatives objecting to Andrew Scheer as leader. I like Maxime and his ideas but it is obvious he would not be elected in the present Canadian atmoshere. Trudeau must go, but voting patterns change slowly, my belief is that getting a Conservative government will move electorate towards Conservative ideals will happen without alienating undecided. Ideals are important but change will happen slowly as there is a long row in Canadian voters view to hoe. Max can be back.

    1. The trouble is, in order for people to eventually prefer conservative ideas and policies they will first have to be exposed to them.

    2. N Bruce – In a couple more election cycles, there will be nothing left to conserve. There is no point in electing “conservatives” if they are going to act like Liberals. We are better off letting the Liberals get in so they can burn the country to the ground and a real conservative rebuilds from the ashes. It’s not fair, but that’s always what happens. Liberals burn, Conservatives rebuild, unfortunately when the rebuilding is half completer we elect liberals again, so we never get to experience what it would be like to live in freedom and prosperity, we are always one step away from bankruptcy.

      1. Might have possibilities, except with a half million imports a year who are largely hostile to western civilization, we will no longer have enough people interested in rebuilding freedom and prosperity to retake control within a couple of election cycles. Something the next conservative government will have to deal with immediately or there is little point. It used to be citizenship took long enough to integrate.

    3. We heard this ad nauseum during the Harper years. We still got Trudeau. Scheer will just beget the next useless fop of a Liberal poster boy, even if Scheer wins, which he won’t.

      Canada cannot be meaningfully reformed and will always revert back to socialism and big daddy Liberal. Vote and act accordingly.

    4. “”…the present Canadian atmoShere””

      freudian slip or subliminal message ?

      we’re on to you Weak Andy…. stop coming on here and promoting yourself.

      : o )

    5. No question that a 30% tariff would destroy Canada especially Ontario. Given the resultant destruction of their economy Ontario would probably be better off making their own trade agreements with the USA. This of course would not be met with agreement from the Laurentien elite and the Federal government would then be forced to care about the welfare of a Province that was a source of Liberal support and enabled them to rule the country with the compliance of Quebec and the maritime provinces. Ontario should make their own deals with the USA and if that means leaving a failed Confederation then so be it.This could apply equally to other Provinces who would also be affected by Turdeauism. Alberta would seem to have as much or more reason to leave as Ontario!

    1. Canada, losing everyday. When the hell will people wake up? All the Indians yapping about the pipeline should have all their government money and fuel cut off immediately. All environmentalists should also have to live without fossil fuels, I give them less than a week to live if they did.

  3. AGW RIP.


    “Arctic ice claims another ship – this time with a sinking”

    “An 11 meter sailboat was crushed and sunk by arctic ice in the Bellot strait on 8/29/2018. The vessel was attempting the Northwest Passage. The captain may have believed the propaganda about an ice free arctic in 2018.”



    “Drama in der Nordwestpassage

    Segelyacht gerät mitten in der Nacht in Treibeis, wird zerquetscht und sinkt binnen Minuten. Die Crew muss aufs Eis flüchten”


  4. With Trump, the deplorables down south have a fighting chance vs. here where the PM is for turning Canada into the world’s “first post-national state”, i.e., a plantation owned by the globalists.

    Schools and Universities are Liberals’ Trojan Horse for New World Order Indoctrination

    ”From NFL players ‘taking a knee’ during the national anthem, to preschoolers being brainwashed with the ideology of transgenderism, these left-leaning movements have one goal in mind, and that is to undermine and destroy the foundation of the Western nation state. “

    Tax documents show NFLPA ‘taking the knee” protests were about more than police brutality.
    “NFL players’ union teamed up with Soros to fund leftist advocacy groups” .

    “When educators say inclusive they mean globalism”.

  5. …‘When it comes to negotiating, “Robert Lighthizer is a vicious son of a bitch.”…
    -Gordon Ritchie.

    President Donald Trump promised he would appoint “Killers” to redo the US Trade deals. Promise Made AND Promise Kept. Will anyone ever say anything that nice that about the effectiveness of Canada’s Freeland or Trudeau?

    Today is the day. Will Canada join the Mexico-US trade deal? They seem to be hung up on details no one else wants?


    I live in Minnesota, so I hope our northern neighbors can join the trade deal. Ezra Levant is not optimistic.


