How the Government Outsourced Socialism to the Private Sector – The Finances

“But in the minutiae, use, and semantics of the word “socialist” is a very important point to be made. And both Barack Obama and Burgerkrieg hit on it, albeit unconsciously. Because if you think about it you’ll soon realize that the government, consciously or not, has effectively outsourced socialism to the private sector.

And this is a very bad thing indeed.”

10 Replies to “How the Government Outsourced Socialism to the Private Sector – The Finances”

  1. I have to agree. That would be too much like hard work? It’s better to turn the public into your tax collectors.

    I didn’t notice a reference to small business. No? Only rope buying crony capitalists need apply.

    But why do they get to use our money? With us in their rope, ever tightening. Will they stop at running 50% of the economy.

    IOW the good old days before Chretien was sidelined by Martin and the IMF.

    Lots of room for new sources of revenue there with the top rate half what it was under the gar and his crew.

    How ironic. One more Harper term would have ended the CBC et al gravy train.

    Now one more Trudeau term puts it all back in charge.

    I for one, welcome our new one party overlords. All hail my free healthcare, CPP & OAS. I salute you.

    The bank of mom and dad remains closed, except for the granddaughters.

  2. One of the Captain’s best, I don’t know what part 2 will include, but let me add an observation.

    Indoctrination in socialism(Cult. Marxist 2.0) at universities teach class conflict in the form of identity politics(everyone is either an oppressor or an oppressed, depending on which group or collective they belong to). Most of the Human Resource Dept. in government and private business are run by women.
    Women who have been indoctrinated to varying degrees into Cult. Marxism.

    Thus hiring and promotion based on competency is gradually being watered down by affirmative action and S.J.W. policies. I’ll give only one example. In both the public and private sector, citizens are now having to deal with staff whose english skills or pronunciation is unintelligible. They are recent hire 3rd world immigrants, whose race and sometimes religion gives them precedence over native born, raised and educated Canadians. Canadian, who can actually speak the language and know and share cultural values. The federal Trudeau Liberal gov’t. is giving financial incentives to ensure that.

    A second chicken coming home to roost, are those students who were given social promotion, instead of learning or learning to learn. Who were not allowed to be failed and concomitantly faced a lowered curriculum, dumbed down so that university empires funded by 20+ percent of students, not having an I.Q. capable of university level learning, were admitted. These are entering the workforce, too. As are many so indoctrinated in High School, many diploma’s no longer signify that standard, too.

    The success of Western Civilization pulling ahead of all the others came about when hierarchies of competence began to spread at a higher rate from education, scientific discovery through to private enterprise. Without it, even watered down, our rate of decline will be steep and painful.

  3. I believe Canada is +1 on the issue of corporate campaign finance vs. U.S.

    A logical contributing argument would be that corporations are not people and that while there are fees for LLC licensing they are not inherently political. Removing corporate personhood essentially steps the corporation back from legal aspects legitimizing corporate income tax. Property tax, if levied, would remain. Corporations would not be allowed to make campaign contributions limiting that to individuals. This also allows individuals to work for companies without directly contributing to corporate political agendas which contradicts both fair representation and freedom of speech.

  4. Keep riding the bike captain. Hopefully the cobwebs will clear out.

    Here’s how capitalism works in Ontario. One faction of the Uniparty builds an asset using public funds; e.g. a Skydome, a toll highway, some nuke plants. The next faction comes along and sells it at 10 cents on the dollar and the “capitalists” turn a profit on account of their good management. Wash. Rinse. Repeat. Only capitalists know how to run a business a la ENRON, Worldcom etc. etc. etc.

    After the 2008 crash i came to question the narrative-Using public funds for a social safety net is bad but using public funds to bail out bankers after their ponzi racket crashes is good?

    Socialism has been the modus operadi of the plantation owners. How are they going to make a buck off the plantation after they exported all those jobs to communist china? Money spent on social programs ends up in their pockets.

    Nothing was fixed after the 2008 crash. They printed more and added more to the debt and they haul out ever more. We’re stuck paying them for the debt.

    The sockpuppet can increase spending and talk of balancing the budget cuz the money is virtually free…until it no longer is.

  5. We only got a temporary reprieve from expropriation and liquidation until our masters found a way to replace their drudges with robots. Thanks to their friends in Silicon Valley, that day is not far off.

    In the end we’ll be hauled off to the soap and lampshade factories.

    The end goal is the same—a few dozen soulless monsters and their heirs and successors get to spend their days in wealth, idleness and depravity while an army of slaves caters to their every whim. Except now those slaves no longer have to be human beings.

  6. That was…wow…. I’ve never seen government extortion articulated so clearly and completely.
