28 Replies to “September 18, 2018: Reader Tips”

    1. pffft.
      bush 1.0 was deep inside the pockets of the saudis after his time in the oval office.
      topped up on behalf of the saudis seeing as a former potus he continued to have access to secret state documents, among them no doubt the real story about oil business.

      the corruption goes very, very DEEP.

  1. I found a more complex article on Freeland’s family background. It ties the past and the present
    in a convincing manner. Someone did a lot of research. I cannot verify all of the connections of course. Some of the facts are quite stubborn and bear little resemblance to the current
    narrative. Screen shots good. We certainly won’t hear any of this in the Canadian Pravda.


    1. There’s a certain smell of yellow journalism in the research I posted above. I cannot corroborate
      the influx of Nazis to Canada, but denying safety to European Jews is well documented. Trudes has ‘apologized’ to Canadian Jews I think twice. Jewish donations to the Liberal party must be declining. I’m old, having been born at the end of WW2. Watching CUPW & muslim pro Palestinians
      gather in front of B’nai Brith offices in Toronto screaming at Jews for being Jews tends to telescope time in a malevolent way.

    2. Note to KvetchinTO:
      You don’t need to press the key to go to the next line, it will go automatically. Just type away. Lengthy words won’t be displaced.

      Click the arrow twice though, for a new paragraph.

      You will be less distracted and certainly less frustrated.

      You’re welcome!

      Your friend

      1. Note to Mystery Friend: Sometimes those breaks happen if you write your comment in a word processor and then cut and paste. It can be tedious to try to remove them. It is not a big deal, as the comments are perfectly understandable.

    3. Chrystia Freeland should never have been born, never mind become a minister in the government of a civilized country.

      The memory of the Six Million is insulted every time she draws breath. They should be the ones seeing their grandchildren ruling wisely and well over the nations, from the Jordan to the ends of the earth. Not a Ukrainian Jew-hater who belonged in a shallow grave in Siberia.

      1. To be fair, not all Ukrainians were Jew-haters, they were rather very anti-Russia after the Holodomor. And there were citizens of other countries who collaborated quite blithely in handing over their Jews.

  2. Red carpet MOAB:

    “President Trump on Monday ordered the Justice Department and FBI to immediately declassify key documents related to the FBI’s investigation on Russian actions during the 2016 presidential election — including text messages from former FBI Director James Comey and other top officials.

    The demand for declassification, announced by White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders in a statement, comes roughly two weeks after a dozen Republican lawmakers called on the president to do it.”


    1. This will be a major Trump story that most if the media will have no interest in. In fact, they will be insisting that the documents NOT be released.

      1. Robert W. – I’m sure you’re right. Rod Rosenstein asked to have a meeting with Trump, who declined. Trump has the authority to ensure that those classified documents are released, ASAP. There’s a rumour circulating that Sessions is ‘unrecusing’ himself. (It’s spit-hit-the-fan time.)

    1. Just a note on this composition (properly called the theme from the Exorcist)……. it’s NOT the original “Tubular Bells”.

      Alas, the original “Tubular Bells” seems to be lost to YouTube. The original started without bells (and the bell sound didn’t even appear until late in the composition after a lengthy build up) and was much “darker” and “ominous” in it’s beginning. It was composed with separate musicals then put together in the studio. The technology was difficult but effective (1973). If you’ve heard it, you’ll know what I’m talking about.

    1. Rumour has it that Greg Godovitz (of the band Goddo) used a part of the score for Tubular Bells as kindling for a fire in a Richard Branson mansion that he was visiting along with Mike Oldfield, among others. One other musician later suggested Greg should have been knighted.

  3. It has begun…

    Deep State Unmasked: State Department on Hidden Cam, “Resist Everything,” “I Have Nothing to Lose”


    “Today, Project Veritas released the first installment in an undercover videoinvestigation series unmasking the deep state. This video features a State Department employee, Stuart Karaffa, engaged in radical socialist political activity on the taxpayer’s dime, while advocating for resistance to official government policies. In addition to being a State Department employee Stuart Karaffa is also a ranking member of the Metro DC Democratic Socialists of America (Metro DC DSA.)

    Metro DC DSA is a socialist group that works to advance progressive causes in the metropolitan DC area.”

    1. Fake News Poll

      Don’t go vote you already lost…

      Pretty sure we’ll se the largest turnout ever this coming election…

      Canadians are pissed off angry and they are going to decimate the Liberals NDP and PC’s…

      1. They are mostly in government and media…

        We outnumber six million to one million.

        The corrupt socialist elitist Globalist are going down this coming election…

  4. Leftards are truly, truly f*cked in the head….

    Nike Outlet Calls Police on Man Waving Pro-Police Flag Outside Store


    “Officers spoke to Cavin but after a few minutes simply drove off leaving the man to his peaceful demonstration. “So, Nike called the police on the guy supporting the police, for supporting the police,” Cavin said amazed at the irony of the situation.”

  5. This Democrat attack on the nomination process and on Judge K personally is going to backfire even worse than the “Me Too” fiasco.
    Under the title “Not enjoying their new rules.
    They feel the right to assume guilt while offering naught but slander.
    Works for me.
    Every Liberal is a murderous flesh eating pedophile.
    I have no evidence but I will get a “credible female accuser” to make the case.
    I accuse(insert name here) of raping and murdering myself, when I identified as a transexual woman thing, while engaged in acts of treason against the state.
    Hang Them.

    What? Now they want a trial?
    Forget that, these are the new rules.
    Hang ’em high.
    They really are that stupid.
    Time to apply their rules to them.
    Rules are for the little people..to apply to those who made them.
