50 Replies to “September 17, 2018: Reader Tips”

    1. Speaking of Damage Done. Politico catches on that Trump may mean what he says and Canadians should take it seriously as well:

      DON’T SAY I DIDN’T WARN YA — A border-state Republican lawmaker says his northern neighbors misread President Donald Trump’s resolve to reorder North American trading relationships. “For quite a while, I think [Canadian politicians and media wondered about] the threats on automobiles and automobile components and whatnot: ‘Is that real or is that just him leveraging, sort of doing his bombastic thing?’” U.S. Rep. Kevin Cramer of North Dakota told Lauren in a recent phone interview. “One thing about President Trump is, he to a degree understands that it’s not leverage if you’re not willing to carry out the threat, so take him at his word.”

    1. What do you want to bet that Gloria Allred’s fingerprints are all over this one, too.

      So, the Dems have apparently been sitting on this allegation for two months now, ignoring their many many chances to question Kavanaugh publicly and under oath. That speaks volumes, in itself.

      1. He makes the mistake of taking the allegation as true. I say she is a dementocrat and paid liar. There is no reason to listen to her.

        My main concern here, as it is a US issue, is that whatever the left does in the US, the NDP/unions/left import, via their US consultants, the same tactics here.

    2. Yes,she’s Democrat activist.I just read this AM,that her parents were the losers in a foreclosure case in 1996, and the Judge in the case was Brett Kavanaugh’s Mother who was a Judge on the Maryland court at the time.

      So, it may be more than just hatred of anything Trump,it may also be personal.

  1. The Bovington Convoy is pointless. Not only does the single MK I Tank not run under it’s own power, but the Mk I has been gelded
    and exhibits no Maxim machine guns nor cannons. Anyone viewing this pointless parade would be hard pressed to understand
    why the Steel Beast on the flatbed was of any use military or otherwise deserving of being in any parade at all .

    1. Geeez you’re salty. If it makes you feel better one of the cars had an MG, the RR armoured car also had one in the turret. The folks in Bovington are quite famous for their Tank Days and Tiger Days. they have done spectacular work restoring and keeping alive historical armor. For example they have the only running Tiger I in existence also IIRC the Fury E8 Sherman (from the movie) is theirs as is one of ex Canadian Leo 1s.

    2. We used to dismount the MGs from our tanks most of the time. They weren’t stores mounted in/on turrets, they were only installed if they were going to be fired. And actually driving a tank of that era, even if it was possible would likely injure the crew and destroy the road.

    3. perfectionist.
      fcuking perfectionist.
      THAT kind of thinking loses battles/wars/clash of civilizations.

      mebbe, just mebbe some day the tanks WILL sport said armaments. until then we honour those who were there when the ordnance spewed out into the guts of tyranny.
      every goddamn chance and way we can and even until they are gone and we are gone and still beyond that.
      when that stops, civilization has ended.

      I wish I was there doing my part and at the same time am sooooo grateful I didnt have to.

  2. Heard on CBC radio some syrian-canadian being interviewed about her family caught in Idlib and how world community has to stand up to big bad Putin.

    Turkish Strategy In Northern Syria: Military Operations, Turkish-backed Groups And Idlib Issue

    Expect a free pass for more jihadists to Canada

    Side note; Saddam /Gaddafi were/Assad is secularist. Erdogan is Muslim Brotherhood.. And then there’s the house of Saud.

    1. They are not refugees. They are terrorists fleeing justice.

      Send them back, so Syria can bring them to justice in accordance with Syrian law.

      Then bring their Canadian collaborators to justice, in accordance with our laws.

      1. I’d be fine with bringing the ‘Canadian’ collaborators to justice in accordance with Syrian law. ‘Twould cut down on those pesky $10M payouts…

    1. The other thing that is “for sure” is that the Soros led Marxist BASTARDS @ the CBC have been fully invested in seeing that happen. I harbour a similar amount of Disgust for them as I do for the 2 twats in the PMO.

      Treasounous MoFo’s the lot of them.

    2. The oilsands is no longer the force it once was for the Canadian economy.

      Apart from the gloating, they do not ask what other force will replace it in the Canadian economy.

