25 Replies to “September 16, 2018: Reader Tips”

    1. It appears she has bought into the SJW narrative and she does see herself as a victim and the rules of the game be damned.

      So many black men won’t date black females that the females are taking notice. But the females blame the males vs. looking at themselves.

      Call it Solipsism . Call it narcissism. They’ve crafted a make believe world.
      They want it all on their terms, themselves free of rules of a patriarchy but still holding on to a gynocentric world view where he is expected to forfeit his life & save her like in that Titanic movie.

      In this post modernist world where we’ve thrown out all the rules of the game, men can get over that reptilian “protector and provider” evolutionary urge by not making an emotional attachment to the opposite gender of the species. We can be grateful to the Marxist feminists for advancing the cause.

      1. In case you haven’t noticed, a lot of socially awkward white guys have a diminutive Asian wife hanging on their arms. Apparently a lot of white spinsters prefer loneliness to compromise.

      2. Oh it gets better.

        Serena actually has people praising her and rushing to her defence for all she’s doing for “wymyn’s roights”. Dictionary.com tweeted that Serena was the definition of “class” [which I dearly hope was a stealth backhanded compliment on their part].

        You can act like a total swine and have a princess pout on TV, then get fined $17k, and people will still give you asspats for all the history you’ve made while they make the winner of the tournament feel like scum for just being better than Serena that day. And she acted a hell of a lot better than Serena did at the trophy presentation, too.

  1. Woman: “Do you drink beer?”
    Man: “Yes.”
    Woman: “How many beers a day?”
    Man: “Usually about three.”
    Woman: “How much do you pay per beer?”
    Man: “Five dollars, which includes a tip.” (This is where it gets scary!)
    Woman: “And how long have you been drinking?”
    Man: “About 20 years, I suppose.”
    Woman: “So a beer costs $5 and you have three beers a day, which puts your spending each month at $450. In one year that would be approximately $5,400, correct?”
    Man: “Correct.”
    Woman: “If in one year you spend $5,400, not accounting for inflation, the past twenty years puts your spending at $108,000, correct?”
    Man: “Correct.”
    Woman: “Do you know that if you didn’t drink so much beer, that money could have been put in a step-up interest savings account and, after accounting for compound interest for the past 20 years, you could’ve, by now, bought an airplane?”
    Man: “Do you drink beer?”
    Woman: “No.”
    Man: “Where’s your airplane?

    1. He should’ve home brewed, like some of our readers do!
      There were complete instructions submitted here by Master Brewer
      B A Rupertslander, some months back.

      Roaddog, your anecdote would’ve made the ‘peopleskind’ of the famous ‘Temperance Movement’ very proud, not to mention your material being like that of a regular stand-up comedian. Ha! Ha!

  2. Lloydminster doctor sanctioned after admitting sexual relationship with patient

    Lloydminster physician Dr. Mohammed Sayeed has had his medical license revoked for nine months after admitting to having sex with a patient.
    Erin Petrow, Saskatoon StarPhoenix Updated: September 14, 2018
    Doctor charged with sexually assaulting 6 women from Yorkton, Sask., area
    Mohammed Haque, 72, arrested in London, Ont.
    CBC News · Posted: Feb 18, 2016 2:00 PM CT | Last Updated: February 18, 2016

    Is it just me, or does this look like a pattern? No, couldn’t be.
    Is there anything beside their name, that they share? Can’t think of anything.
    Wasn’t there a famous warlord named… ?

  3. David Murrell:
    Can’t believe you said this yesterday. Had to answer.

    “Ok, technically you’re right. But I live in New Brunswick, we’re in the middle of a provincial election, and Brunswick News is doing a commendable job covering the campaign. Besides, the editorial pages tend to lean conservative. Even the local CBC News is covering the election in a decently neutral manner, so this may be a rare election in Canada with factual, even-handed coverage. I know this seems hard to believe. Btw: the Brian Gallant Liberals are going to win the election in a walk, unfortunately.”

