64 Replies to “Those Moderate Muslims!”

  1. Eastern Europe saw what happened in Western Europe and closed the gates.

    Trudeau saw what happened and sent planes to ensure it happens here. And just like in England, the media and politicians will censor and shame the nation to look the other way even as thousands of girls are systematically raped, terror becomes normal and civil liberties disappear.

    Look what they have done to poor Marissa Shen. Their policies murdered her, and their indifference will mean it happens again.

    1. Ah, but think of how greatly enriched our culture is because of their presence in our (post-national, sharia-compliant, gender-balanced, carbon-neutral, Soros vassal) country….. (Yeah, right.)

      I agree with Levant.

  2. I’d like to deport every last Muslim and every police and politician supporting and protecting them. The Central African Republic government got so fed up with Muslims that they told them all to leave or die.

        1. Hardly. I see this combo in my area all the time (an area that had no Muslims whatsoever up until 3 or 4 years ago and now they are EVERYWHERE).

          What she did is assault by the way.

  3. Some want to leave the West because they don’t like it here. They miss their homes. The U.N. will not permit their exodus.

    1. I checked the CBC News and Globe and Mail web pages, and no mention of the incident. Nor did any other corporate media cover this. Can’t explain why this censorship takes place. A real head scratcher that.

      The police? Wink, wink, nod, nod.

        1. Here is a link to a story on CTV about the protest. The woman who had coffee splashed on her is shown making a comment at the 1:00 point. Notice her right sleeve is clean. She is shown again at 2:05 commenting, obviously just seconds after the coffee was thrown. There are coffee stains on her sleeve from shoulder to wrist. Not a mention by anybody about the incident.


          1. Can doesn’t allow comments but you can report their ‘error’.
            There a button at the bottom of the story.

  4. Look how casual she is in throwing the coffee then walking away. Not throw and run, scared she’ll be caught. Nope. Just ‘slow walk’ up to the group, throw coffee and ‘slow walk’ away. Not even a look around to see if anyone is coming for her. She knows she’s protected. I hope she’s identified and exposed. I’d love to see who she’s connected with for her to “know” she can get away with this. Charge her with assault and expose the media and politicians that protect her and make excuses. Coffee seems harmless, it washes out. Acid? Not so much!!

    1. Are they sure it was a woman? Maybe it was man dressed as woman. Amazing that no one stopped her/him.

    2. Candians have become the Eloi of “the Time Machine” many have laid around and basically abandoned their culture…this did not happen overnight. now the Morlocks can come out of their holes and ravage the population and no one fights back. Americans are guilty as well, i’m not just picking on Canadian’s. i would have been tackling that bitch within twenty feet of where i was standing and made sure her face hit the pavement.

  5. The “journalists” know none of the other folks there will slit their throats. The Muslims will. That’s the difference. Fear.

    1. The cops would show up just as I would about to knock that Mohammadan woman out. To be clear, the cops are on the lookout for normal “Canadians” fighting back. That, they won’t allow.

    2. In Vancouver? They are usually nowhere to be seen. Unless it’s the aftermath of a gang shooting, then there’ll be dozens standing around mostly doing nothing.

  6. Committing an assault and battery with a weapon, so boldly in front of witnesses, including the CBC reporter who was interviewing the woman that she threw hot coffee on. It is as if she knew, the Rule of Law doesn’t apply… well not to a Muslima wearing a hijab. Not when the Trudeau Liberal/M.B. alliance is in power.

    What are the chances of her being arrested and charged ?

    Sharia Law over rides Canadian Law for now under the Trudeau Liberal M.P.s. The signal was passing M-103(power of the M.B., it’s part of a global project they announced to the U.N. some years, ago (Catastrophic Failure- ex-Maj. Steven Coughlin). Every Sharia compliant/Caliphate striving Islamist read that loud and clear.

