29 Replies to “Scenes From Typhoon Manghkut”

  1. And the climate change doom and gloom mantra continues. I’m sure it’s the biggest storm the yutes have ever been in, but it’s proof of nothing!

    Florence fizzled, despite all the terrible flooding, it shrank from a Cat4 to a Cat1 before landfall.

    1. This is in the city.

      In the countryside, which the communists have utterly neglected, you can rest assured tens of thousands have been killed by water and wind.

      You won’t hear about it because it can’t be used to make Donald Trump look bad.

      1. Imagine that fake news generating weather man flying about the parking lot like a human ping pong ball from all the wind and rain.

        Mother Nature: I’ll give you something to be tossed about with you wimp!

  2. I would be more concerned about climate change if we were going backwards instead of forwards in time, although our forecasting would then be awesome. Imagine if we had Katrina, Hugo and Camille in the future. Since that’s a sample of the past half century, I wonder if the next half century will match it. If not, I want all my carbon taxes back, waste of time paying them.

  3. Chinese taxi cabs: For you, it’s the end of the world. But for us, it was a normal September storm. Power washing FTW!

  4. Funny, I don’t seem to see Anderson Cooper standing knee-deep in a roadside ditch in any of those…

  5. storms of all sorts cause more damage these days because there is more to damage. In 1945 the population of the planet was about 2.3 billion, it is now about 7.5 billion. there are millions of people living in areas where there were very few people not that long ago and as populations grow so will the damages. if someone wants to live by the water, any water, then they have to take personal responsibility for what happens during a storm. failing to take measures to protect one’s self is not the problem of the state, it is the individuals problem.

    1. A friend and I were discussing in our Sunday morning telephone chat, that we are so tired of dealing with “stupid” people. I agree, there are now 3 times as many people as there were 73 years ago (1945) and they all want to live on the coasts where storms occur. In Saskatchewan, we have to deal with bitterly cold winters, other places have to deal with tornadoes or heat and humidity. Mediterrean climates are the nicest to live in but they are “few and far between”. Prepare for the worst, hope for the best.

    2. And the property damages are 10 times greater because the property values are 10 times higher and cost 10 times more to repair.

  6. Boy, I bet the American MSM is unhappy as hell that the most death and destruction is happening in HongKong, not the Carolinas.

    So, any public blaming of Typhoon Manghkut on Trump, yet?

    On a serious note, the video of the people being slammed into the planter by the wind was scary as hell. I hope those two made it to safety.

  7. Reminder that we will never get an accurate death toll for this hurricane, because Chairman Xi would look bad, not Donald Trump.

  8. Whoa, typhoons. Never had those before. But no worries, if we wreck the industrial economy, they’ll go away, eh?

    1. Good aggregation on the part of Ms Zhu, but she just had to bring “climate change” into it. As though super-powerful, super-destructive storms have never before happened.

      It doesn’t really help that the landscape of the Hong Kong/Shenzhen area lends itself really well to funnelling the winds as they come in from the northeast. But this is totally new.

      1. Not to mention the wind tunnels created by high rise buildings (as illustrated by the first video).

        BTW … anyone who isn’t ASTOUNDED that all those high rise buildings are still standing! just isn’t very smart. We love to pile onto failed Engineers and epic failures of construction … but need to give praise to just how smart and evolved we’ve become, wherein we can create high rise buildings able to withstand massive wind forces such as these. You saw the video of a man’s neighboring building swaying in the wind! These forces are very similar to the earthquake (lateral) forces on buildings. Kudos to all the Engineers (Ove Arup, for ex.) who can design buildings to withstand these phenomenal forces. Which is something the Warmist luddites refuse to acknowledge … that “man finds a way” … to survive, nay thrive in this planets harsh, harsh … natural … environment.

        And BBTW … Did all these Darwinian video bloggers ignore the evacuation orders? Did they even issue evacuation orders? Because these people pretty well acted out the penultimate scene in the 1970’s book The Late Great State of California wherein vast numbers of the CA population rushed to the beach to witness the oncoming Tsunami which eventually swamps the entire State filling the entire Central Valley as an inland ocean. They were all swept away like ants under the power of nature. But they all got a great view before their death.

        1. Evacuate to where? I suppose Shenzhen folk could go inland, but it looks like the storm tracked to Guangzhou, if at a lesser strength. People in Kowloon and the New Territories are smack up against the PRC boundary, and Hong Kong is mostly islands otherwise. My understanding is that they were ordered to stay inside, but window-blowing pressure changes are still gonna happen. I’m suddenly curious to see how Macau was affected.

          As to the engineering, hellz yeah. I crap on engineers all the time (university program and industry rivals), but they do a great job of keeping stuff from falling down.

          1. Understood … nowhere to go but down (from the high rises) onto high ground in a one-story evacuation center … alright … nevermind. Tough to do in an archipelago of small islands.

          2. Looks like Macau was mostly flooding and power loss. No deaths reported based on my quick search.

      2. Funny thing about these typhoons…about the time the Mongols were set to invade Japan a “divine wind” (aka kamikaze) destroyed the Mongol fleet almost in its entirety…geez…it’s like these devastating typhoons occur from time to time in Asia…who knew?

    1. As does the UNIPCC … Al Gore, Mann, Bill Nye the “scienci Guy”, HER, Nancy Pelosi, Justine Trudeau, Chrystia Freeland …
