23 Replies to “Brexit Morons”

    1. Translation – let’s kill crazy people. Liberals started the process by tossing nutcases on the street without treatment – I guess not enough are dying.

      1. Adolph has already shown how tidy such practices can be while “managing” his way to a super race of Germans. It actually worked quite well, freeing up government resources for things like the autobahn and Panzer tanks.

    2. https://edmontonjournal.com/news/crime/first-degree-murder-charges-laid-against-four-men-in-august-homicide/amp?__twitter_impression=true

      One of Trudeau’s Syrians is accused of murdering a Chinese Canadian girl. People of all backgrounds were at the court to protest the crime.

      Then a Muslim in a hijab threw hot coffee on them.

      Every journalist saw it. And ignored it.

      Send them back.


      1. Hashim Abdulkadir Mohamed, 24, Samatar Mohiadin, 20, Amiir Hussen, 20, and Mohamod Mohamod, 18, are each facing first-degree murder charges.
        I didn’t realize there were so many Irish refugees in Edmonton.

  1. not much to be said after that. now if only Canadians could recognize the danger that Canada faces from the loony left.

  2. The politically correct left progressives as a group are the most stupid incompetent people the world has ever seen. And criminal.
    Just look at the mess in Europe.
    They re pushing for the same in North America.
    A $Billion a day spent on the farce climate change, all taxpayers money.
    Trillions in debt globally.
    It really should be categorized as mental illness.
    Like Pat said, they all need to be removed from any proximity to the levers of power everywhere and never allowed to run because of their mental disability.

    1. Not incompetent they are very good at it cumulating power and money and controlling the lives of others of which seem to be primary goals of the so-called environmental movement

  3. And I am reminded of all the people on here who say things like:

    “separation for Alberta/Saskatchewan is not an option”.

  4. Thanks Kate – et al. the following is a comment written a couple of days ago. If you agree it is germane to the Brexit situation and the Trump phenomenon initiated by the American Tea-partiers and the Canadian situation also in process; then kindly process.

    Sep 14, 2018 11:48am
    Justin Trudeau is intellatually incapable of understanding the Oath Just in made to His Pere’ –Pierre Elliot Trudeau————————-______Equalization comes from the Federal Bureaucracy being set-up by the Ultimate Bureaucrat Prime Minister, Lester Bowles (mike) Pearson..—-The total direction of the Liberal Party beginning in earnest during the 1960’s was to destroy the Confederation Design of the British North America of 1867.—-The intent then was to consolidate the power of the Bureaucrats in Ottawa as Federalism. —- This was hidden from the Ordinary Canadian Citizen(s) by Trudeau-Origine’ — Multi-culturism._____ The State News media of CBC & Radio -Canada have been in Full-Throat Roar to promote this Cash-Cow funded By Tax-Dollars ever since. ___ Saskatchewan needs to follow Premier Doug Ford’s Massive Election Win in Ontario of Using the {} Not-Withstanding Clause {} of Trudeau – Origine” Faux 1981-1982 Canada Constitution {} —–If the Federal Bureaucracy attempts to Dodge around this {} Quebec Uses It {} then the Federal Bureaucracy is confirming the Falseness of the Trudeu – Origine’ “Canada 1981-1982 Faux Constitution. ___________ Just in is the perfect Dhimni for the Theocracy Dictatorships making the spread of Islamic/Muslim gaining control of The North American Tax-payer funding Sharia Law.—- This is how the Muhammed’s Words were distorted even before Muhhmaed left the world. —-The Threat, always veiled as Peace until control was achieved___ such as the Muslim Domination of the Liberal Party Federal Government Cabinet & Policies is under the Control of the Thirty Percent MUSLIM Members. The Dhimmni Weak & Fearful non-Muslim Cabinet Members will never stand-up in Their Islam Theocracy Running Dog role. Stting on Trudeauce’s Puppet- Masters Thumbs___ Who only care for Their own Self-Interst.

  5. Just yesterday afternoon, I was at a site visit with one of my best (leftist) friends who is also a Consultant on my projects. And in the middle of our client meeting (a very well-to-do lesbian couple) … he blurted out something to the effect of Trump voters all being 300lb angry white men sitting on their couches watching Fox News all day long while unemployed. THAT … is my S.F. Bay Area life in a nutshell (emphasis on ‘nut’). THAT is why I had to just laugh-along and nod my head (if I want to remain employed) in this high-tech hellhole. They have no idea. No clue. Even my leftist friend (an East Coast transplant) doesn’t suspect that I would ever vote for Trump … although he believes I am a … “libertarian” which is marginally acceptable to him considering that “libertarians” are in favor of legalizing dope, and cutting military spending. He has no clue just how conservative I actually am. He has no clue just how delicious his tears are … esp. after 8-long years of eating his gloating shit. He will eventually be shocked when Californians come to collectivist senses and dump our perpetual leftist Gov’s. and Legislature … coming right after the next economic downturn that will kick the holy hell out of everyone struggling to afford living in this overinflated Disneyworld.

    THAT is just how clueless the American Left is about the Trump revolution. Just how clueless they are about the ‘populist’, ‘Nationalist’, revolution spreading across Europe.

    1. The Left aren’t clueless, but rather trying to deny reality. They are in the same pot as the CCCP in the late 1980s, where it is becoming so apparent that reality does not follow their narrative and lying no longer cuts it. That is why they are panicking, doubling down and dropping all facades.

    2. “[He] blurted out something to the effect of Trump voters all being 300lb angry white men sitting on their couches watching Fox News all day long while unemployed.”

      But so what? Even if they actually were all “300lb angry white men sitting on their couches watching Fox News all day long while unemployed” they would still be entitled to vote any way they wanted in a democracy.

      (Also, one would be left to ponder just how dysfunctional a nation had become that there were enough “300lb angry white men sitting on their couches watching Fox News all day long while unemployed” to represent a voting bloc so great and powerful that it was capable of electing a president. Wouldn’t that suggest some considerable incompetence on the part of previous administrations that matters should have come to this point?)

      1. Agreed on all points … and uh, yeahhhh … this BOOMING economy couldn’t spring from half a nation of fat ass sofa sitting white dudes. It must be all those “undocumented” aliens working for 3rd world wages and FREE taxpayer STUFF.

  6. Daily Mail has reported on this. Tony Blair, John Major and Nick Clegg have met heads of government and senior ministers as they have reportedly sought to persuade EU leaders that ‘the atmosphere has changed’ since the 2016 referendum and that Britain needed to postpone its departure to allow more time for negotiations and a possible second vote. Mr Clegg said current British politics had made it ‘viable’ for the UK’s exit to be stopped. Today Mr Blair repeated a call for a second referendum.
    What do they not understand about accepting the valid vote of those who want out? In my innocence, I’d say they should be ashamed of themselves.

    1. I haven’t been up to date on the latest but like you, Ms Gellen, I am skeptical. Those that are calling for another vote have the most to gain in the event of a reversal in the results. So soon too? Why? Wonder what part of N.O. do they not understand, no is no. I think we could almost guess what the new result would’ve been.

      1. It appears the leaders who are in favour of another vote are globalists and I think we know from what we are seeing in the US that non-globalists have no place in a democracy now. Leaders who will fight back must be elected but who would want to go thru what is happening to Trump?
        God preserve us!

    2. A betrayal of the Brexit vote would not go down well with those who voted in its favour. I’d go as far as to say that it could well destroy the putative “conservative” party in the UK.

      On the plus side, it would also likely signal the collapse and extinction of the odious, duplicitous Lib Dems.

      We can only dream!