    Canadians beginning to protest the murder (and rape?) of a 13 year old Canadian girl by one of Justin Trudeau’s Muslim Syrian refugees. Done within months of him being given asylum(or hijra), rushed through the system as an act of Justin Trudeau’s virtue signaling. Then they are attacked for exercising their democratic Right/Responsibility to protest such an outrage. Why did the hijabi woman do that?

    Because, protesting Sharia law over riding Canadian law is also a violation of Sharia law. Her throwing that coffee was actually an act of contempt for Canadian law, values, culture and sovereignty.

    Will this be an issue for the upcoming Oct. 2019 election?

    A nation-state/society that does not protect it’s girls and women will not survive for long.
    Nor does it deserve to.

  7. This is a cruel act by this supposed religious woman, a follower of the religion of peace. They wear the hijab as a symbol of their piety. They say they are modest, and supposedly dress modestly. The slacks she is wearing don’t qualify. In years gone by these were what was known as a leotard, suitable for the gym or lounge-wear at home. Tsk, tsk !

    Just sayin’ eh.

    1. Religion of peace? the Shia and Sunni have been fighting each other since the death of Muhammad. Gee that’s been for 1400 years or so?

    2. I agree with much of what you said.

      An assault on a journalist is a high crime since that’s an assault on free speech and must be punished accordingly.

      Is she a follower of the Religion of Peace or belongs to the sect of Wahhabism? Methinks it’s the latter.

      When Wahhabism raised it’s ugly head the Ottomans crushed it with ruthless efficiency. The Anglo-Americans helped crush the Ottoman Empire and then gave diplomatic recognition to the Saudi-Wahhabi Kingdom they helped foist on Arabia. Don’t like Wahhabism? You know who the Chief Culprit is.

      1. It’s not Wahhabism, it’s islam itself. Wahhabis simply practice what their religion preaches. That’s the problem and the Wst must throw off its intellectual burkha; islam has been at it for 1400 years.

      2. Was it the same enlightened Ottomans that occupied Southern and Eastern Europe? That enslaved millions of Europeans? That put men in Jennisary corps and raped the women? Cancer just like wahhabism.

  8. Screw this “Send them back” bullshiite. Kill them. And kill the “Law Enforcement” and “Legal” system that let them stay.

    Nothing will change for the better until enough RCMP corpses are stacked in the streets. Those pigs will do WHATEVER they are told, as long as that paycheck keeps comin’ in. And you sure had better not think that Your Betters are about to tell them to do anything different than look the other way.

    1. “…Those pigs will do WHATEVER they are told, as long as that paycheck keeps comin’ in. …” They need to be told to do something different, and to be convinced the paychecks will keep coming. The police have lost the public trust, but the public has lost the trust of the police, too. British police used to know how to use their truncheons and wouldn’t shrink from it. We’ve been voting for something different for generations now and we’ve got it. Individually and collectively we behave like easy prey, and prey attracts predators.

  9. Why is clip so truncated? Needs sound and more context…. i.e., 30 seconds of picture and sound prior, 30 seconds of picture and sound after. I distrust something so short. It’s like taking a sentence out of context and making it a quote. And don’t tell me that a longer version doesn’t exist.

  10. Can you just imagine if the CBC, CTV etc caught some footage of someone throwing coffee on a woman in a hijab? It would cycle as front page news for days, complete with some tssk, tssk speeches from Justin.

    These media hacks are deciding what is and what is not news based strictly on the race/ethnicity of the people involved in the story. And these same Liberal pigs call us racist!

    Even more disturbing when our ‘justice’ system seems to put ‘social justice’ ahead of enforcing the rule of law.

    1. Recall the fake high school girl’s hijab cutting story in Ontario last year.
      The media actively participated in that lie.
      If you called them on this story they would tell you they left the coffee throwing out so as to not inflame people.
      The high school hijab story shows they will actively try to inflame people when it suits their purposes.

      Every. Damn. Word. Is. A. Lie.

