“The Vatican Had No Comment”

Via American Conservative;

After new sexual abuse allegations against Catholic priests and criticism of Pope Francis’ leadership on the issue, his favorability in the US has dropped substantially in a new CNN Poll conducted by SSRS
Only half of Americans — 48% — say they have a favorable view of the Pope, down from two-thirds who said the same in January 2017 and 72% who said so in December 2013, a few months after he was first elevated to the position.
… Specifically among US Catholics, his ratings have fallen from 83% favorability a year and a half ago to 63% now — a 20-point drop.

47 Replies to ““The Vatican Had No Comment””

  1. Suspect that most of the hierarchy from the priest to the cardinal are not all that happy with him.
    He is full of liberation theology from his younger times when it took over South America.
    Seems that the socialists managed to mess up the church.
    I’m a going to church catholic.
    Not that there is anything wrong with it.
    Heh ….

  2. I viewed a two-hour documentary on the Pope on Saturday last, from nine to eleven PM, on the History Channel.
    It was doom and gloom from start to finish with prophesies from the Irish St. Malachi to Nostradamus to a number of other medieval doomsayers. A significant amount of time was given to the miracle at Fatima and the unrevealed third prophesy.
    In my view the recent financial corruption of the Church was glossed over or at best blamed on the Mafia and their hit squads.
    The main thrust was that Francis, the current Pope, would be the last one, with the imminent destruction of the Catholic Church or the end of the World.
    Francis was portrayed in a positive light, ignoring his anti-traditional positions on many things. It did not address the crisis of sexual abuse in the Church.
    Not exactly a hagiography but at the very least a propaganda piece favouring this Pope.

    1. The History Channel has become … The Oliver Stone Channel.

      Fake and twisted interpretations of History by intellectual lightweights. By crap, Hollywooden writers. I view the channel as I would a SNL skit about President Trump. A joke.

      1. “The History Channel has become … The Oliver Stone Channel.”

        Or in this case, The Dan Brown Channel.

      2. Come on!
        How could anyone resist Forged In Fire, Mountain Men, Mystery of Oak Island and…the crème de la crème…Ancient Aliens?

        1. ha ha ha !!!

          ‘history’ channel.

          then they do a show on ‘channeling’.

          ahem, dear HC folks, ‘1984’ was a warning, not an operations manual.

      3. I’ve been calling it the “fake history channel” for pretty much its entire Canadian lifetime. Somewhat in conjunction with the introduction of “History on Film”, as presented by Ann Medina. The stretches she/they sometimes made to link actual history to Hollywood revisionism was amusing. True fact: I started calling her “Funky Cold Medina” back in the day, and it so affected my memory, I actually had to look up her first name online before posting this. 🙁

    2. Actually, the interpretation I am aware of cited Benedict as the last Pope according to the writings attributed to Malachi.
      Interestingly he is still alive.

  3. Since I’m not Catholic … I went to the comments to read the opinions of the Catholic flock. Sean D. summed it up very, very, succinctly (even though I never took Latin in my public school) …

    Vox Populi isn’t Vox Dei, but a pope should be unpopular for opposing sin, not protecting it.

    BTW … I would also suggest that Global Warming is a sin … for all the lies it is built upon. And I would suggest that Socialism is a sin … for all the damage it has done to mankind.

    1. The Church is a 2,000 year-old institution. I will give you that it has certainly had its lows over time. Pedophile priests are most certainly one of the bigger lows. The pointed failure of the Church hierarchy to come to grips with this issue is clear: their actions were, and remain, indefensible.

      Sadly, they have also made it a field day for predictable anti-Catholic bigotry. But the Church will carry on and this pope will be succeeded by another, possibly a more conservative one. These things tend to balance out over the long haul.

      Full disclosure: I am a practising Roman Catholic.

      1. Roman Catholicism dates back to several hundred AD, though it laughably claims to begin with the Apostle Peter. This is easily debunked, as are many of its ludicrous claims, such as the Donation of Pepin.

        In reality, Roman Catholicism is a Lucifer-worshipping cult that is the latest incarnation of a Satanic tradition that dates back to Babylon. Its present incarnation was its most clever, however. It pretended to be “Christian”, despite all its anti-Biblical practices and traditions. They simply gave their pagan beliefs Christian titles and hoodwinked the undiscerning, and those unwilling to steward their own spiritual responsibility.

