43 Replies to “September 2nd, 2018: Reader Tips”

    1. I’m reminded of the lines from Julius Caesar:

      I have come to bury Caesar, not to praise him.
      The evil that men do lives after them;
      The good is oft interred with their bones.
      So let it be with Caesar.

      1. Considering the political atmosphere around Washington these days I expect that Julius Caesar could identify with Donald Trump.

        Treason everywhere, and the sound of knives being sharpened.

    2. I like the comment from Jim Hacker in Yes Prime Minister, “The reason you go to a political figure’s funeral is to make sure he’s really dead.”

  1. The knives were out for the Trumps during the service.

    According to a Gateway Pundit story, Ivanka was accused to texting during the proceedings because she was looking down for a few moments. (Forget the fact that she, being a mother, might have received a message about her kids.)

    Then Trump himself had the audacity to go golfing during the time that the service was in progress. What was he supposed to do–sit at home and mope because he wasn’t invited?

    1. I dare say Ivanka would rather have been with her children than sitting in a pew listening to some globalist cow insult her father.

    2. The McCain funeral was the epitome of gaucherie. I wonder how much that spleen venting will cost U.S. taxpayers.

      1. @chutzpahticular:
        “epitome of gaucherie”. I like that, a great description which applies doubly for Trump. He is a total embarrassment for the American nation.

    3. “Trump himself had the audacity to go golfing during the time that the service”

      He should have been banging a pornstar – go Trump!

    4. Not as bad as being accused of putting the communion bread in your pocket as was attributed to our much-maligned PM, Stephen Harper.

    1. Not if you knew the kind of lyrics her career is based on.
      “This the new style with the fresh type of flow
      Wrist icicle, ride dick, bicycle
      Come through yo, get you this type of blow
      If you wanna Minaj, I got a tricycle”

    2. @Hrambe
      Grande is a real cutie pie. Just saw her not too long ago on some awards show and is it my imagination or has her ass grown
      in a big way? She use to be real slim but nothing wrong with a big ass as long as it is still shapely.

  2. Using the funeral as a soap box to slag Trump was beyond gauche, it was despicable and beyond the pale.

    1. In essence isn’t the hatred of Trump largely a rejection of a system that crowns ‘winners’ to those who actually create wealth. Yes, Trump can be a boar at times. Like many who have rare talent they have trouble concealing their emotions. That exists across all society. Is Jeff Bezos of Amazon any less a man than Trump? Bezos is notorious for being a hardcore business operator and not above exploiting his workers. He owns the WaPo and is certainly not above manipulating the ‘news’ to promote his interests both for business and politics. The progressives love Bezos simply because he undermines Trump at every opportunity. That said I can still admire what Bezos has accomplished.

      Watching the McCain funeral and all those who spoke it could not escape me that almost all were people who made careers of ‘interpreting’ societies values to the masses. Very few had ever owned a business or had to answer to market forces that those who have ran businesses face daily. This is not inconsequential when one views life. I actually think this class of people are threatened by true entrepreneurs as they can question the validity of their pontifications of how the world should work. I have great respect for John McCains military sacrifice. I can respect an individual who has philosophical convictions based on real life experience.

      Ultimately whatever motivates people on how they live has to be tested by economic sustainability. This is why Trump is so detested by the ‘governing’ class. His boarishness is a convenient out.

  3. liz, remember when canadians seen this first hand at jack laytons funeral, bashing PM Stephen Harper and the PM & his wife were sitting there.
    Then we seen Jr. taking selfies at flaritys funeral, just no class. liberals and closet liberals never miss an oppurtunity to slam there opponent or strutt themselves when cameras are rolling.
    i guarantee if that was a reversed role bashing a liberal leader at a funeral it wouuld be moral outrage.

  4. The McCain funeral is one of the more bizarre spectacles I have seen in my lifetime. Anyone with knowledge of McCain’s background knows he is anything but a hero. All of this pagentry was set up as a stage from which to bash Trump. McCain was in no way deserving of such a send off, but he came to be viewed as a nemesis of Trump. So that was the angle that had to be played. No way would the funeral have gotten this type of media coverage and pandering from the elites had it been about honoring McCain’s life. There was not that much to honor. Presumably the funeral was broadcast in the UK and even Denmark. Likely other places as well. This is really scraping the bottom of the barrel if McCain is what passes for a contmporary hero. I believe that many ordinary people will be put off by such a tasteless and tacky, truly phony display.
    Here is a view of McCain from just a few short years ago: https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/john-mccain-make-believe-maverick-202004/

    1. At the funeral, they talked about President Trump because there apparently is nothing worth saying about McCain.

  5. Amazing because 10 years ago, Democrats considered McCain less than a despicable piece of crap. They now love him because he has turned on the Republicans and Trump after the rat started gnawing on his brain. He turned on his running mate Sarah Palin in 2008 and blew the election. He was set up to do a Trump capture of Middle America but chose to appeal to the Mainstream Media rather than the voters. Loyalty is not a word used to describe McCain.