  6. Canada’s Black Friday.


    “Despite court setback, Ottawa vows to move forward on Trans Mountain” (FP)


    “Kevin Libin: The pessimists have it right, assassins are gunning for Trans Mountain”

    “With every court challenge, political stunt, blockade and act of sabotage, the odds have been stacked ever higher against the pipeline happening”

    “After narrowly missing an assassination of Margaret Thatcher by bombing her hotel room in Brighton in 1984, the IRA reminded everyone the odds were still on its side. “Remember we only have to be lucky once,” the terrorists warned the then British prime minister. “You will have to be lucky always.”

    That in a nutshell has long been the strategy of those fighting against the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion.”


      1. The environmental issue was created by legislation and can be overcome by legislation. The whiny Indian problem should be handled with judicious use of shiny beads – pay them off. Most of the bands along the route were bought and paid for. Maybe if a dozen more bands got a million more dollars each, everything is gravy.

        1. Ezra has a lot to say about that. Over 3,100 ships a year pass through Burrard Inlet yearly.

          Apparently 1 more per day, will hurt orcas, but not the other 3,100………..

    1. Did anyone really think that PM Butts and his band of incompetent misfits would allow this pipeline project to go forward?

    1. The Huff-n-Puffs broke the embargo – they did a story about Faith Goldy. She must be leading by a lot – but we’ll never know. If anyone is doing polls, they are hiding them.

      It’s going to be fun if Goldy is elected. Toronto City Council will try to blackball her like they did with Rob Ford. Doug Ford won’t let that fly.

  7. Kinder Morgans Trans Mountain pipeline will be the biggest Financial boondoggle in Canadian history.
    The article is from Aug 8.
    It deserves another link after the court decision and the Liberanos willingness to proceed with the projects purchase.


    Kinder Morgan originally estimated that the project, formally approved by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s cabinet in November 2016, would cost $4.1 billion. In recent months, this estimate has risen to $7.4 billion, until the new documents this week estimated that the cost could be as high as $9.3 billion until construction is expected to be completed in 2021.
    This total would not include the $4.5 billion offer from the federal government to buy the project, which would mean that taxpayers are now on the hook for spending up to $13.8 billion, with no other investors attempting to take on the risky project.

    Allan, a former chief executive at the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia, said this cost would likely be even higher since the company is only doing pre-construction work right now, and has yet to sign construction contracts needed to install the pipeline in the ground.
    She has estimated the pipeline and tanker expansion could wind up costing up to $20 billion to complete.

  8. Bravo Premier Ford! More, please!


    “Ontario cuts natural gas price after revoking cap-and-trade regulations

    The price reduction will kick in on Oct. 1, Premier Doug Ford says”

    “The Tory government cancelled cap-and-trade last month and has launched a court challenge of Ottawa’s ability to impose a carbon tax on the province.” (cbc)

    1. Not so fast, enter the Torstar, unbound by ethics, throwing Bloomberg under the bus, publishing “off the record” comments from Trump about trade negotiations with Canada. For what they call a bombshell? Check out the shrapnel:

      “In remarks Trump wanted to be “off the record,” Trump told Bloomberg News reporters on Thursday, according to a source, that he is not making any compromises at all in the talks with Canada — but that he cannot say this publicly because “it’s going to be so insulting they’re not going to be able to make a deal.”

      In another remark he did not want published, Trump said, according to the source, that the possible deal with Canada would be “totally on our terms.” He suggested he was scaring the Canadians into submission by repeatedly threatening to impose tariffs.”

      “Off the record, Canada’s working their ass off. And every time we have a problem with a point, I just put up a picture of a Chevrolet Impala,” Trump said, according to the source. The Impala is produced at the General Motors plant in Oshawa, Ontario.”

      Trump made the remarks in an Oval Office interview with Bloomberg. He deemed them off the record, and Bloomberg accepted his request not to reveal them.”

      Oh yeah, real bombshell. Are they that desperate for headlines &/or getting Trump that they would hamstring our negotiators and show untrustworthiness because they’re not bound by others’ promises, so leaking their stuff, which the Trump people will surely hold them accountable, is OK (if you live on a deserted island perhaps).

      The mediocracy just keep bouncing around lifelessly on the bottom of public approval, gleefully blading each other.


      1. Ah, the old “off the record” canard.

        There is no such thing as “off the record”.

        Had Trump wanted his words to be “off the record”, he would never have uttered them.

        1. You’re right, promises mean nothing, neither do ethics or plain and simple journalistic standards.

          In the zeal to hurt Trump, the Torstar and others have only hurt the Liberals, with talks broken off for the long weekend, auto manufacturers and of course, us. We’re from the Fourth Estate, we’re here to help you.

          Actually, the fifth column, but who’s counting?

          Is Bloomberg pleased with their promise being broken for them by ethically challenged gotcha “journalists?”