  11. Too bad someone didn’t rip the hijab off the muslim and use it to wipe up the coffee. Just read the article on the police officer stabbed to death at the entrance to the parliament offices by the muslim who drove the car into the crowd on Westminister Bridge. Officers with batons just ran away, there were zero armed police in the area and the stabbed officer had no defence against the muslim armed with 2 12 inch knives who basically butchered him as they did to Lee Rigby. In some ways I wish the muslim had got into the parliament offices…

  12. Diversity is our strength and these people were culturally enriched with strong coffee so it’s true. Sweden, as usual, leads the way with diversity. Riots, attacks on police stations, shootings, rapes. As I’ve heard so many Canadians say, Sweden is a model.

  13. Someone not in tune with Canadian values. Oops, I guess the Liberals have decided there is no such thing as Canadian values. Oh well. Does anyone remember the Edomton (I think) guy who beat up on a human resources person because someone from his wife’s workplace said hello to her in a mall. The fellow had been in Canada for something like 18 years, but seemed not to grasp that saying hello to a colleague is normal in Canada.

  14. The reporters and police behaved as all good dhimmis should, allowing a “believer” to attack those infidels who would critically speak of any and all followers of their illiterate, pedophile warlord prophet or question the wisdom or motives of a state that intentionally imports them on the taxpayer’s dime while shamelessly calling it “immigration” or “diversity”.

  15. “motives of a state that intentionally imports them on the taxpayer’s dime while shamelessly calling it “immigration” or “diversity”.”

    It’s never shameless when attacking a hated enemy, in this case, us the Canadian taxpayer.

    Tyrannical governments have always disarmed and suppressed the economic strengths of it’s citizenry. From “bread and circuses” to tribalism and street violence, all is a means to an end for the Canadian left.

  16. Wait until the Turdeauites discover through a court challenge by a muslim, that abortion is against Islam, and is therefore Islamphobic.

  17. “These people” simply do not understand, respect, or care about our culture, laws, and morality. They need to go back to their shitholes of origin, if they cannot accept and embrace our countries and cultures. It’s that simple. We’re NOT going to censor FREE SPEECH … just to appease their God of death and destruction … although Justine has been trying.

  18. “Send them back”

    Piss of Ezra. It’s not Canada’s job to live out your insane fantasies. You better get used to more immigrants because we’re taking more of ’em. The polls are clear: my fellow youth quite like immigration.

    1. This is not immigration you moron.

      Immigration, migration (legal or otherwise) and refugees are not one amorphous thing.

      They are separate, distinct from each other and are to be handled differently with respect to policy and treatment.

      It does not follow that needing skilled immigrants is the same as allowing more refugees.

      I thought being a real conservative you understood that. Actually, no I didn’t think that.

      1. Whatever. Refugees are a type of immigrant, and my point still stands: my generation is quite happy with them.

        1. No they’re not immigrants, at which we set our levels based on our needs as a nation, they are refugees.

          You don’t have a clue and the truly amazing part is you are content in your ignorance.

          You are arguing black is the same as white because they’re both colours.

        2. “…my generation is quite happy with them….”

          When your generation eventually gets out of your parents’ basements you will be less and less happy with them every time you encounter them or are discriminated against in order for the state to promote them. Even shitstains like you will turn against mass turd worlder invasion as soon as reality hits.

    2. “…my fellow youth …”
      Yay the wisdom of youth.

      Bitch please, you’re no longer “youth” the generation coming after you is much more cynical and has much better tuned BS detectors. They know you’re cancer.

  19. I will NOT censor my thoughts, speech, and actions, to comfort and appease their ignorance and sensitivity!

  20. that’s assault plain and simple. criminal assault.

    let’s review the current rules for making a citizen’s arrest:
    1 criminal offense. check.
    2 saw it happen yerself. check.
    3 maintain line of sight with offender. check.
    4 advise offender you are making a citizen’s arrest. check (kinda tricky that part)
    5 summon proper law enforcement forthwith. check. (that’s the REALLY REALLY tricky part in this ‘climate’)

    the vid shows whut chickenshyts canadistanis are today.

    captcha getting persnickity agin. have a good evening y’all.
