32 Replies to “When The FBI Does It, That Means That It’s Not Illegal”

  1. Oh the burnishing disinfectant of glaring sunlight to illuminate the “Russia, Russia, Russia” refrain hurled by the “Dempocalypse”.

    That should clean some of the build up out of the Augean Stables aka Washington, DC.

    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group ‘True North’

  2. YES!!! Red October
    As a Canadian, I observe that will not be Liberal Red.
    Any news from CNN or CBC? /sarc

  3. Nancy Pelosi promised that the Obama Admin. would be …

    “The most transparent administration in the history of the US.”

    MY President is about to make good on Nancy’s FAILED promise.

  4. I’ve been watching the Twittersphere. They seem to be of the opinion that this will “endanger national security,” and therefore should not be done. They didn’t seem to have a problem with endangering their national security when it wasn’t their ox being gored.

    When do we get to pattern-bombard the East and West Coasts of the U.S. with nukes? It’s the only way to be sure.

    1. It will endanger the arses of a lot of deep state swampy-types who thought Hillary would win. Nothing to do with “national” security, more to do with job security and prison security.

      CNN/CBC: Nothing here.

    2. Schiff’s comments about “abuse of power” were especially hypocritical. It’s almost like, as Scott Adams observed, these people are watching a totally different movie than we are.

  5. I don’t think it will be released. Not any time soon, anyway. Coates will go along. Sessions will cite his recusal and pass the buck to Rosenstein. Wray might have gone along, but will be influenced by Rosenstein to stand together and decline. CNN is already going haywire with their hair on fire stating that releasing the document(s) will damage national security. That’s their cover being established in case you’re curious.

    Keep in mind that the NYT’s has had the un-redacted document for a very long while and nothing has leaked. It’s that damaging to the narrative. They aren’t voluntarily going to roll over. So, where does that leave us? Well, Trump fires Rosenstein. Various squishy types and the entire Democrat caucus yells “OBSTRUCTION!” Not only that, but you can thank Alberto Gonzales (Bush administration) for placing a nice little memo on record suggesting that the Justice Department’s own succession policies take precedence over presidential decisions. So, the DOJ’s succession policy? Well, the number 3 position remains vacant. That moves us into a whole truckload of Deep State (mostly GWBush appointed) candidates. Many keep wondering why Rosenstein still has a job. The answer is that there is a whole pit of vipers who would end up replacing him. Nothing improves.

    So yeah. I don’t think the Un-redacted application will be released. The DOJ and the FBI will thumb their noses at Trump….and the media will provide cover (they already are).

    1. If they decline then Trump can fire them and then go down the chain of command until he gets to someone who will release them. Pretty much everyone in Trump’s base want Rosenstein and Sessions gone anyways.

        1. most of your “comment ” above is full of shit. Trump has ultimate executive authority, and can force the orders he executes, he can fire silly sessions and replace with a temp, till he can get a permanent replacement. As to Bush’s EO, it can be retracted with an EO. Now go back to school!!!

          1. Wow…attacking me isn’t going to change the truth. Executive order 13526 requires Coats, Wray, and Rosenstein (in absence of recused Sessions) to sign off before any declassification takes place for their respective agencies. The Directive given to these parties by the president is for information that has been requested over and over again. It has not been provided. There’s a reason for that, don’t you think?

            Relative to firing Sessions. Yeah, good luck with that. First of all, the Vacancies Reform Act does not list “firing” as an applicable use of the Act. So a deluge of litigation from just about every special interest party out there. Secondly, anyone placed in the Attorney General position (even on a temporary basis) must be an approved Senate candidate. You may recall, they floated the long departed Pruit for the position for about five minutes in that regard. Thirdly, for the desired outcome, Trump would have to fire Sessions and Rosenstein, all the while he is accused of obstruction of justice for firing James Comey. You wish to open that bag of worms? There is a reason the left keeps bringing up the 25th Amendment. “Prez is crazy…can’t control his temper…we need to get him out of there…” Sound familiar?

            But, that’s ok…feel free to insult me again. I can take it.

    1. That was Peter Strzok, referring to Obama ( not Trump) re the Hillary server investigation, back in 2016

    2. POTUS already does. He has all the documents. He can hand out printed copies in the street. [RR] bye-bye. By-the-by, what is a “Mueller”?

        1. Imho, Hillary was the genius, I mean genesis behind the whole putrid affair after Trump insulted her about her emails.

    3. hey Fartmatic, and you hump out more bullshit. When it is above your understanding, don’t post. When ordered to sign off, and they don’t, they can be ” COSTRUCTIVELY” dismissed. And next up , steps up. As to the vacancy act, it can, and very possibly , be over ridden. Not my saying, but others say so. When FBI and DOJ break the law, then protocols will be modified, you can bet on that. And if you think you are smarter than Trump and all his advisors, give me a heads up, I need a good laff. unDork has shown up absent again, dammed fool it is!!!!

    1. Q is internet GOLD
      Was Sessions playing POSSUM all this time and giving Rosenstein as much rope as he wanted to hang himself and his co-conspirators???
      Lots of conspiracy theories on the web about taking out deep state satellites.
      Is the observatory comms/evacs/lockdowns in the US part of eliminating the Deep States comms??

  6. Been following the Q since last December, its fun, but DC will need more fans, there’s s no shortage of BS from the Shiffs and that ilk. Soon it will connect to the 5 eyes and a certain dope.

  7. When the President gives a Direct Order…All involved must obey … All the blabber would be a legal defense argument at the Court Marshal that would remove the defendants benefits ETC…. Anyone can be fired for cause and the President determines cause….

    All the BS about the right to defy an illegal Order is only used at your Court Martial…A firing Squad saves time & money


  8. They were all desperate to see Trump lose (who would derail their career path), so Steele’s bias was nothing unusual to them.

    The Kavanagh accusation is a smokescreen for these revelations, as they scurry away.

    That is why the “letter” was released so late by Feinstein and the DeMarxist cabal.

    It’s becoming clear the accuser will not appear before the Senate Committee, nor was that ever intended.

    This will just blend into the false narrative bitter broth the Demarxist witches are brewing up in advance of the midterms.

  9. POTUS is the ultimate declassification authority. Period. End of story.

    FBI / Justice can redact all they want….Trump can hand the unredacted report to anybody he wants. Because he can.

    And when this stuff gets released it’s gonna be fun!