      1. I remember when Buttshead said that what was needed wasn’t an alternate route for a pipeline, but an alternate economy. He, of course, didn’t specify what he meant by that.

  3. Well, I guess I should start working on the service.

    I see all these stories about “so-and-so accuses so-and-so of sex assault 75 years ago”. Just reading about some Kavanaugh dude.

    It is time that at birth, males are issued a body camera. And the video is archived; FOREVER.
    Then, there would never again be an unprovable/unfalsifiable allegation against any man.

    The alternative, is strict segregation. No more women allowed where men play, go to school, work, shop for clothes, groceries, drink, watch games, … etc.

    I think this #MeToo thing will actually result in something like this; because the only way to be safe from some woman’s accusation, is to never have been in the presence of any woman. Or have the video that shows who is full of crap. I wonder how the ninth circuit will rule, when males start to take the logical steps to protect themselves?

    1. Need to also archive all text messages, phone calls, notes passed/received in school.

      Think about it. You get some date request from whatever app from some 7000 pound thing, and you ignore it, that is the next #MeToo fiasco and it is taking your house and job…

    2. The book has already been written on that (a short story). Everything is recorded. Someone was killed. The person accused had their digital file deleted. Was it that person or someone framing them?

      Regarding the Kavanaugh dude, the “claimant” can’t remember how she got to the house where the attempted rape occurred. She claims to have had just one beer. Doesn’t know how she ended up on the second floor with 2 guys in a bedroom. Claimed there were 4 guys in the house. Sounds as though she was the only female. She was wearing a bathing suit.

      More than 30 years later this story emerges just as Kavanaugh is close to being confirmed as a judge.

      To be fair to the claimant she did tell her therapist about it 6 years earlier.

      1. My understanding is she never mentioned Kavanagh’s name according to the therapist’s 2012 notes. Her husband says he “overheard” his name and the therapist made a “mistake “ in saying 4 boys were involved. She had the chance to make these allegations at the hearing. Already lots of credibility issues. Are accused still allowed to confront their accuser or are certain people assumed to be guilty?

          1. I believe our own PM Fancy-Sox said that, too.

            Imagine – two great feminist heroes saying the very same thing: what are the odds of THAT…?

    3. Canadian science fiction author Robert Sawyer published a “Neanderthal” trilogy where, in a parallel universe, the Neanderthals became the dominant species on Earth. As well as strict population control (accomplished by segregating males and females except for a monthly party ((scheduled out of estrus, as all the females were synchronized, except for a once-a-decade generation producer))), the state made sure that all citizens had a monitoring device implanted in them, with real-time records continually sent to a storage facility. Criminals had their reproductive capacity terminated, as well as anyone (i.e. kids) who shared 50% of their DNA. When their culture and ours becomes linked, there are some conflicts.
      I have met with Sawyer several times, and it is apparent that he is a socialist global warming alarmist, but damn, can he write.

  4. Trudeau is such an ass.
    Watch him blame Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations’ chief Bobby Cameron for poor time management when the real issue is that the Great White Trudeau offered no time to begin with. The chiefs dared to speak for eight minutes. As a result Trudeau protests:
    “That is not the spirit of reconciliation, of the nation-to-nation relationship we’re supposed to have,”
    My question is how many minutes does the “spirit” of reconciliation call for? Trudeau offers 30 seconds.
    The Truth is Trudeau doesn’t give a 5h1t and that all liberals look down their noses at the First Nations while using them as political pawns and money launderers.

      1. Satraps they are; wrapped in “resistance culture blankets” given to them by the left. They think they have something, but can’t see this pox through their mink lined pockets.

    1. There’s a few problems with this sovereign first nation stuff. Where’s the line where the greater public good of Canada trumps whatever self-interest of the “first nations”? Secondly the crown may have concluded whatever treaties with some tribes but there is also a social contract between the crown and taxpaying citizens.

      The first nations protest, blockade & occupy and the crown acquiesces and the expectation is that Canadians pay (I differentiate between ‘Canadian” and “first nations” since “first nations” are sovereign.)

