73 Replies to “Les Deplorables”

  1. This is a bad omen for the ENDP and the Libs in the next Fed election.

    Its startling to see Quebec turn way from Leftwing socialism, which has been their way for decades. It’s a Ceeb story after all, there’s no doubt they are leaving out inconvenient details

    1. Yeah, French means socialist, everywhere and at all times and places…
      Every former French colony is a socialist sheet hole:

      I will believe Quebec has given up on socialism, when Saskatchewan divests the crowns.
      Some places, socialist is just in the DNA.
      And when socialism is in the DNA, there will be mass graves. Eventually.

      Perhaps Lac Megantic could be considered the first sacrifice of human lives on the alter of Marx?
      Or the correctly termed practice of infanticide. Moloch, Marx, always seems to require the sacrifice of children…

        1. The people are rising and throwing off the shackles of your beloved establishment. And one way or another, it will happen.

          How do you want your crow? Well cooked? Medium rare? Raw?

          Better make a choice soon, because you will be eating a lot of it in the near future.

        2. You are as ignorant as owl shit.
          Vietnam is a Unitary Marxist-Leninist ,One-party Socialist Republic.

          Our Head of State is Queen Elizabeth II.
          Get back to me when Canada has only one political party and no Monarchy.

          1. “Vietnam is a Unitary Marxist-Leninist ,One-party Socialist Republic.”

            And East Germany was a “German Democratic Republic”. Also: the number of parties has nothing to do with the economic organization. Don’t know why you bolded that.

          2. “Don’t know why you bolded that.”

            No, you don’t know why. You probably don’t know why competition breeds excellence either.
            You also don’t know why Socialist governments, having less competition,(No competition in the case of Vietnam and China) do not produce excellence.

    2. “Its startling to see Quebec turn way from Leftwing socialism,”

      Not at all, DanBC. The only major difference between the CAQ and the other parties is its public stance on the immigration issue. And a good part of that is simply appealing to the xenophobia that brought in the Province’s racist language legislation. Should CAQ ever form a government, I’m betting that all the trappings of socialism unique to la belle province – state daycare, discounted tuitions, farmers on the public tit, and language police – will stay firmly in place.

      1. “…farmers on the public tit,…”
        From where I sat, all the Quebec political establishment were in favor. Socialists all. They have a warm host in Andrew Scheer.

        1. “Saturday, in the Park…là là là …”
          From where I sat, all the Frenchies, the pure laines, were in favor of throwing les Anglais out of the province. Sorry, they can’t be happy about les Arabes moving right in.

          As a teeny tiny tot, one learns to absorb la langue Française if one wanted to play in the playground. I once had my treats swooped down from me, like a magpie after a meal. ( child’s dirty thoughts, reader discretion advised: MANGE LA MERDE)

          When told by a kid to “GO BACK TO ENGLAND”, I replied, loudly and clearly, as lil N’cy could: “TWAY LÀ, VAS EN FRANCE!”

          Socialists all. They have warm hosts in la Trudeau & Scheer.

          1. Ha! And here in Mexifornia … I am regularly confronted with construction workers on my job sites muttering insults in Spanish about my personal family heritage and sexual proclivities. But when (at the end of the job site meeting remind them to … Hay que ser muy cuidadoso con lo que le dice, cabron They turn as white as me, and apologize.

          2. @1:31 pm reply to Kenji ⬆️

            Heheheh, you showed them! They ‘ll now have to
            fermer la gueule around you!

    3. Quebec has already started turning around. They (sort of) cut spending and slaughtered the sacred daycare cow (sort of). Quebec has not been the lodestar of the Canadian left for some time now.

      There is no reason to believe the CAQ is better than the Liberals. The CAQ has a bunch of weird nationalist nonsense. They were butthurt about some tennis player registering in the Caymans or some other tropical tax shelter. to avoid tax.

    4. My guess is Quebec has had enough of uncontrolled immigration. I just spent 3 weeks in Quebec and heard it first hand. Quebecois are concerned with people who are so culturally different coming into their province and not even trying to communicate in French. Plus the generous social programs are supposed to be for French Canadians not immigrants. If you’re an anti-immigrant party you can tack on about 10% of the vote.

      On a Federal level, Bernier should stay in Quebec. He would wipe out the Liberals and have a lot of clout in Parliament. He could keep those transfer payments coming too.

        1. More pure bullshit. Turd world countries have no functioning welfare state yet most if not all remain universally racist. Scandinavian countries used to have the most generous welfare state yet they were among the least racist societies in the world. Of course repeated exposure to turd worlders changes that but that is a separate issue. In fact the only non racist societies in the world are white dominated societies and the more racist turd worlders (like you) they import the more racist they become.

  2. Bye bye Castro Kid, Ontario and Quebec are moving away from traditional federal political parties this coming election…

    Thé PPC will win a majority….

