When The FBI Does It, That Means That It’s Not Illegal

Andy McCarthy;

I guess I owe Jamie Gorelick an apology.
The then–deputy attorney general and other Clinton DOJ officials were worried about FISA. What if you had a rogue agent who was predisposed to believe a suspect was guilty, but couldn’t prove it? The rogue agent did not have enough evidence to seek a regular wiretap or search warrant. Mightn’t the rogue be tempted to use FISA? He’d just need to claim that there was some vague national-security aspect to the case; to pretend that his investigation was connected to a broader counterintelligence investigation of a foreign power. The rogue agent could then seek a FISA warrant to surveil the suspect. He would call it “counterintelligence,” but in reality he’d be conducting a criminal investigation — eavesdropping and searching suspects — even though he did not have probable cause to believe a crime had been committed.
Based on this fear that FISA could be used pretextually to conduct criminal investigations, the Clinton Justice Department imposed “The Wall.” To prevent investigators from exploiting FISA to steer criminal investigations, a barrier was imposed between the FBI’s counterintelligence agents, on one side, and criminal investigators and prosecutors, on the other. It became practically impossible for the two sides to cooperate and share information.
One result was the desired clamping down on potential FISA abuse. But the cure proved worse than the disease. With counterintelligence and criminal investigators unable to build a mosaic of intelligence, the left hand no longer knew what the right hand was doing. This enabled terrorists to escape detection. Inevitably, catastrophes would occur, such as 9/11.
After 9/11, The Wall came down. Its razing was endorsed by such experienced hands as your humble correspondent. We argued that it was ridiculous to believe the FBI would pretextually use FISA to conduct a criminal investigation. Many times I posited that, even if we assume a rogue agent, it would be far easier for the rogue to fabricate the evidence needed to get a criminal wiretap than to fabricate a national-security angle so he could use FISA. I insisted that if the rogue tried to go the FISA route, he’d never get away with it. FISA requires too many levels of scrutiny in the upper ranks of the FBI and the Justice Department — responsible superiors who would stop the rogue in his tracks.
I was wrong.

26 Replies to “When The FBI Does It, That Means That It’s Not Illegal”

  1. Andy McCarthy still doesn’t get it.

    You must always bear in mind that the incumbent leadership of the intelligence community had convinced itself that the Trump campaign was in cahoots with the Kremlin.

    No, the IC leadership knew it was a lie. They were hostile to Trump and created the lie. Expect to see lots more whitewash of the previous Whitehouse executive.

  2. YES and NO.
    yes there’s safeguards in the law
    No this isn’t about some rogue agent. There were numerous FISA renewals.
    Comey, Yates, McCabe, Rosenstein All Signed Off On Misleading FISA Apps

    Rod Rosenstein Has Major Conflicts of Interest in Trump Collusion Case – Signature on FISA App Only The Latest

    USER BEWARE re Geller Report -“””Bias: Extreme Right, Conspiracy, Propaganda, Anti-Islam Notes: Geller Report (GR) is a right wing source, run by Pamela Geller.GR is more of a personal blog than an actual news source, parroting the most extreme rhetoric of the right in general, and anti Muslim sentiment in particular.”””

    I’ve come to where i’ll believe any source is more credible than MSM (plus try to read more than one source).

  3. There are no good cops. Or more accurately, the only good cops are dead cops. JUST HOW LONG will it take you to understand that and forgo your favorite filtered coffee and donuts????

    1. Buzz off, troll.

      You would be one of the least capable of surviving in a society that did not have the police to protect him.

      1. Keep on suckin’, Binky! I’m sure that filtered coffee and donuts tastes real good to you. Your filthy pigs murdered Andrew Lee Scott and Corey Jones and Jerry Waller and Andrew Finch and Aiyana Jones and Eurie Stamps and Justine Damond and hundreds more across the country. And then they “investigate” themselves and decide they didn’t do nuthin’ wrong.

        Pig hunting season opens soon.

        1. and ewe libbies killed Kennedy, suck it up butter cup, and here sowee here sowee, click……………………..

