29 Replies to “Deep State”

  1. James of ‘Acorn’ fame. His work is astonishing. Looking forward to seeing what he has uncovered. I was wondering where he went and whether he’d resurface again. Glenn Beck featured James’s undercover work on F.N.C. a few years ago.

    Let’s see what the Alphabet Networks will say. Will there be a ‘full throat roar’ or, perhaps, nothing at all, not a peep? We should get at least a fit of madness from Rachel Maddow, or Mika and Joe.

    Yes, ditto Travis @ 1:29 am

  2. What about Canada?
    Our system won’t allow a Trump.
    No Project Veritas.
    No Judicial Watch.
    Is every Canadian lawyer a Liberal?
    Don’t lawyers care about their fellow Canadians?
    It appears that Canadians will have to wait for aliens to save them.


    1. Or, Donald Trump, perhaps. If Trudeau really loses his shirt in the trade negotiations, People will begin to feel they were fools for trusting him to do the job right and will turn on him with a vengeance. If that happens Trudo will be gone, Sche(m)er will be gone, and conservatives will once again have a chance to be a different party from the Liberals that will actually dismantle the state the Liberals created. Or at the very least they might start realizing how very stupid it is to acquiesce to bad things like the supply management system in the hope of pleasing everyone. Nothing is accomplished in politics without taking risks and occasionally large ones. A Conservative party headed by Max Bernier, and with some steel in their spine, would be a step in the right direction.

      1. Just when I think you’re totally out of touch with reality – you prove it. PM Bernier? On what planet?

      2. Small c , Fantasizing like that will only drive you mad. Trump will be the bad guy even if Trudeau takes us into a depression worse than the 1930’s.

        There will be no epiphany as long as the msm tells Canadian who to blame: NOT Trudeau. We are an acquiescent people, we will NOT rebel, we will take whatever the government hands out. We have no leaders who don’t just want their chance at the trough in Ottawa or their provincial capitol, so no, no one will “turn on him with a vengeance”, most we can hope for is a questionable victory with a Liberal-lite taking over in Trudeau’s place.

        Bernier will be lucky to hold on to his own seat let alone form government.

        1. I agree with all your points, but if the outcome is really catastrophically bad, it will be a political shock greater than anything post-war Canada has experienced, and will be an opportunity for second thoughts for the squishes “opposing” Trudeau, because their will be a revolution in sentiment amongst the business community.

          The people are complacent, and will never be told the truth by the media. If change comes, it most likely will have to come from a business community that has concluded the Libs are too incompetent to manage trade relations. Already, the trade uncertainties are making investment decisions difficult in the dairy industry – the head of Saputo Foods has called for Justina to reverse the changes made by the Dairy Commission which led the American farmers to make their petition to Trump. And forget about the fate of the auto agreement, any executive who leads a manufacturing concern must be extremely fearful of what Trudles will cost them in the re-negotiation of NAFTA. If he screws it up, they will have a strong incentive to become much more involved in conservative politics, and will support the rise of new leaders in the party. If the new NAFTA is truly awful for Canadian business, their complacency will end, regardless of the sentiment of the people. That will be the first opportunity for a fundamental change since PET.

          1. I agree with your points, but you didn’t mention the elephant in the room, namely, Canadian businesses will quickly become American businesses. They will pack up and head south with nary a sigh…. they are just not willing to put up a fight any more. They can see the writing on the wall and
            are most likely drawing up plans for the exodus already. I am not really sure who the Liberals were expecting to vote for them once we are all out of work.

          2. arctic front, if ‘Canadian businesses leaving’ are the elephant in the room, then the CBC’s complicity in all of this economic self-destruction is the ‘blue whale’ in the bathroom.

  3. Last video I watched was the Democrats illegally registering voters for the 2016 presidential election. That was a tape that never made it to 60 Minutes. Objections to Project Veritas clandestine recordings as illegal do not jive with what 60 Minutes and 5th Estate did for decades. OK for progressives but Gestapo equivalency for conservatives.

    Canada so desperately needs this same effort. Sun TV and the Rebel try but receive little support from the conservative movement. Not under Harper and not under Scheer. That says a lot in itself.

  4. This is interesting.
    O`Keefe said in the beginning of his talk about the deep state having the real power in the US rather than the elected government.

    Some 50-60 years ago as young guy in a socialist country run by communists always interested in the workings of governments and politics this is what was written about a lot.
    That the intelligence agencies and different bureaucracies of the US government own the power as opposed to the elected representatives.
    We thought that it was just communist propaganda, it may have been on certain level though it seems now that the communists knew well what they were talking ‘bout.