    Canadians are taking back their country and we will not become like Britain.

    The global leftist radical crowd are on there way out…

    Thank goodness for that.

    The Dali Lama should live here for as long as he wants.


    1. I always work for and hope that the Liberals become “Les Miserables” and I love your optimism.

  3. The big story is that this party actually says it’s going to reduce immigration, the only political party either provincial or federal to say so, and it looks like they’re about to get elected.

    The smaller story is that will mean Liberals will be out of power in both Ontario and Quebec.

      1. Quebec could have easily shut down its border with the US where all the “asylum seekers” were coming from. It can also deny social programs to immigrants by introducing waiting periods to validate the claims of asylum but never allocating enough court time to review any cases. There are many ways.

        1. “Quebec could have easily shut down its border with the US where all the “asylum seekers” were coming from”

          Wait what? Quebec has control of that border? Okay but then they can just come in through another border.

          “It can also deny social programs to immigrants by introducing waiting periods to validate the claims of asylum but never allocating enough court time to review any cases.”

          Refugees aren’t here for welfare. They’re here for better lives.

          1. Refugees aren’t here for welfare. They’re here for better lives.

            Good one UnU I like a good larf. Of course, you realize that life on welfare in Canada is better than a than in a shithole.

          2. “Refugees aren’t here for welfare. They’re here for better lives.”

            Here we go again, every weekend it comes back like herpes to repeat the same tired bullshit that nobody buys.

            You’re cancer and your contributions and aspirations are reflected by what you left behind not by what you have freshly infected.

      2. It will put pressure on the federal politicians elected from the province if a majority of the state level ones are predominately against immigration. The state ones could make life very unpleasant for any MP trying to get reelected if he didn’t do something to address this issue. This will result in greater competition for votes in all the ridings that go for CAQ in this election, and will alarm all incumbents who are wishy-washy on the issue. Competition is always a good thing for the interests of the electorate, and a major headache for an incumbent politician who has dug in his heels on a particular issue.

      3. It’s Quebec….all it needs to do is pull Trudeau’s puppet strings and Bob’s your uncle. In Trudeau’s mind, Canada doesn’t exist….Quebec does.

  4. From the link

    “For the CAQ, which would cut school taxes and return C$1.7 billion ($1.3 billion) to Quebeckers, a balanced budget must come with reduced bureaucracy and government waste”

    Words that strike fear into the heart of the swamp.

    Coincidentally the election happens on the same day as the NAFTA negotiations deadline.

    1. Addendum

      That deadline is important as I predict Freeland is going to throw the dairy cartel under the bus but has orders not to agree to it until midnight Sept 30.
      If that leaked Colliard would have his bogeyman to blame an election loss on.
      Trump likely knows what effect getting concessions on dairy will do to juthtins political fortunes in Quebec and may do something to get such a contention leaked “off the record” before election day .
      Its not like the media would leak an off the record quote now would they?

        1. Highly unlikely that it is a ruse: Andrew Cuomo the governor of New York which is the second largest dairy producer in the United States is shoulder to shoulder with Trump on this issue as is the governor of Wisconsin. You see, in 2017, Canadian dairy interests got a non-tariff barrier erected to ban imports to Canada of a category of industrial milk from the US that was explicitly exempted from quotas or tariffs under, guess what, NAFTA! This is a clear violation and unilateral rewrite of a provision of NAFTA by the Canadian side and it will not be dropped by Donald Trump.

          This , by the way, happened in 2017 under the current Liberal government. If Boy Sche(m)er had any brains and integrity, he would have used this fact to educate the public that Trudeau in fact was heavily responsible for endangering the Canadian auto industry by pulling this crooked prank for his base of support in the dairy industry. He would’ve put Trudles on the defensive for endangering NAFTA and all Canadian exports to the united states, for his own political gain.

          But Sche(m)er has neither brains nor integrity, and so he didn’t bother.

          1. “You see, in 2017, Canadian dairy interests got a non-tariff barrier erected to ban imports to Canada of a category of industrial milk from the US that was explicitly exempted from quotas or tariffs under, guess what, NAFTA”

            Ultrafiltered milk wasn’t mentioned in NAFTA. It is concentrated milk and the Canadian government now considers it for import on a pre-concentrated basis. The US exports 4 or 5 much dairy products to Canada than they accept in imports. Both countries heavily subsidize dairy products in different ways but at relatively similar rates.

  5. I’m inclined to think that Quebec voters are more fiscal & social conservative than those of Ontario. (CAQ is right of center)

    In the recent Ontario provincial election 60% of electorate voted and of those, 60% voted Liberal & NDP and that’s after the record Liberal abuses and mismanagement. Ford got in cuz of how the vote split.