  4. I suspect that the FBI was always using investigative methods that collected intelligence that WAS not allowed to be used in a Court prosecution.. Not allowed in Court because of the lack of probable cause and or a Warrant… The FBI FELT (deep throat) was prosecuted for violating rights, but the CIA always conducted it’s investigations in secret…. after 9/11 the FBI was charged with counter Intelligence (Thank Stupid GW Bush) and that was an huge mistake because criminal prosecution in a court of Law does not mix with secret investigations…..John Brennan (CIA) trained the FBI Peter (Strzok) and provided the names of SOME CIS agents… Steele was a CIA double agent (UK treason)…

    The Trump tower meeting (Trump Jr) was a CIA/FBI counter intelligence sting….Raw Intelligence was leaked to the Media & the FISA warrants were illegal abuses….Jail for all FBI & CiA agents involved & their Media associates ( They knew grand jury information is secret) We need to separate counter Intelligence from the FBI & DOJ… they are children who can’t handle raw intelligence (not proven)

    BTW: I don’t understand why Trumps private security & SS agents in the Trump tower have not been placed under oath and asked what they knew about the FBI/CIA wire-tapping of the Trump Tower… NSA knew and told Trump…Trumps private security may be incompetent…………


    1. Slappy, in the 70T’s there local cops, FBI, AND CIA were surveilling Sam Giancana in Chicago. The CIA is not allowed to do this , by law, but they were. So illegal operations by the CIA go back at least that far.

    2. That’s the whole problem with the FISA court. The evidence was never intended to be submitted to court in a criminal case. That’s why when the Russian company Mueller charged asked for disclosure, Mueller crapped his pants. There will be no disclosure and the bogus charges against the Russian company will eventually be dismissed.

    3. Remember Bill Ayers of the Weathermen Underground?

      Those nice upper class, Ivy League Terrorists that planted bombs and killed people (mostly themselves because thankfully they were upper class twits). They caught him, tried him, and had to let him go because the FBI illegally surveilled him and his fellow domestic terrorists. Billy is famous for,

      “Guilty as hell, and Free as a bird.”

      The FBI has been doing these illegal wiretaps long before the courts ever said they were illegal, going back to the days of prohibition, and the Palmer Raids. Now thanks to computers and digital communications, the NSA, Five Eyes, and most nation states are able to do it to everybody, everywhere, all the time.

      The new, scary part is that President Obama crossed the line and surveilled his domestic political opponents.

  5. “superiors … would stop the rogue in his tracks”, unless they themselves were rogue. To those that far up, there is no “wall”.

  6. Any article which states “I owe Jamie Gorelick an apology”, should automatically be viewed with a very critical eye.

    Gorelick is another deep swamp fixture and fixer, just like Mueller, comey, Brennan et al.

    McCarthy just gave her a big pass, which he must know is undeserved, and requires a very selective view of available facts.

    McCarthy is a bit like Trey Gowdy. Lots of noise, no results.

  7. No, who Andy McCarthy really needs to apologize to is not fellow swamp dweller Jamie Gorelick but the American people, and President Trump, who he failed by backing the denizens of swamp over the welfare of the country. I think to Andrew McCarthy the only real part of America is the swamp, the rest is just an abstraction he does not Feel any real connection too.

    And I dispute his claim as to why the Clinton administration pursued their hear no evil see no evil speak no evil policy vis a vis the Muslim terrorism threat. They were not aiming to protect civil rights, they were following the usual Democrat/left pattern of neglecting national defense (I don’t know if the Muslim brotherhood had yet been chosen as an ally of the Democrat party when this decision was made back in the Clinton Administration but that is probably a contributor to this decision to not conduct surveillance against Muslim terrorists as well; they didn’t want to uncover information that would make it impossible for them to politically ally themselves with radical Islam at home. Hillary Clinton’s campaign certainly had close ties to the Muslim brotherhood.