  6. Trump has cut $300M from the UNRWA which funds the Palestinian Authority. Only question is, how much will the sockpuppet announce in increased funding? Seeing as he didn’t get the Security Council seat he wanted in the June 2018 elections, does he go whole hog or play it safe? Hmm, what is an incompetent fool to do?

  7. I must be feeling melancholy this AM. After watching and remembering BB this AM a few tears were detected.

    1. @ 11:11 nold
      ” I must be feeling melancholy this AM.”

      Ditto, I saw and heard the band ‘Cream’ with Eric Clapton and the rest of his band in a concert at Man And His World ( post Expo ’67) in Montreal. They did their top 10 from their album “Cream.” Liked the songs “Sunshine of Your Love” and “White Room.”

      I knew Clapton was going to be big because even then, his guitar playing was phenomenal – they gave us the L O N G versions of their songs. It was a cherished youthful experience. I was in awe.

        1. @ Canuck66 NB
          Oh don’t feel bad…the bands that were featured were unknowns then so no one knew what they were really seeing and hearing. The concerts were at the ‘Place des Nations’ part of ‘Man and His World’ and the concerts were free. I only went to a few concerts because one night there was a panic when the band asked people to get closer to the stage. BIG mistake – the crowd rushed, people got trampled and it took another hour to get the concert going for all the mayhem. Luckily no one was hurt, to my knowledge. I stayed in the back, the music was loud enough!

          Later in life I saw some concerts in N.B. There was Kenny Rogers in Moncton and The Great Rod Stewart in Moncton and Celine Dion in Campbellton. All great. I love any kind of live show. Used to go to T.N.B. and Centaur Theatre in Mtl too!

          Oh! For those fun days again!

          1. @ 4:24 pm Canuckguy NB:
            “Just for the record I am not Canuck66”

            With all due respect..sorry, my error!

    1. The shootings in the US get a lot of publicity, but given the number of guns out there, they are not particularly high. The biggest gun crimes relate to gang activity (probably lots of illegal guns there). There is also a problem with gun suicides. Those are the two biggest stats related to gun deaths in the States. I believe that deaths from opiods and other drug overdoses outstrip gun deaths.

    2. How can you tell when a leftist is lying? It is speaking.

      I know, I know, that is an old one. But still relevant.

    1. Thank you Allan. Harper clearly left the economy in good shape. Let us hope the Liberals manage to get a NAFTA deal in place so relative prosperity can continue.

      1. You didn’t get the memo. In Canada it’s Trudeau who is responsible for the economy. In the USA Obama left the economy in good shape for Trump. No mention of the fact that Harper left the keys on the desk with essentially no deficit.

        In the US Obama was a great humanitarian because he chose to run deficits after the crash of 2008 while the economy recovered. In Canada Harper was an economic idiot who ran deficits while the economy recovered because he couldn’t balance a budget. And now Trudeau is a brilliant economist (and strategist) because he is running deficits in order to grow the economy (and therefore the deficits will look after themselves).

    2. Oddly, the dollar value increase in our GDP is underwhelming when one considers the devaluation of the dollar. I would suspect that if we rated the GDP in US dollars we would find substantial shrinkage under the Libranos.

    3. Expressed at an annualized rate, real GDP was up 2.9% in the second quarter. In comparison, real GDP in the United States grew 4.2%.

      This is what I got off the Stats Canada site, not sure where you found you information since the link you provided led to a table for “chained 2007 dollars” for periods from Q2 2017. The table was expressed in dollar values, no percentages at all. When I check the numbers it comes out to 2.8% for Q2 2017/Q2 2018 and that agrees with other sites for Canada’s GDP for 2017 which they quote as 3%.
      Note that GDP in 2016 was 1.4% and in 2015 it was 1.0% so we seem to be riding the wave of improvement in GDP from south of the border.

  8. Makes me wonder if McCain had ‘assisted suicide’ so the swamp could stage this event as a Trump bash.