    The left rules academia and along with MSM indoctrinates the next generation of voters and we keep importing ever more left voting immigrants. The writing is on the wall.

    I’ll be checking out rural real estate in the Eastern Townships on my next road trip to the USA.

    1. “left voting immigrants”

      There’s literally no evidence of this. The CPC’s time in power was partly because of its strength among immigrants. Stop whining about immigrants there’s only going to ever be more of them.

  6. Q’bec is looking after itself. The money they have to spend on the illegals can’t be spent on schemes that bring votes, corruption.
    That’s about what this is worth.
    Could be wrong though. This appears to be a new crowd.

    The establishment parties, the ruling class, seem to be dropping right now.

    Never fear though, the academe, the press, the political snakes in the grass, the moneyed class are working on a new chant for the masses as you are reading this.
    All they have to do is to fill the empty head with it and he will repeat it over and over and over ……
    Always ending “that’s what Canadians want” and sunny days are coming.

  7. If both Ontario & Quebec have right of centre provincial gov’t that are saying they want reduced immigration, what is Trudeaus’ “out” on this topic in the next federal election?

    He can’t run a federal campaign saying his two largest bases are wrong on an issue this close to the Liberal’s very being.
    I’d prefer to see any separatist party do well in Quebec.

    1. “If both Ontario & Quebec have right of centre provincial gov’t that are saying they want reduced immigration, what is Trudeaus’ “out” on this topic in the next federal election?”

      His ‘out’ should be that they’re wrong and we actually need tons more immigration, because we do. And then he should do and drown out those who oppose mass immigration. His other out is that neither Ford nor, in all likelihood, the CAQ represent all of their province.

      1. Except they aren’t wrong. Trudeau is playing the same game that Obama played in the US with ILLEGAL ALIENS. Canada’s immigration system needs to be tightened up very significantly. We don’t need any more Khadr’s. Tovarich.

        1. “Canada’s immigration system needs to be tightened up very significantly.”

          No it does not. Canada already has a plenty tight system. Canada let more people in during part of the 1920s for massive gains. Restrictions on immigration might be doing more to hold us back than anything else.

          1. unDork, f you need clarification o immigration facts, yer not even in the discussion, which is evident by your stupidity. PeeAir liked the idea of multiculturism because it is easier, and cheaper, to then manipulate certain demographics

            You are just plain STUPID!!!

      2. Hey Comrade. No one Disagrees that we need Immigration…K? So cut the shit about that.

        What we DO NOT want is unbridled Middle Eastern and Sub Sharan MIGRATION & waves of so called Refugees coming into Canada with ZERO Skills, and ZERO intent on Assimilation. while picking up Justins $50k annually on MY DIME…capisce..?

        See the differnce sonny.??

        1. Unfortunately, Unme cannot tell the difference.

          Decent immigrants do their level best to abide by the law, make an honest living, integrate and support themselves.

          The barbarians swarming in these days aren’t doing that.

        2. Yawn. We heard the same garbage about every single previous wave of immigrants and it was wrong everytime. The Muslims of Calgary vital to Alberta’s oil industry.

          1. The Muslims of Calgary vital to Alberta’s oil industry.

            Untwit, you’re as clueless as usual. Have you ever worked in the oil industry? I did for a few years. I also grew up in it as my late father was a machinist in an oilfield machine shop.

            With Canadian citizens working in the business out of work, your favourite immigrants aren’t required.

          2. “With Canadian citizens working in the business out of work, your favourite immigrants aren’t required.”

            That’s not for you to decide. That’s up to the people who actually run the companies as opposed to a disgruntled former machinist. If you want your job, compete for it. GG

          3. No. We have enough janitors and labourers now.
            Commenting from the oil sands wherebwe have zero skilled muslims on site.

          4. “We have enough janitors and labourers now.”

            There is no ‘we’. Companies and the people that run them have their needs.

  8. What is the purpose of using an oxymoron like “leftwing socialism”?

    All socialism is the collective.
    The collective always sacrifices the individual.
    All socialism is totalitarian/despotic.
    “rightwing socialism” is the same as saying something like “good evil”, or “nutritious excrement”.

    “social justice”
    “pro choice”
    “democratic socialism”

    What is the preoccupation with adding pronouns/adjectives to everything?

    1. ‘What is the purpose of using an oxymoron like “leftwing socialism”?’

      To differentiate it from right-wing socialism.

      Yes there is an abomination called right-wing socialism. When conservatives in High River AB lost their homes they promptly ran off to gubermint to raid the pockets of taxpayers — that’s right wing socialism.

      Conservatives contaminate gasoline with ethanol — that’s right wing socialism.

  9. The CAQ are simply the revival of the pro-business, anti-communist, anti-separatist Union nationale of Duplessis. In other words, the French Canadians have simply realized what Conrad Black has argued his whole adult life—Quebec was better off under Duplessis than at any time before or since.

