49 Replies to “It’s A Head-Scratcher”

  1. As for these screeching green haired lesbian cows whining about how sad their miserable lives are..? Aww… I wonder who’s to blame for that eh.?

    Socialists All and I could care less… Go buy a tent and live in the bush – with luck you can be somethings next meal.

  2. The Child care issue doesn’t pass the cost Vs benefit….The Children’s parents get free day care for ~4 years and then pay for every succeeding group for >65 years plus….Not a reasonable investment by any measure… Goggle & Twitter should self fund and reduce all the employees pay checks (NOT TAX DEDUCTABLE)……An EVERY election throw away by progressives, or Quebec special funding provided by the ROC

  3. What now?…
    Self-sterilization of course. Of all people these women should understand that physical sterility is necessary to safe guard their new cultural identities and allow them the freedom to continue their passage down the long slide to happiness nowhere.

  4. It’s a new round of Darwinian sorting. Evolution used to favor those who had traits necessary for survival. Now that most people in advanced societies survive, evolution is favoring other traits. Those who are susceptible to the message that men/women, children and a boring married life are horrible will have far fewer children. Ditto for those who have fallen for Hollywood’s message that you need to find that perfect person or that there’s some perfect time to have children. Evolution is favoring those who are not gullible and not susceptible to believing every happiness defeating message in progressive pop culture and academia (at least for middle class and up).

    This should, over time, noticeably change the personality traits off the population (middle class and up). Fewer angry, narcissist progressives for one, I’d guess. Fewer radical feminists, fewer MGTOW/MRAs. More people who are conscientious and co-operative in relationships. Probably more religious. Possibly a slightly lower IQ since higher IQ people with the means to pursue many years of education are having few or no children and they seem more prone to follow intellectual fads in academia.

    In the meantime, there are going to be lots of sad, lonely people in society who realize too late that they chose poorly and, unfortunately, misery loves company.

    1. “Possibly a slightly lower IQ since higher IQ people with the means to pursue many years of education are having few or no children and they seem more prone to follow intellectual fads in academia.”

      I’d argue that point as most of those with the higher IQ are in STEM or useful occupation streams, or even college getting useful training in trades.

      I’d also argue that the vast majority of those attending university are not there because they are capable, but because they were sold the dream and are nothing more than an income stream for universities. These are not the people in useful streams. There are many stories today on the lack of capability of far too many university entrants in regards to actual levels of attained abilities in the 3 “R”s, with most not even at grade 8 levels never mind grade 12.

      I think I found the proper definition of “Useful Idiots”. 🙂

      1. I agree that not all people in higher education streams have equally high IQ. Advanced degree chemists or physicists will have a higher average IQ than those in gender or environmental studies. I also wouldn’t be suprised if some trades and applied sciences have a higher average IQ than most studies majors.

        But, regardless of academic field, I think there is a correlation between years of higher ed and fewer or no children.

        I used “possibly” in IQ because genetic engineering will likely increase IQ. I think the scenario of personality traits favoring marriage and families + genetic engineering for higher IQ is more likely to happen sooner than artificial wombs for single high IQ people who can’t find someone to have children with before they’re too old. It’s not just about having a baby, afterall. You still have to spend a couple of decades raising that child – sharing , communication, making personal and financial sacrifices, compromise, etc.- and those parental personality traits are the same ones responsible for successful relationships and marriage. Just speculation though.

      2. In western society a staggering number of children are born to teenaged and young adult moms, because they make the choice to have children without a partner because the state then gives them welfare and housing benefits. The more children they have the more money they get. These are the kids who will inherit the earth. I know someone who had a child in primary school in a class where every child was a bastard. In many communities that is the norm. The Darwinian survival strategy that leads to the most offspring now, is the ability to game the system for the biggest welfare check. From a survival basis, it’s the smart thing to do, but I doubt society is breeding many new rocket scientists this way.

    2. The flaw in your thinking is forgetting that our species is now ‘memetic’; there’s not much left up to genes. For instance, there’s no reason to believe we’re getting more religious-the opposite is occurring. We pass on ideas not genes now.

      While feminists might be miserable, they would be if they were married as well. I have no reason to believe marriage or worse children would improve my life and a lot of people agree. Children are terrible and I look forward to a child-free world.

      The other problem for your analysis is that we are getting close to radical life extension. If you have children you won’t be able to afford and probably wish you were dead anyways because your life is completely terrible. In this manner, the people you think will die out won’t, at least anytime soon.

      The other other problem is not taking into account automation of childcare ie getting robots to do it. Then it won’t be life-ruining and the people who would not do it will. That will end your ‘sorting algorithm.

      1. I’m not religious but fundamentalist religious people do have more kids. In our town, most people have 2 or 3 kids but the Christian fundamentalist religious group has 8 to 12 kids. Very few leave the group. It doesn’t take many generations to make a noticeable difference. I agree that religion is tricky one though. There’s more and more non-believers.