    ( Fun fact about Jamie Gorelick: despite having no previous experience in finance she was appointed vice chairman of Fannie Mae and collected a $26 million payout. I guess she was considered an excellent political fixer, since she was wired into the top echelon of the Democrat party. Her current gig is as a director of Google, which is more evidence if any is needed that Google is as far left as the Democrat party itself, Or will LI it self with absolutely anyone in order to further its own interests )

  8. The IG concluded the Strzok wasn’t criminally biased. He definitely concluded he was biased, but didn’t see the connection to his investigation or at least with strong enough evidence for a criminal referral.

    I think that evidence is available with more forthcoming. Bad hair days for the outgoing Obama admin now connected.

    I’m no lawyer but wonder if Strzok has convicted himself of perjury, based on his arrogance appearance before the Senate Committee and his subsequent texts and other actions. I doubt the extremely careless argument will work this time.

    I’m pretty sure they’ve got Strzok leaking classified information, a felony. The walls are indeed closing in.

    The two political movies Americans are watching are now coalescing into one.

    The terrible, horrible, no good very bad one for the DeMarxists. Maybe they should move to Australia?

    The DeMarxist propaganda machine will be working overtime but they are failing badly.

    Strzok’s lawyer’s attempt to turn the leak text into a leak prevention scheme is totally discredited; evidence of guilty minds.

    1. “The two political movies Americans are watching are now coalescing into one.”

      Since I first heard it, I’ve thought the ‘two movie’ metaphor was the very best way to describe the schism between the left and right in these times. I sure hope you are right about them eventually coalescing, because that will be the only way we can save our western democracies.

      These ‘globalism vs nationalism’ civil wars are tearing us to shreds.

  9. I’ve long wondered/suspected that the Obama/Clinton Democrats gave the FBI and CIA free reign to do as they pleased so long as nothing came back that could harm the government. When Trump was elected all that changed and suddenly they had to start to play by the rules again and they obviously didn’t like it. I think that is why the witch hunt against Trump can and will continue.

  10. What should OPEN your eyes WIDE OPEN … is just how cynical the (D’s) are when desperate to retain power. They will break every law, thwart every firewall, and flaunt every rule. They will conspire, collude, leak, and suborn Justice.

    The FISA court will be cynically gamed
    FOIA applications delayed, denied, and redacted
    Private servers will be set-up, and destroyed … like with a cloth
    The Media will become willing co-conspirators
    FBI appartchiks will text … and text … and text, text, text, text, text … like mental patients
    Interlocking corporate and bureaucrat operatives will obtain ham radio licenses

    Frankly, I could give a shit if the (D’s) cynically Run their political party according to these ammoral, unethical, and illegal activities. But when they weaponize the US bureaucracy to commit CRIMES against half the voting population of the country … then JUSTICE needs to be served. “Lock Her Up” is a tidy soundbyte of a slogan … but as we all now have learned … the slogan needs to read: “Lock em ALL up” … every single co-conspirator. Including the FISA Judges who showed a shocking lack of curiosity about the requests they rubber-stamped, er granted.

    1. My guess is Trump will declassify previously DoJ suppressed documents around the illegal FISC warrant applications.

      Only verified information (not think, pretty sure, hope) can be included in these applications, otherwise it’s a felony.

      Why do I think these declassified documents’ release is imminent?

      Easy, the Kavanagh accuser has come forward. Too bad for her “witness” has repudiated all of her accusations.

  11. Suggestion – maybe the Trump boys should start a charity to fund deep state intrusion into people’s lives. Money could fund a lawsuit against the FBI attack on Carter Page with evidence they knew to be fake, ruining his livelihood as a consultant.

  12. Don’t you find it strange that silence is coming from the Senate investigation…They must have read Mitch & McCain memo’s to the FBI supporting the FISC warrants wiretapping Trump…Never Trump are Mueller’s supporters. The Republican Establishment are hiding out hoping that Trump doesn’t release ALL the background FISA warrant information… I remember the hideous attack they made on Ross Perot’s family.. Not to be trusted… Carl Rove the fixer, back on Fox….