      It’s up to the rest of us to repudiate a social contract that favours one group over the citizens of this country.
      I adopted this view after observing first nation firsters supporting the Antifa anarchists protesting for open borders.

    1. Biden’s hands tend to wander. Personal space means nothing to him, especially when he’s situated next to a little girl. This is, of course, my opinion.

  5. today’s skill testing Q:
    re: who is and isnt a war hero as per the Donald.
    McCain aint ’cause he done got captured and spent time with his n vietnamese hosts.
    the criteria being he got caught, therefore . . .

    so let me suggest the following VERY plausible scenario, Battle of the Bulge, 1944-45.
    bunch of GIs get wind of the nazi counterattack and told to hitail back to the new lines.
    a quick calculation ensues and they draw lots/wait for volunteers to stay put and put up a defense so that the REST can cover ground and successfully regroup, during the pause brought on by their buddies emptying their clips and machine gun belts and mortars. and then *they* get captured and tossed into a POW camp.

    according to the Donald, the fact they got captured disqualifies them from hero category.
    amirite? who agrees/disagrees?
    do try to focus on the question, NOT on the hypothetical nature of the Q.

    1. So what news tip is this related to, or is it more ShareBlue shilling?

      There has been a lot of discussion about McCain and his behaviour while captured (and before, like the allegations regarding the USS Forrestal incident). Not mentioning it specifically could be considered a form of decency and moderation. I don’t know what the truth is, but the random shilling here seems to indicate a pay per post model.

      1. well dm, the Q related VASTLY more to the standard for heroes as articulated by the Donald.
        I see you avoided any kind of answer. p.s. who is the shiller, who is the shillee etc?

        let me copy and paste a bit:
        “do try to focus on the question, NOT on the hypothetical nature of the Q.”

        the Q being, if a couple GIs stranded in the Ardennes decide amongst themselves better a couple of them stay behind to up the odds of the rest getting away, and get captured for this sacrifice, yes or no, does the Trump criterion apply?
        are they heroes for the sacrifice or not because the got captured?
        for emphasis, it is the Donald’s well known and stated opinion that getting captured in battle voids any designation of hero.

        questions questions questions. scant response from the hard core right save sarcasm, insult and changing the subject.

        too bad there rightie if I kicked mud all over your precious opinion of the present occupant of the white house. THAT does NOT make any of them immune to criticism; in fact 180 degree opposite.

        1. No, the question is why is this in readers tips with nothing to even prompt this discussion anywhere in sight. Got a link to any new developments with regards to this? Is there some discussion already started here regarding this? Without some other valid explanation, this just looks a lot like pay per post shilling.

  6. The 11th hour takedown of Judge Kavanaugh was PLANNED in 2012. The same time this woman’s “recovered memory” was recorded by her “therapist”.


    Kavanaugh was identified as Romney’s #1 SCOTUS pick … so the full “Anita Hill” was planned for Judge Kavanaugh. I predict there will NOT be a Coke can with a pubic hair on it … but a she will produce her 35 year old “torn” swimsuit coverup. “Proof” as solid as a man-stained blue dress. The left is PURE EVIL. Quite literally SATAN on earth. RESIST we must … against this conspiratorial EVIL

  7. As I predicted, Trump declassifies FISA documents around the Russia investigation, including texts between the seditious lovebirds.

    The actual direct & collateral damage they contain will be truly revealed by:

    How fast the Demonrats can find a compliant judge to stop it. Voila, my next fearless prediction.

    Like the media I’m not accountable either for promise predictions. Then again, nobody pays me so I’m chaste.

    For national security the Dems will protest, we’ve seen the damage, er redactions and their party, umm the nation is at stake!!!

    “Trump orders feds to declassify key FISA documents, text messages in FBI Russia probe.”

    President Trump Monday ordered the declassification of several key documents related to the FBI’s probe of Russian actions during the 2016 presidential election, including 21 pages of an application for a renewed surveillance warrant against former campaign aide Carter Page, and text messages from disgraced FBI figures Peter Strzok and Lisa Page.”

    Trump also ordered the Justice Department to release text messages from a number of the key players in the Russia investigation “without redaction” — including Ohr, Strzok, Lisa Page, former FBI Director James Comey, and former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe.”

