25 Replies to “#NewRules”

  1. I used to be sympathetic to the causes of minority ethnics. No longer now that they have coalesced into a rainbow of race haters who are engaged also politically. So they are all fair game now to be challenged for their false narrative on ethnic, cultural, religious etc etc etc grounds.

    Otherwise the Marxists get to shape the future and re-write western history.

    “Diversity is our strength” and every ethnic group gets to celebrate its ethnicity c/w culture EXCEPT Western Heritage whites.

    “Inclusive” means that those of the Western heritage must acquiesce to the imposition of the Marxist social agenda by globalist institutions e.g. the UN.

    1. Wait til the Liberals discover the clash between Muslims and Marxists. The values of each of these are fundamentally incompatible with the other.

  2. Turn about is fair play. Sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. Those are olde idioms.
    It’s time to go all medieval on their asses. Cold War until they quit or it gets hot.

  3. Wil Wheaton is making himself just another precautionary child actor story. I suspect he was repeadly diddled by gay Hollywood pedophiles … and is still struggling with his own homosexuality.

    I am very happy that he self-exiled himself from Twitter. MY President doesn’t need any more whack jobs like him … following his Twitter account.

  4. Kurt says it well. It is way past time that conservatives, and I mean real conservatives, not the David Frum type pretend conservatives, fought back against the left. In fact, they should punch back harder when possible.

    If conservatives do not fight back they will be gradually brainwashed, propagandized, and legislated into oblivion. In Canada the progressive narrative, constantly pushed by the media also, has been for decades now that one is a bad Canadian if one does not vote for the Liberal Party.

    1. “”” brainwashed, propagandized, and legislated””” meaning we are NOT talking about running into some racist while walking down the street. This is organized, financed and orchestrated.

      And YES the CBC cheers on the Antifa head-bashers vs. free speech activists.

    2. Exactly, Ken.

      Which is why the CINO Scheer is a serious detriment to Canadian Conservatives, not an asset.

  5. Why does almost every Star Trek actor, save the captains, virtually disappear after their series closes? Because to become a Trekkie actor you must be willing to sign a long term contract cheaply. No good actors need apply.

    1. Maybe some of them made enough money that they didn’t have to remain in public view after that, at least not on TV or in the movies.

      There were some notable exceptions. Leonard Nimoy was in Mission: Impossible after the original series ended and then went on to direct movies as well as doing artistic photography. On the other hand, I once saw DeForrest Kelly in a rather dreadful movie (something about giant rabbits) and James Doohan did a few guest appearances in some TV shows.

      Of course, many cast members were at various SF conventions, particularly those devoted to Star Trek.

      And then there’s George Takei, who simply can’t shut up now that he’s come out of the closet and has become irritating and tiresome….

        1. I know he was in some westerns, such as Gunfight at the OK Corral (with Burt Lancaster and Kirk Douglas) and Raintree County. Star Trek, however, made him a household name.

          1. DeForrest Kelly…..he will always be remember for this immortal line: “He’s dead Jim”.

            But not everyone is a Star Trek fan. Some years ago I was undergoing some medical tests…. don’t remember what for exactly…. but they involved some machine or other. I remarked to the technician, a 25 y.o. something women, that I would be glad when the ‘tricorder’ was perfected. Blank stare.

  6. We are heading very swiftly toward a time when many conservatives will probably feel tingles down their legs when they behold a feeelance right wing paramilitary death squad leader with a perfectly creased trouser leg, ordering his thugs to line Antifas up face down on the ground to bash their skulls in with cinder blocks…

    I for one do NOT think this is going to end well at all.

    As white males, clearly being set up by the left for genocide, why wouldn’t they take proactive action to ensure their survival, as thousands of young Serbs did in the early 1990s? There will be NO atrocity too vile for them to consider when viewed against their own survival instinct. Slaughtering everything that breathes in a small leftist town will feel as a perfectly normal, necessary act to secure their family’s future. Extremist leftist dickheads really have no effing idea what they’re are messing with, do they?

    Am I the only one able to see how genuinely terrifying the political reality unleashed by the left is becoming?

    1. So … you’re saying that we are heading toward the UN-allied Air Forces bombing and strafing RED State flyover country? I only have ONE response … Wolverines!!!

      1. There won’t be any remaining capability for such action by either the UN or NATO. Why would China and Russia want to stop the descent of the decadent, lazy, immoral West (from their viewpoint) into a cross between Yugoslavia and El Salvador?

  7. Discovering the world outside of the progressive bubble must be a terrifying thing, particularly for people whose fame originates from pretending to be someone in a pretend world. Imagine, impugning all NRA members in social media and some actually have the gall to respond in kind!

  8. Unless you’re a white inferiorist, you’re a white supremacist? I’ve got news for the neo-fascists, you lowering the bar elevates us all.

    IOW, we don’t care about the 837 genders, 468 alternate histories or one convergent “solution” aka socialism.

    We don’t care about your temper tantrums or violence or sudden aversion to democracy when it doesn’t go your way.

    Or to defer your hatred of John McCain for one day to slam Trump, in the end, staining them both.

    Too bad for you this act is so old it has mold on its hairy surface.

    All that matters, the only argument to be won, is the next election, and ones after that.

    Or, most of all, projection of your own intolerance on others when your intellectual laziness overcomes your anchored beliefs, hypocrisies and neurotic bigotries.

  9. That ‘new rule’ blurb was over a year old? What the hell is up with that?

    We still aren’t punching back are we?

    The relentless left might win whilst we are busy blowing the Marquis of Queesbury in the back room.

    I don’t get this ….

  10. ah the “church”, and turning the other cheek doesn’t cut it any more. Yup girls, religion is the elephant in the room, butt the thumpers in here refuse to mention that. Cheers is a nice “go to church” lad, and that is the problem with that fool, end of story!!!!