    Only took two generations of ruining Canada for the rest of us and doing all in their power to drive the English and the Jews out of Quebec for them to realize they were only hurting themselves. Forgive me for not being grateful.

  10. Corruption in Quebec? Yes. The ROC just does it bigger and better. Ontario has been decimated by energy polices that were hatched under the Mulroney conservatives. Bay Street financiers and Alberta energy Co’s sat on the NTREE think tank. We ended up with Suncor & Trans Alta & Enbridge etc etc windfarms built in rural Ontario subsidized by Ontario consumers users at 3 times the going cost of electricity. Ontario will be paying for generations. And the carbon offsets/credits created are to be traded and applied to the tar muck being mined in Alberta. Alberta got no wind?

    We don’t have capitalism. We have corporate socialism where the Cos are guaranteed (regulated) their profits and we the plebs have no choice but to pay. The Federal Libs paid wind companies a subsidy. Harper gave them lucrative tax write-offs. All appeals by citizens to whatever tribunals have been shutdown including by the Feds.

    Credit to Quebec for standing up for themselves.

    1. We don’t have capitalism. We have corporate socialism where the Cos are guaranteed (regulated) their profits and we the plebs have no choice but to pay.

      And how is that different from what Mussolini and Schicklgruber practiced?

  11. I notice the CAQ is pipeline friendly, or so I infer, as they want to increase Quebec export of energy.

    Mr Trudeau and his crack(pot) team of advisers have painted themselves into a corner.

    Owing to their hopeless entanglement, web of rent seekers and conflicts of interest, all they can do is stop, not build pipelines.

    Because Justin is frozen in time over dairy cronies in Quebec, he can’t budge on trade.

    His Libs are toast, time to jump ship; offer reciprocity on dairy. Instead Chrysta pisses off the US team wherever possible.

    But he won’t because he thinks he’s above it all with his grand plan in place. Plus Trump is easy to prop up as the problem.

    Will he make his grandest miscalculation yet and call a snap election to escape another provincial progressive beatdown in AB?

    Will he try to capitalize on anti-Trump sentiment? It would be a serious gamble, but the Grits have to know they could pull this off.

    I don’t think it will work and players will step up and pillory his deer in the headlights governance.

    Anyway, like I said before, if we’re going to decide the future of our nation, in part or in whole, let’s get on with it.

  12. My entire life, Quebec voters consistently voted left and further left provincially. Can it possibly be that this will finally turn around? Expect an all out media assault full of lies to try to stop this from happening.

  13. Scar, the actions your darling Trudeau’s Canadian Dairy Commission took by ok’ing re-classifying ultrafiltered milk are a non-tariff barrier, which Canada agreed not to use, in the NAFTA treaty. NAFTA included 10 categories of dairy products that would be subject to tariffs and establish the rate for those and ultrafiltered milk was not one of those categories. Furthermore, the treaty explicitly states that it represents the comprehensive framework for trade conduct. So, if you argue that it does not forbid such barriers, than you are arguing that it was in fact not a binding treaty, an absurd proposition. And if it is, indeed, non binding, the sky is the limit for the Americans to establish a tariff on Canadian autos simply by re-classifying them as a good subject to tariffs under NAFTA.

    Trudeau acted in bad faith as well, by arguing that the US is demanding an end to supply management. That has never been demanded by Trump, and it was never requested by the US dairy farmers petitioning the US government; their beef has always been that a milk product that Canada had agreed to import duty free ( by not inserting specific language to the contrary in the dairy provisions of the treaty), had now been re-classified in violation of the original agreement. NAFTA does not give that privilege to either country.

    1. That’s probably the best summary of what the dairy issues are all about, in this NAFTA dispute. I salute you on that. Trust the Canadian media to explain it all for the Great Unwashed,eh? Unfortunately, our deer Scheer is caught in the headlights. I’m casting my stink vote to Bernier.

      This country survived PET the 1st, not so sure if it will survive the commies this time, without a remake.

  14. I see Max’s party making a significant impact in Quebec enough to make it difficult for the liberals to rely solely on the charm of the Sockmonkey to maintain majority status. Their problem now is coming up with another strategy as the only one they have is the charm of the Sockmonkey.
    Or are they going to start calling Quebecois racist?
    Is everyone now a racist?

  15. This is not a left right election. Most voters in Quebec are pretty much in the center. The bigger difference is a CAQ victory moves Quebec further from the Nationalist question. Nationalism motivated most voters and especially voters in the Montreal area to consistently vote for the Liberals. A CAQ government will move the political debate to the economy. This is a really optimistic time in Quebec politics.

  16. Interesting that the legal immigrants from the middle east that I work with, have no use for the illegal alien border crossers from the middle east.