      2. “BNN Bloomberg” (CTV) has been parading a relentless cast of apologists and excusers, Perrin Beatty as well as supposed financial experts, to keep whining and snivelling about “what the Americans have” and “they have subsidies too” and other defensive, whining, excuse making.
        They still dont get it, or are just posturing.
        It is not, and has never been an equal playing field, at least not with POTUS DT. Maybe Obongo thought the US was just another country, like Portugal, or Zimbabwe.
        They’ve never heard of American Exceptionalism, or ignore the obvious. As the biggest economy in the world, the US doesnt play on a level playing field and never will. Seems that Trudope and Barney are intent on throwing the economy under the bus, just to show how tough they are, in coloured socks with insignias and patterns

  9. Toronto police had ‘no idea’ they were posing with far-right candidate Faith Goldy, spokesman says

    “The officers went to the location because the division had received information about “possible trouble,” Pugash said. They then posed for photos with members of the public as they do “countless times a week.” Police will not be taking any further action…”

    “In an email to the Star on Tuesday, Goldy wrote that while preparing for a canvassing blitz, her campaign received threats and that the police were “neutrally protecting” her campaign volunteers.

    “No uniformed officers have ever volunteered on my campaign,” she wrote.

    So the police showing up to investigate and protect a mayoral candidate and workers, who’ve been threatened, because of MSM extremism. This she campaigns about serious issues the MSM suppress coverage of. Though polls show a majority of Canadians oppose illegal migration and the massive increase in immigration numbers.

    Faith Goldy, when with the Rebel broke the story about illegal migrants walking across the border.

    Faith Goldy criticizes the Tor. police crime prevent programs being halted by Mayor John Tory running for re-election. She argues this John Tory policy has contributed to the spike in drug gang violence and homicides in Toronto.

    Does the Tor. Star “dog whistle” coverage implies they object to Tor. police publicly promising to protect the election process and candidates? You be the judge.

    1. @302 Bud,
      I say…
      Happy Labour Day W/E to all too!
      ☆* ☆ °
      *☆ re your video:☆*
      ☆It’s raining men, hallelujah,☆*
      It’s raining men, amen…*☆
      ☆*°☆ °*
      *☆It’s raining men hallelujah..

  10. The lies by Canadian media are out of Control….The bi-Lateral trade (Mexico) or a Tri-lateral (includes Canada) Agreement both must face Congressional approval… The split is a North/South division of interest.. The Tariffs on Canadian Car Assembly would benefit the Northern States by the possible need to replace the Manufacturing & Assembly in MI, Ohio Etc….Trump is balancing Manufacturing in the USA…. Most Americans would prefer to not have an Agreement with Canada and go back to Pre- NAFTA

    Dairy, A cow is a cow, is a cow & farmers who dominate the quota system actually are limited by obsolete Processing The COOPS setup by Quebec never updated their Plants.. (All money was spent among themselves).. They can’t compete with themselves and will fade away as they lose their share of the Canadian Market. They don’t supply Blends or Food additives (only skim milk powdered) and the fresh milk market is NOT a viable safe system because the risk of disruption.. Canada needs US backup….They will die out naturally..
    Trump could just settle for Equal Tarif (Tax) for Consumer purchases across the Border ( Now Canada $20, US $800) This would result in spreading the pain of competitive trade & Canada is capable of competing..


  11. So talks on the trade deal are put off until Wensday . I am sure our Liberal’s need their weekend . I expect Trump to announce tariffs on Auto Tuesday. The msm and negotiators think he is bluffing , even though he has told them over and over again that is what he intends to do. I believe when he left to Florida , the writing was on the wall .You see , he is so unpredictable! I expect they will soil themselves . Jmho.

  12. Freeland is making an announcement at 4:30 wrt NAFTA negotiations
    Seems she is running late.

  13. I’ve been away on a mini-vacation. The hotel gives away USA Today every day. This morning, just in time before we checked out, it arrived with almost the entire front page covered with praises of McCain, with a reprint of Biden’s eulogy. Yes of course, McCain is the kind of “Republicans” the MSM would like to see. I am sure all the other major papers say the same.

    Just the fact that he asked Biden to give his eulogy says everything that needs to be said about McCain. I believe the MLB Arizona team named the team after him: the Diamondbacks.

    1. That would be appropriate — her resigning. I doubt that anyone on the Liberal team is qualified for these negotiations. They seem to have a limited understanding of economic issues.

    1. The Bolsheviks will impose their agenda on all of us one item at a time, slowly, like boiling frogs.
