Oh, Shiny Prime Minister!

Justin’s bad day just got worse.

The floor crossing is a coup for the opposition Tories, who are counting on a breakthrough in suburban Toronto-area ridings like the one held by Alleslev to win the next federal election.
This is the first floor crossing the Liberals have faced since Prime Minister Justin Trudeau assumed leadership of the party in 2014.
Alleslev cited her concerns over the government’s handling of the economy, foreign affairs and trading relationships, and what she calls inadequate military spending, as the reasons motivating her to jump from the government benches to the Tories.
“My attempts to raise my concerns with this government were met with silence,” Alleslev said in a speech in the House of Commons announcing her move. “It’s my duty to stand and be counted. Our country is at risk. The government must be challenged openly and publicly.”

45 Replies to “Oh, Shiny Prime Minister!”

  1. …and she crossed the floor right after the Liberals wrapped up their convention in Saskatchewan. The convention where they discussed their strategy for next year’s election. Knowing the Liberal’s election strategy, tactics and dirty tricks should give the Conservatives an advantage. It’s even better than being a fly on the wall.

    I wonder if she was privvy to any Liberal government fraud and kickbacks, meetings with eco-activists, etc. Interesting development and great timing.

    1. But that old Army General is still a liberal hack in Nepean. Some argue he always was… a hack at least if not a Liberal.

  2. Sh*t Sherlock, imagine that a Liberal with principals and a backbone to match! Too bad there aren’t enough like her to cause an early election. Then again joining the conservatives is not exactly crossing the floor to the other end of the arena, she just switched her position from left wing to right wing on the second line. Now if she had really crossed the floor she’d be sitting with Max and getting ready to play hardball.

  3. Lots to digest here on what effect this will have and all the possible outcomes.
    One thing is clear today though.
    The government side of the house just lost one of their votes.
    Here’s two days where things get even more interesting.
    NB provincial election on the 24th, the Quebec election on Oct 1 and the NAFTA deadline on the same day.
    If Freeland is going to conceed by the deadline it has to happen before October 1 or we are out of NAFTA.
    Juthtins October crisis?

  4. Upon getting the news I bet little Juthtin used the C word in his faux feminist brain. And I also bet the first chance he gets he’ll elbow her in the TaTa’s and say “Get the fuck out of my way.”

  5. Score one for the Conservatives, a new M.P., one qualified to hold a cabinet position, and be an effective critic as a shadow Minister of a serious portfolio. She speaks with an air of authourity, with a reasoned confidence better than any of her new or former colleagues.

    Being a former RCAF Captain, and her crossing the floor speech, I predict she’s capable of raining “hellfire” missiles down on the Liberal’s house made of straw.

    But only if the Andrew Scheer “brain trust” drops their defensive posture. Then form an offensive line to carry the ball into the political end zone.

    Risk being “offensive”? Andrew Scheer? How likely is that?

  6. And I have no doubt that Andrew Scheer will aggressively question the government and hold their feet to the fire on the many failures of the government.

    Sorry, that’ll be enough sarcasm for today

  7. I honestly don’t know how any sentient human being with a functioning brain could stand to be an MP in the Liberal Party right now.

    Seriously. Those MPs that continue to support Trudeau must be taking valium on a daily basis or they are just plain stupid. (In the case of his cabinet they are just plain stupid, all of them)

    That said, the Liberal Party has always been a bit of a creepy cult.

    1. You forgot the ones a patriotic Canadian government would send back to the cesspits they came from.

  8. Honourable thing would have been to sit as an independent and announce instead she would seek a Conservative nomination in her riding next year. Floor crossers disrespect the voters and I don’t care what party they are from. Self serving political scumbag is what she is. No better than Daniele Smith or Belinda Stronach.

    1. So true. If she was a real conservative should never would have run for the Liebels. Maybe she was giving orders and no one was obeying.

    2. Agreed. Scheer should have asked her to sit as an Independent but announce he would endorse her as a candidate. Scheer is a low energy putz with no imagination and no original thought in his head beholden to whatever group pays him off. He is a puppet. He is weak. He lacks all charisma. What on earth is he even doing there?

    3. Floor crossing is totally legitimate — so long as it is done for the right reasons. There is no need for an MP to suffer incompetence when there is a reasonable alternative. If her constituents object they can vote her out next time.

    4. The good news for you “SO What” is that the Media agree with you, so you’re in good company as the Media would never lie. Just checked out smilin half wit Don Martin over at CBC 2, CTV, and he agrees that its “no big deal” he didn’t really give any reason why it was no big deal but he’s a “journalist” so I guess he doesn’t have to. Samesies with all the other “journalists” on smilin Dons panel, they all think exactly the same way, that this is in no way a big deal, surprising no ? Anyhoo, the Media all agree that this floor crossing is “no big deal” and that Juthtin the Molester is still the greatest thing ever and as you know never does anything wrong, according to the Media… Hugs… Girl Power!

        1. I think you meant to write that you “couldn’t” give two shits… or maybe you could give two shits, I don’t know… either way I couldn’t give two shits either.

  9. When the Liberals asked her to run they forgot to tell her that anyone in cabinet would have to have an IQ lower than Trudeau.

  10. Look at her election results, she just squeaked ahead of the Con candidate. She’s clearly fretting her seat. Not so clear that this is principled.

    One other point; Note how this Lib feels comfortable in the Con camp? Is it healthy that the Con caucus is so liberal that is comfortable to cross? I think O’Leary revealed more than he planned in his NP article; that there’s not much difference between Scheer and Trudeau, instead its about more effective management of exactly the same policies. In this, her crossing isn’t shocking.

    1. “Not so clear that this is principled. ”

      Indeed. If she had any principles at all she wouldn’t have been a Liberal politician in the first place.

  11. For those saying she is trying to get ahead of the wave because of the squeaker last time out, remember that goes both ways. And its not as if she is doing it for a cabinet post. Yeah, shadow cabinet maybe, but we all know that isn’t even close to being the same thing.

  12. Yay, I was just saying that what the CPC really needed is yet another MP who is a proponent of the MMGW fraud, political correctness and identity politics. What a score.

    A Scheer conservative, for sure.

  13. What should really make the Liberal benchers turn pale is her mushy ultra-vogue reason for defecting. I don’t even remember it because it was so vague. Point is she probably bolted because she thought she had a more secure future with team blue. That prognosticates VERY badly for team red. The Liberals absolutely need to replace Boy Dunder.

  14. Potentially FAR BIGGER “bad news” for PM Sparklesocks would be if the Libranos lose the Quebec provincial election coming on Monday, October 1st, as recent CBC polling (reported here on SDA by Kate) seems to indicate. If they lose Quebec after previously losing Ontario it would bode very poorly for their federal re-election chances.

    By the way …ever wonder why Quebec provincial elections always seem to be on Mondays? …it’s because going back many decades they wanted Quebec’s Catholic priests to remind their obedient flocks which party to vote for. I’m not Catholic or ‘churchy’, but I suspect many Catholics are not warmly inclined toward the political recommendations of priests these days.

    Keep your eyes on October 1st …if the Libranos lose bigly in Quebec we can expect several more ‘floor crossings’ to the PCs in coming months.

  15. “After careful and deliberate consideration, I must withdraw from the gov benches to take a seat among Her Majesty’s Opposition. ”

    I am sorry I am confused. Who is that “opposition” she is referring to?

  16. Trudeau is waiting for impeachment of Trump if that happens the only thing left is vote Trudeau and his swamp out