        1. Me: “Sadly, they have also made it a field day for predictable anti-Catholic bigotry.”

          You: “Roman Catholicism is a Lucifer-worshipping cult that is the latest incarnation of a Satanic tradition that dates back to Babylon…. blah, blah, blah…”

          Me: “Quod erat demonstrandum.”

          1. There’s a difference between bigotry and writing facts. But you seem to not wish your bubble popped, so out comes your reflexive and predictable defensive Latin quote.

      2. Full disclosure, I am a Protestant (confirmed Lutheran) … who LOVES and respects the Catholic Church and wishes nothing but the best for it.

        The Catholic schools in our area are fantastic and produce the most wonderful citizens … although I am always shocked by how many of them … lean … left

        1. If you knew that Roman Catholicism created communism, you wouldn’t be surprised at all. Browse the history of the Jesuit reductions in Paraguay. They invented communism, concentration camps, secret police, etc. The only reason all Catholics aren’t communist is because the common people in the pews recoil in horror at that obvious evil. If they didn’t, the mask would come off immediately. While the people are still allowed to read the Bible for themselves and see that the teachings of Catholicism aren’t biblical, they can only do so much.

          Until they recapture their previous glory, when the people were serfs, illiterate, and were tortured to death if they crossed the Roman Catholic Church and its teachings. Also known as the Dark Ages.

          In the meantime, our universities and centers of learning are completely infiltrated by their ranks. Regardless whether you attend a Catholic school or a separate “public” school, your curriculums are prepared by Jesuits. There a hatred of freedoms and capitalism is taught. Communism is praised. Not under that name, of course, but under progressivism. They can’t convince adults, but give them your children to “educate”, and they will indoctrinate them without fail.

          And otherwise teach them stupidity. Avoid courses on logic. Avoid actual history – just cherry-picked events to push a leftist agenda.

          All part of the plan.

          Btw, there was a time when Catholics weren’t allowed to vote in America. It was because it was well known that Catholics placed their loyalties to the papacy above that of their country.

      3. well JJM, maybe you should read catholic history through the lens of truth. The RCC has been a shithole religion for over a thousand years, just ask the Jews!!!!

  4. Pedophilia and Catholicism go hand in hand. Those in the clergy who abuse children are protected from scrutiny. If things go further, the Roman Church goes to incredible lengths to protect them legally and attack the accusers. If need be, they’ll offer an empty apology without accepting blame, claim it was an isolated incident, and quietly shuffle the pedophile to a new community where he will rape and molest children all over again.

    For his entire career.

    Most of these sub-human scum will then be promoted within the Church, with the full knowledge of their superiors.

    Pedophilia is part of the mystery religion that rules Catholicism. It is an ancient rite going back to Babylon, from whence Catholicism derives.

  5. Do you think the Catholic Church and the Lutheran Church can negotiate a trade for disillusioned Catholics? The Roman Catholic Church can receive “future considerations” or a dozen beer?

    1. I have never understood why disgruntled Catholics want to change the church instead of crossing the street. The theology is pretty much identical other than Lutheranism looks exclusively to the Bible for theology and they don’t bugger children.

      1. Trying to “reform” the Catholic Church is like trying to wash dirt. There is nothing to reform. The evil parts of Roman Catholicism are its core beliefs. The parts worth saving are the trappings with which it adorns itself to appear Christian.

        Roman Catholicism is anti-Christianity. Its teachings are heretical. Its Pope is the anti-Christ. It is the greatest persecutors of actual Christians in the history of humanity.

  6. Hasn’t pedophilia with the Catholic clergy been common public knowledge for the last 30 or 40 years or so? They have obviously made a decision to do nothing about it. It ain’t news.

  7. I wrote up a ditty called ‘dealing with christians’
    my intro consisted of getting treated like utter DIRT by the mic wop matriarch next door.
    it lasted 8 years, not ONCE did that ‘muther superior’ crack a smile or pleasantry. not once.

    out of all the ‘chuches’ I attended regularly over the years, THREE of them now no longer exist.
    why would that be? oh, right, treat the newbie like DIRT.

    1. As a confessing Christian, I must admit I have church-shopped from time to time and been astounded at who and what I’ve witnessed.

