Trudeau vs Ford on NAFTA in Washington

Trudeau can’t get the job done.

It appears the Trudeau Liberals are playing chicken with the NAFTA talks and your job, or that of your neighbour, could be the real life collateral damage.

Seems Trudeau and his team want to go past the deadline set by Trump and the Mexicans. Read more here.

Related, Mr. Ford goes to Washington.

25 Replies to “Trudeau vs Ford on NAFTA in Washington”

  1. I wonder if Ontario likes it under the bus? At any rate, it will be a new experience for them. Out west we’ve had tire prints on our faces for 150 years.

    1. I believe the effects of Justin’s many, many, many failures will be felt before the year is out.

      If 8,000 people lost jobs because of a cancelled pipeline in ONE day, imagine the fall-out from a lost automotive sector.

      1. But those now out of work should rejoice that Bill Morneau was trying to get a “gender champion” award:

        How reassuring to know that this (post-national, sharia-compliant, gender-balanced, carbon-neutral, Soros vassal) country has its priorities straight.

    2. keep crying dipshit, the east carried you clowns for years. Even in the 70T’s when I was producing items for the oil sands, you people were getting a free ride.

      1. You Sir are an ignorant fool. We were getting a free ride when Trudeau senior gave Alberta $9 for $50 oil and gave the difference to the rest of the country?

  2. In my Opinion Sept 14th, last Friday was the drop dead date… The agreement must be complete and in a signed package by Oct 1st when it is submitted to the Congress… The US/Mexico agreement was completed on Sept 1 & the 90 day clock was started…Its over

    Ford may get some commitment from Trump not to tariff the Auto Industry , but Turdo has damaged ALL trade….His indifference will result in US Industries to FAST Forward plans in the US and Mexico….Can’t depend on Canada

    1. Amazing. The US and Mexico are locking horns big time over non-immigration (that’s for you Un), yet somehow they can conclude a trade deal. Meanwhile our dream(ing) team is quite fussed over gender issues, sunshine clauses and dispute resolution, the latter of which Mexico has already ditched.

      Overall, great job of being played by both countries from the Grits.

      I understand John Manley is now walking around with a paper bag on his head. The unknown politician; don’t say liberal!

    2. Trump has been telegraphing for some time that supply management should be the concession Trudeau could give up on and Trump would likely give up a few things in return.
      Doing it this way gets us nothing but auto tariffs.
      There seems to be more political objectives for team sockmonkey than trade objectives.
      This has Gerry Butts fingers all over it.
      I’ll go out on a limb here that if they let the deadline pass without agreeing to a deal there will be a caucus revolt.

    3. You are right regarding the deadline Phillip G… the deal is over and the Liberals have failed to secure a deal just as they planned from the beginning… a big win for the corrupt globalist Liberal Party and a huge loss for Trudopia… if this deliberate failure doesn’t get Juthtin the Molester re-elected then nothing will… Hugs… Girl Power!

  3. We still send about 76% of our exports to the United States while they send us just 18%. Let’s face it, Canada needs the American market more than they need the Canadian market

    Note to Obama … the magic half-negro POTUS … THIS (quote above) is the “magic wand” you appear to have been looking-for. Same with China … even more-so. You’re an IDIOT, Obama! And your protege to the Great White North … is even MORE idiotic.

    My President is wielding the “magic wand” like Mickey Mouse goin nuts in Fantasia

    1. you have to know what a magic wand is before you can use it…obama has never seen one, and even if he did, he wouldn’t use it due to his insistence on being correct that it didn’t exist

  4. “…that he plans to stress the need to protect Ontario workers in the steel, automotive, and agricultural sectors”

    Right. Just what the Yanks want to hear.

  5. If Doug were leading the NAFTA negotiation team, we’d have had a deal months ago, the only losers a few purveyors of inedible Quebec cheese.

    Ladies and gentlemen, the next prime minister of Canada.

    1. Well, I satnd by Quebec cheese, all Canadian cheese in fact. But apart from that, I agree with the intended sentiments.

  6. there was an article, in CTH I think, that stated that the Turd wants to tank the talks. Yup, election strategy, and one that Turd 2, aka cheers, has basically signed on to by supporting the Turd1 in standing against Trump. Incompetent idiots running all 3 main political parties.

  7. It’s remarkable the degree the left hates conservatives in this instance under the guise of a “tyrant”. What utter puerile crap. I take this all very personal, domestic and international. But, it’s probably worth the risk to them attempting to wait out the mid-term and even 2020.

  8. Like all leftists Trudeau thinks the Trump phenomenon is a flash in the pan and in a few years Trump will be replaced by a democrrat. He just has to ride it out and be a hero

  9. Trump just announced new tariffs on $200B worth of Chinese goods. If Trudeau thinks he’s bluffing he better think again.

  10. “…It’s time for Trudeau and his crew to show they care more about the jobs of regular Canadians than they do about the jobs held by Liberal MPs.”

    Justin Castreau only taught high school drama part-time, he’ll never be able to produce that show and make it convincing. Because he wasn’t that good at teaching drama either, and he and his crew don’t actually care more about the jobs of regular Canadians than they do about the jobs held by Liberal MPs.