    Good to see a Conservative professor in NB.
    Too bad you never stand up or speak out.
    Typical NBer.
    Which is probably a good thing if you think Brunswick News and CBC are doing a good job.
    Too bad someone, anyone, wouldn’t point out that NB has the lowest corporate tax rate in North America(til Trump), amazing breaks on business property taxes and a long history of corporate welfare par excellence.
    Regular NBers have the highest income tax rates in NA, the highest HST in NA and usurious double property taxation with lousy services.
    Nobody uses their Media like Brunswick News since 1850’s Alabama.
    And what CBC are you watching? Obviously not the same one we all know and love.
    Nobody, particularly the Media, cares about regular NBers.
    And certainly not the “Intelligentsa”.
    And shame on you David, for giving them ANY credit whatsoever.
    To say nothing of you being spectacularly wrong!

  4. David:
    I will commend you for being in NB and voting against your own interests ala being a Public Servant.
    Little known, and even less reported(funny enough), is that New Brunswick is the Liberal Party’s Social Engineering Capitol.
    It started with “bilingual” NB. The only bilingual province in Canada. A joke. But great for francophone employment.
    For years they bought 4 or 5 seats federally with simple”improvements” to Employment Insurance at election time.

    Now, in a province of 750,000, nearly 80,000 women and 30,000 men work for the Provincial government alone. The next biggest employer by far is the Irving Empire, owner of all pertinent media in NB through Brunswick News.( NB is serviced by CBC Nova Scotia. )

    The Liberals, in their wisdom, are purposely overpaying these public servants in order to “increase the standard of living”. Kind of like giving your kids an allowance hike in order to increase the family’s net worth.

    Free daycare and free tuition the latest Liberal promises.
    Who cares if Healthcare, Education and Debt and…..
    Hope the Alberta NDP don’t spend all our equalization monies.


  5. Ah, but wee fella by the name of swampy do na bee sa hard on the retired kindly Professar. Ees an immigrant like yer family was toooo.
    Was sick too. We’re a prrayin’ ferr ‘is ‘healt. Besides, their our firrrst citazenss and it’s sa colld out dere in Na Brunnsweek dat ya can’t bee sa harrsh on da mann.

    Whoo daa ya tink ya arr sayin’ tings like “shame on yoo” ta people, Mudder Superior? Shame on yoo. Nah, say ya sorry, and go play in da traffic.

    Wait till the Professerrer sees dis!

    Sorry David, my Scottish neighbor got a hold of my “works” here.
    This swampy fellow won’t even sign his real other name, but I think I know who he is. The first letter of his name starts with letter ” J “. Hope you reply good and hard. He has issues with e v e r y o n e .
    Picked on me too, once.

    Just say’in.

    1. You might want to shorten your name to Little Nancy.
      And your deductive reasoning is as off as your wee little words.
      I dinna ken but I think you better pick another letter there Alex.

      I’m sure David,one of the favoured few(NB public servant) ,is at his weekend estate recovering from his 8 hour week.
      Hopefully he remembers he’s an economist and a Conservative, and will be the first person in NB history to publicly refute the current disgraceful vote-buying in NB in the form of competing increases in the minimum wage.

      NB so needs literate and numerate adults.
      And sane voices. Lots.

  6. Justin Trudeau paraphrased: Veterans are asking for more than we are wanting to give right now, or ever.

    Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government has left more than $372 million meant to help veterans and their families unspent since taking office in November 2015, Global News has learned.”

    The news comes seven months after an Edmonton town hall at which Trudeau publicly admonished some veterans groups fighting the government for improved benefits, saying they were “asking for more than we are able to give right now.”

    While recognizing some money could always go unspent in any budget, the amount of funding meant for veterans that Conservatives and Liberals have left on the table is “unacceptable,” he says.”

    “Just last year, where they didn’t spend $143 million, they seemed to find $37 million to fight veterans for the benefits they’re asking for… This is a big problem,” Johns said.”

    Meanwhile, Phil McColeman, Conservative veteran affairs critic, says this sort of “staggering hypocrisy” cannot go unchecked.”

    And while O’Regan’s explanation may hold true in certain circumstances, he says, it’s “beyond belief” that Trudeau would publicly criticize the Conservatives for something and then do the same thing after being elected.”

    “Where it becomes unacceptable is when we have the prime minister tell a veteran to his face that Canada does not have enough to give,” he said. “That’s the context.”


  7. The big reason the Globalists oppose trump is because he refuses to comply to their demands like THE PARIS ACCORD and the SMALL ARM CONTROL TREATY

    1. Wait a second, does that mean I can be The Deplorable Dregs of Society, I might change my username, that sounds much classier.