      True story: My wife and I visited a very popular and growing local church to ”try it out”. And as we are leaving the Pews on the VERY FIRST visit, we were engaged by a nice young woman who “greeted” us as newcomers and proceeded to sell us her Amway products and tell us why we should become (her) Amway dealers. Our FIRST visit was our LAST visit. Even though I had known the Pastor for years … and told him of the episode … and he was horrified his church was a temple of moneychangers. He promised to “talk” with this woman, and ensure it would never happen again.

      Churches are made up of PEOPLE. Fallible, weak … people. One needs to see past the foibles of mere mortals and understand the MESSAGE of “The Church” and not judge it entirely by its fallen people. But I DO understand how the PEOPLE can put you off “church”.

      1. The last paragraph of your comment is all that need to be said.

        Yes, as Christ instructed, that, that is without sin throw the first stone.

        For those that hate, well, there is no help.

        Don’t mean to wax religious here, got enough burden on my back, not to tell others what to do.

  8. furthermore, I do NOT view the present pope as ‘bad’.
    I think it utterly delightful we have one accelerating the disgust and long slide down, down, down of the *original* religion of satan:
    all the perks, criminality, SEXUAL abuse of children, ‘witch’ burning, corrupting influence of all that MONEY, etc
    and dont forget the Inquisition. hint: dont be surprised if we get another one in 30 or 40 years.
    ANYTHING can happen given enough time.

  9. The other thing I can tell you with certainty, is that virtually EVERY church that has ever existed has been “run” by its largest and most consistent $$$ donors. From Medievil Cathedrals that memorialized it’s donors in stain-glass windows to the “mega” churches that invite thieves and scamsters into its hallowed halls … churches are operated and directed by … the elite donors. It’s just human nature, and every pastor or priest needs to eat too. Needs to expand his flock ($). Therefore … there will ALWAYS be problems within these manmade institutions. But this says NOTHING of God … but everything … about why people NEED God. Need to hear and heed God’s Word.

    1. Exactly. And that is why there is no mention of churches in the Bible. Instead, translators (paid by the Roman Catholic Church) read it in from the root word “ekklesia”. A gathering, assembly, or a congregation.

      There is a list a mile long of the purposeful mistranslations of the Bible to fit the beliefs of Roman Catholicism. They had to somehow convince their followers that the Bible required a church, and priests, and bishops, and cardinals, and popes, and purgatory, and transubstantiation, and rites, and Christmas, and Easter, and Lent, and Mary worship, and a cross, etc, etc.

  10. one *final* comment on the question or religion, just to be a clear and exact as I can in this forum.
    I *am* a God fearing believer, like I said in CHURCH yesterday, the older I get the clearer it is the veracity and need we have for His Son my Saviour (ooooh boy do I ever need THAT). but, BUT the ummmm, treatment? I got over the years from higher ups and not so higher ups? bleeccchhh.
    suffice to say one thing I learned post 2006, it was a mistake to ‘throw out the baby with the bathwater’.
    since then my view of ‘chuches’ and ‘religion’ continues to tank whilst my deep belief that there is a God, He has a plan and I’m part of it has increased to record levels.
    I think my autism actually helps with that, seeing as I am hard wired to consider hard evidence and provable observable quantitative things, as objectively as I a failed sinful humahn am capable of, whereas I fail and fail again at ‘people skills’ and ‘reading between the lines’ crapola.

  11. Wow, a lot of religious mysteries were cleared up in this thread.

    Nothing better than a bit of the old sectarian push and shove, God must be so happy.

    1. Maybe those who attend Catholic masses should listen to God’s words then and leave that foul pagan institution.

      “And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that you be not partakers of her sins, and that you receive not of her plagues.”

  12. That 48% of American Catholics still support this usurper does not speak well of the spiritual health of the American version of the RCC.

    1. That is not unlike Russians yearning for another Khrushchev rather than Brezhnev.

      The issue is not with the dictator but the system.

  13. Well, I can understand his silence.
    I mean, who’s going to believe an old commie in beanie and a long white dress anyway?

  14. I see that the old line “NME666 is the price you pay for frequenting SDA” needs to be updated:

    “NME666 and Watto are the price you pay for frequenting SDA.”

    Who knew that even a person’s intellect could suffer from halitosis?

    1. Feel free to take a break from throwing out ad hominems, and make a factual rebuttal once in awhile, JJM.

      I can’t recall you ever actually countering a point I’ve made.

      1. “make a factual rebuttal once in awhile”

        Before I’d bother making a factual rebuttal, there would first have to be some factual points worth rebutting.