    Today we see that it is so.
    It looks like the people of the US are losing power to the bureaucrats. Since just about every family has somebody working for the bureaucracy at one level of government or another, not much is going to be done to protect those that don’t.
    Once, down in St. George, Utah, there was an ad on radio, a woman was praising some politician, you would think the guy was some kind of holy man. One was left to wonder what the locals thought and got out of it.
    If not the US will become socialist and communist in this century and then the decline will begin. The decay will take time for the simple reason that there is so much money to be wasted.

    The rich socialist fascist aristocrats will get by, unless there is a revolution and they are made to suffer.

  5. This is interesting.
    O`Keefe said in the beginning of his talk about the deep state having the real power in the US rather than the elected government.

    Some 50-60 years ago as young guy in a socialist country run by communists always interested in the workings of governments and politics this is what was written about a lot.
    That the intelligence agencies and different bureaucracies of the US government own the power as opposed to the elected representatives.
    We thought that it was just communist propaganda, it may have been on certain level though it seems now that the communists knew well what they were talking ‘bout.

    Today we see that it is so.
    It looks like the people of the US are losing power to the bureaucrats. Since just about every family has somebody working for the bureaucracy at one level of government or another, not much is going to be done to protect those the people in general.
    If not the US will become socialist and communist in this century and then the decline will begin. The decay will take time for the simple reason that there is so much money to be wasted.

    Once, down in St. George, Utah, there was an ad on radio, a woman was praising some politician, you would think the guy was some kind of holy man. One was left to wonder what the locals thought and got out of it.

    The rich socialist fascist aristocrats will get by, unless there is a revolution and they are made to suffer.

    1. I apology for the double post. Cancelled the first one and edited, it seems that the “cancel” is not doing what it should.

      1. Lev, I believe ‘Cancel’ refers only to your editing and you have to click on ‘Delete’ to clear the entire posting.

  6. So his detractors claim that clandestine recordings are unethical and we must never pay any attention to them?
    Unless, of course, it is Donald Trump making lewd comments about women. Then it is fair game.
    They all protested about it being unethical then, right? And should be ignored on that basis.

    I am still amazed at the hullabaloo about supposed foreign interference in the US election, with no regard for what was actually done!
    Somebody released emails showing the dirty tricks of HER and the DNC regarding Bernie. This may have caused some Bernie supporters to stay home, although I doubt that the numbers were significant, given the TDS present in the typical Bernie supporters.
    But the real media focus should have been on the facts of what SHE was doing, not on who released the information.
    Typical MSM response when they don’t like the truth presented – blame the messenger, blame the methodology (even tho they would gleefully use the same methodology if they could pull a “gotcha” moment on a conservative)
    and totally ignore THE FACTS……WHAT IS BEING REPORTED! SHE was cheating, and most of the DNC leadership was in on it!! Who cares if it was a disaffected DNC employee (who may have paid with his life) or the Russians or the Chinese or a cabal of left-handed Albanian dental assistants? What is crucial are the FACTS of what SHE was doing, not how those facts came to light.
    By the way, I like the abbreviation somebody has used here… they have morphed from the MSM to the MSU (make stuff up).

  7. This guy is awesome. I pray he has good security because he is likely to get whacked ala Brietbart etc.

  8. But O’Keefe is WRONG!! Omarosa claims to have thousands of hours of tape … that she will … uh … soon … release! Woodward said he has “tapes” … and he … might … even release them! Cohen has tapes of Trump’s phone conversation … sliced, diced, and edited to … imply … something utterly illogical (based upon his actual words).

    The oppo media are TRYING to BE James OKeefe … except … sadly … only leftist Dems are the ones routinely behaving badly. Actively and intentionally undermining our Constitution.

  9. One thing we can expect from deep state supporters is that the upcoming O’Keefe tapes are edited to make it seem like the miscreants are saying those nasty things. They’ll produce experts that will guarantee that the tapes are phony.

  10. I am becoming somewhat fatigued with these claims of…’ Ooooh, we’ve got them now!’

    Ha, but then I imagine being a gullible leftard and dealing with the years worth of propaganda seasoned with weekly exhaltations of… ‘This time, we got Trump for sure’. Ha Ha. At least we ‘righties’ will eventually be sated with the truth while the left will be doing it’s usual mental gymnastics to deny reality. The reality that they have been totally duped and manipulated by the heavily orchestrated lies of the globalist Dems and their lapdog media.

    Not to discredit his valuable work, but I hope James is offering us more than a ‘Van Jones nothingburger’ this time. Which begs the question, is there ANYTHING he could get on tape that would actually break through the carefully prepared propaganda of the MSM and their globalist cabal? I guess we will see.