        I think genetics is a significant factor in character traits, but not entirely. Emotionally stable, non-neurotic, agreeable people in long term committed relationships will have children with similar traits. I assume they’ll be attracted to people like them who want marriage and children. Again, over time, this will will become more significant in demographics, IMO.

      2. I chose not to address your obviously provocative thoughts about children. I have no idea if you’re sincere or merely looking for a reaction. I suspect it’s the latter.

        I always assume people make the best choices for themselves. I suppose they know better than anyone else if their genes are worth passing on.

      3. “Children are terrible and I look forward to a child-free world.”

        Without children, you’ll be looking forward to nothing because, boringly for the seemingly self-obsessed like yourself, revenues for state programmes depend on the constant of successive working generations (i.e., a steady supply of taxpayers).

        Those “terrible children” are your only guarantee of a future pension cheque.

      4. Ho Lee FI_Ick, you are not only an a$$hole racist, you are also really incredibly shallow and bat$hit insane at the same time.

        P.S. Good thing you resigned yourself to the fact that you’ll never procreate.

  5. I remember in high school we had a discussion on whether we should select a partner based on compatibility or how we felt they would be successful in raising a family. Most of the boys selected the latter while most of the girls selected the former. Then the arguing began. The boys wanted a traditional family and the girls wanted a happy relationship.

    Fast forward to today where most men still want a traditional relationship and most feminists seem to want to have a child without being a mother.

    1. The girls are right. The ‘traditional family’ is getting thrown out for a reason. A lot of misery.

      1. Just because you parents were unhappy with you and your father left your mother as a result it does not mean that traditional family makes people miserable….

      2. Unme.

        You never fail to disgust me with your Incredible Ignorance & over the top STUPID talk…..the Traditional family Unit is not in any way shape or form being “thrown out”, not by a long shot sonny boy…only in your wet dreams.

        I must say though, It’s TERRIBLY unfortunate that your Parents did not have this attitude:
        “Children are terrible and I look forward to a child-free world”

        One less spoiled brat Leftard Imbecile would have been good for the planet.

  6. Might I suggest these womyn… transsssss-i-shun … into a facsimile of the patriarchal overlords they despise? It seems as though things are going quite swimmingly for the trans- community these days. A certain cache’ of moral superiority, empowerment, and righteous indignation has been awarded to people of the trans-persuasion. Maybe these gals can “access” the trans-lifestyle … to kick start their 30’s. And just imagine the attention they’ll receive when they fall pregnant! “Man” delivers twins .. will blare the headlines of the NYT.

  7. Feminists remind me of a retarded person I once knew who would constantly punch himself in the face. If anyone was stupid enough to ask why, the usual staff response was….”because it feels so good when he stops.” Someday, maybe, feminists will learn to stop punching themselves in the face.

  8. Let’s see. Have total disdain for anything that makes you feminine, then complain that the masculine half of the population no longer finds you attractive.

  9. Self-awareness reminiscent of a certain presidential candidate. “I hate all of you. Why aren’t I happy?”

  10. There’s a mighty river flowing where the water cool and sweet
    Don’t be fooled by a muddy stream be careful where you drink
    Life is what you make it sometimes a living hell
    If you want to find that promised land dig a little deeper in the well

    be unto others, and life’s rewards will follow.

  11. “society has not yet shape-shifted enough to fully integrate us,”

    Oh my goodness. If that isn’t a laugh I don’t know what is.

  12. I was raised on a farm, drove tractor, milked animals, birthed animals, fixed machines, nailed boards, and butchered meat. I went to University, worked as a teacher, raised kids, kept a home, learned to play music, volunteered months of work, donated to the church, to the poor, and to my neighbors. I saved, invested, and planned for tomorrow. I made sure my offspring did better than I did, and had the appropriate skills to do so. There was no time allowed to wonder how the world should change to suit me, I adapted, and helped others to assimilate to the times. Why are there people who have so much time to navel gaze? Only a life of leisure gives you that, so maybe they should stop being dead weight, and lend a hand.

    1. It seems that some feminists want the label of ‘parent’ without being a parent. That is, they want the kid(s) but the responsibility and work of parenthood to be borne by someone else. Like everything else (e.g. gender, race), why don’t they just ‘identify’ as a parent? Doesn’t quite work, does it.

  13. “Now here you are, over two decades later, experiencing the same old story.”

    And you offered no warning? Psychopath!

  14. The Femi-Nazis are perpetually unhappy; because they are too busy revolting and disposing of the children they ‘accidentally’ procreate.
    It’s lonely when you’re a dedicated nihilist too busy to give love to others…solipsism has a price.
    Gee ideological humbuggery doesn’t sell well…what a surprise…and alienates prospective mates.

    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group ‘True North’

  15. The feminists toxic ideology has affected femalehood. There are no rules. Sad part is many young females buy into the false narrative. Counter forces are MGTOW and Players a la Roosh (Return of the Kings) et al. where all females are now fair game. They will get used. They will get trashed. They will be damaged. So sad.
