10 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

    1. well Andrew, we are discussing about 80% of the “news”, as it’s all bullshit, and it’s were YOU get your information. Maybe one day you will wake up and smell the truth.

  1. Great article by the Daily Beast, a piece every SDA follower should read. It details the ongoing corruption at the liberal NBC News. One piece of good news in the article is that Little and Brown have decided to go ahead and publish Ronan Farrow’s book “Catch and Kill” about Weinstein and the NBC News cover-up. One tidbit in the article: apparently MSNBC News at one time dropped Farrow from its roster of hosts. One wonders why.

  2. Rotten to the core, indeed. As a matter of fact, t has got to the point that any collection of MSM reporters/journalists would have to make a similar size randomly-picked gang of federal politicians look forthright, diligent, and honest by comparison.

    I am sick to death of our press – the weary predictability that it will attach “gate” to anything; the absolute guarantee that it will describe any Canadian politician with common-sense ideas as Trumpian; and the certainty that every release about rising seas and other nonsense about apocalyptic AGW / species decline will be copied and pasted without question or alteration.

    My father had a short, precise, and apt description for dishonest people like that: *&^%$#g trash.

  3. “I am sick to death of our press…” “My father had a short, precise, and apt description for dishonest people like that: *&^%$#g trash.”

    The media does not care what you or I think as long as they get their ideology and agenda advanced through whatever biased or lying subterfuge they can get away with.

  4. “The media does not care what you or I think …”

    Absolutely true, Ken. And that, despite plummeting advertising revenues, subscriptions, and viewers. True testaments to their stupidity.

  5. As to the story from Daily Beast.
    It was 100% predictable that Farrow will lose.
    The only surprise here is that it took this long.
    His subject has all kinds of stories that could damage those in show business, of which the MSNBC is a part.
    Wait for the book that the subject is probably working on.

    As to the story from National Review.
    DeSantis needs to read the post:
    Showing Up To Riot
    August 30, 2018
    https://www.smalldeadanimals.com/index.php/2018/08/30/the-deplorables-3/ on SDA, where Fernandez quotes Auxiliary Bishop of Los Angeles Robert Barron, writing: “… an evolving, self-programming, viral “demonic element” that is almost impossible to destroy …”.

    Yeah, self-programming is the new norm.
    See if you recognize that.
    It’s another little bit in progress toward the glorious dystopia of socialism.

  6. Weinstein and the NBC News cover-up… Perhaps the NBC corporate lawyers didn’t want to be hypocrites….NBC had a huge problem in every division including HR (Human Recourses) The worst cases of “abuse” were quickly resolved without publicity (FIRED MEN)

    I spent 20 years @ NBC NYC and can count on the fingers of one hand all the Admin- Assist’s who where not sexually involved with their Boss… Women have an incredible ability to network together and that personal Knowledge was shared among them ALL. They had a pecking order that was not judgmental to those who used sex to advance their career…But those men who betrayed them found themselves in serious trouble….The Men didn’t realize how vulnerable they where to missing Meetings ETC because of Lost Notices ect….Nasty Pay back by the whole pack.. I guess it worked until Now


  7. anybody ever had this happen, a mysterious stench from somewhere in the kitchen, aint the garbage, that was changed, aint the critters, aint coming from behind the fridge or under the sink.
    then you open the bag of potatoes and put yer hand in a squishy mess.
    thats what this story reminds me of. rot. the TOTAL corruption of an object, process, location, whatever, rendering it not only useless, but dangerous to the nearby uncontaminated.

    Im kinda hoping all this ‘cover’ and ‘dodging’ and lies lies lies from the winestain’s camp translates into an ever more severe CONSEQUENCE. aaaaaand mebbe the lesson stays learned, for a while, for those with similar malevolent intent.

  8. I would very much like to see Ronan Farrow … investigate the pedophia Lolita Express, and the Satanic child sex rituals practiced by the Podesta brothers (as reported by Q’anon … which I find quite believable). However, if he did … I suspect he’d disappear until his decomposed body was found in a Washington DC Park