  13. Related,

    (Although I may have trouble explaining this in as few words as I wish I could)

    in the one hour confidential google video that was leaked a few days ago, towards the end, one of the google people ( don t know his name, the black hair black beard guy in powder blue long sleeve sweat shirt ) on stage says that foreign nations ( nations with an S ) have tried to influence the election…then he realizes what he just said and corrects himself and says and russia russia, especially russia…then he turns around to look at the other google people and smiles as he realizes he just did a small error.

    the error is that he was telling the truth instead of following the script of the prescribed narrative;

    the truth is many nations tried and have tried before to influence elections, and Russia did nothing more or worse than other nations and Russia is not the only one

    you should watch it again, I watch it 3 times

    his body language and his tone and his facial expression are of someone who realizes he said too much and tries to quickly control damage…but he also does not seem to think it is all that bad ( well it is a confidential video and that was 2 years ago, he probably did not take the whole Russia-trump witch hunt serioulsy, had no idea the democrats were that insane )

    but obviously he knew, he definitely knew about the coming witch hunt which is why he quickly corrected his error and said ” russia russia, especially russia ”

    this very strongly suggests google was aware of the whole thing

    those of you who have seen when congress interviewed people who reprresented twitter, google and apple and ALL of them REFUSE to answer the simple question the ( judge? ) asks which is ; were there any other nations tried to interfere, does your data show that?

    and all of them twist like pretzels on their seat and blabber unrelated stuff as if they had been hit o the head, they say just anything that comes to their mind and it is not related to the question

    this too strongly suggests…nah…it is clear evidence those people are in, are part of the witch hunt and have been instructed by the deep state of Obama/Hillary/FBi etc to never ever admit many nations did the same or worse than what russia did

    there are two obvious reasosn why they must deny other nation did the same or worse

    -1- the next question would be; to help Trump or Hillary? ( which they do not want to have to answer since Hillary and democrats in general receive far more foreign money than any republicans )

    -2- if a dozen or two dozen nations also invested large sums of money to try and make Hillary win , or at least more money than Russia, that would KILL the Russia-Trump witchunt…..if for example those tech giants know that Ch9ina spent 20 times more money trying to help Hillary win…well that kills the Mueller witch hunt….so that is why theyr refuse to answer, because the answer would show that Russia did almost nothing compared to what other nations did

    Anyway long story short, that google guy clumsily lets the cat out of the bag by saying many nations interfered, then quickly tries to repair the damage

    it is evidence they – the google people – are ACCOMPLICES in the witch hunt that was about to start.

    it is evidence they know they are suppose to lie and say ONLY Russia interfered…and they know that even though Trump was elected only a day or two before….they know what is coming and what lies to tell…they already know….this is all planned…it is FREAKIN OBVIOUS

    1. more about this,

      the Mueller investigation started in may 2017.

      the google video was made 6 months before the Mueller investigation started

      yet google is already lying and pretending only Russia tried to influence the election

      check the body language ;

      the guy who did that gaffe, that error, he is natural and spontaneous, he is himself as he says ” many nations tried to interfere in the election ” but… when he realizes he was not supposed to reveal this fact he becomes ackward and a bit uncomfortable…he quickly says and does it in a bit of a clumsy ackward way ; ” Russia Russia and especially Russia”

      that is like when you tell a person who does not know there is a surprise birthday party for him next tuesday and you tell them; “we are going to have so much fun next Tuesday I can t wait”
      …and then you realize you said too much and you clumsily, ackwardly come up with a poorly fabricated answer to try and control the damage you done

      that is exactly what I saw

      the google guy was instructed that he was to pretend ONLY Russia did that but the truth slipped out, and then he tried to correct this

      I know I am repeating myself but that little 15 second thing in the video is POWERFUL evidence that google had been fully informed of what was in store for Trump

      why else would he lie 6 months before the Russia investigation?

      Google knew

      they had been instructed to lie and pretend their data shows only Russia did bad things

      watch the video, watch it again, it is super obvious.
