29 Replies to “Swamp Creatures”

  1. This goes on in Canada as well. Remember all those public servants giddily posing with the future Prime Minister Trudeau for selfies? And bragging that finally the federal government would reflect the opinions of civil servants.
    It was like this in the 1960’s and 70’s when my father worked for Dept of Transport and Public Works. He had come from being self-employed in the construction section (he was both an electrician and an electrical engineer). He would tell us at dinner about the goings/on during the day. It was not as bad in the regions, but head office in Ottawa was full of very political civil servants. And yes, after the initial 3 month probation period, it was very difficult to fire a public employee.

  2. Yes Minister and Yes Prime Minister were all about deep state subversion in the British Ministry almost 40 years ago.

  3. The sad thing is Stewie is right and nothing will happen to him. Project Veritas will take more heat than the insiders at the State Department.

    1. Have to admit, the theatrics were less “cutting-edge” and more “cutting room floor”

      There appears to be an emerging cottage industry growing up around identifying the Trump RESISTance embedded in government. From the NYT to Project Veritas

      1. O’Keefe exposed Acorn (Van Jones et al). He does a good job.
        Van Jones is married to the niece of Jimmy Carter.
        “Whitelash” Van Jones. (From the immediate aftermath of election 2016.)

    2. That tediously lonnnnnnng intro … uggggh … with O’Keefe in a trench coat looking more like Aqualung .. “eyeing the pretty panties as they run” … than a “detective” … was cringeworthy.

  4. Clever. There’s really not much here – lots of private employees moonlight on company time, it’s hard to make hay out of this. But that’s PV’s MO – release something kind of meh, let the leftists come up with their excuses, then release the escalating series of videos showing that it’s worse than can be excused.

    1. Well … except for the aborted baby part industry expose’. THAT righteously caused a shitstorm. THAT got ALL the leftist abortion ghouls in a tizzy. With charges like “illegal wiretapping” …

    2. In private business you get fired. Although actually forbidden in government, you don’t get fired. Kenji doesn’t seem impressed.

      1. Impressed no. However … resigned … to the horror show that IS government employees and their UNIONS? Yep. Until the Federal Govt. goes BROKEx10 … and we ALL suffer for the excesses of Government spending (on useless employees) and outright THEFT … nobody will “do anything” to clean the dead wood out of the government.

  5. You could get better material if you taped the conversation of your average public school teachers lounge at coffee breaks where they’re either still fighting the last election or are working on the next one. It’s sad but it’s also one of many good reasons to shrink leviathan to next to nothing. Privatize everything that you can.

    1. At my wife’s “urban” school … they sang songs of Obama … and had a life size cut out of him in the office … along with pictures of him in every room. Now … if you visited her school, you would believe America no longer had a President. You won’t find a picture of the current President anywhere. None. Nada. The closest thing, are the pictures of HER … stowed in desk drawers.

      When I was a kid. Every school I ever attended K-12 had pictures of the current President on the wall. 1960-1974. Yep. even Nixon. So tell me again WHO has “divided” America as that screeching harpy, HER, was shrieking in the Atlantic article? It all starts in the re-education factories of our Public schools, now doesn’t it?

      1. ” they sang songs of Obama … and had a life size cut out of him in the office … along with pictures of him in every room.” That is pretty sickening.

        1. That sounds like something that would have happened in Maoist China. Then again, O’Bummer was an Alinskyite, which is nearly the same.

      2. Kenji, the U.N. writes the script for public schools now. A marine biologist was giving talks to public schools a few years ago; she said that kids are going to have to teach their parents about saving the world.

  6. And I might add … The State Dept.? Really? You mean HER Agency? That SHE operated while on HER private server ? Gee … what a shock! Why would we expect anything different? After all … SHE role-modeled the GIANT upturned middle finger in America’s face. In the taxpayers faces. And this Socialist Trojan Horse foot soldier? Here’s an idea … why don’t we treat him like SHE treated Seth Rich. Stop interviewing him over beers … and just make him disappear after-beers. After all, that’s the only way to remove a Federal Employee now isn’t it?

    After all … this IS WAR … isn’t it?

  7. I might vote democrat this time around, I like their platform…

    Resist, violence, raise taxes, and minorities that have no qualifications…….and I love the pink hats and profanity

  8. From his webpage:
    I am an avid cyclcist, runner, hiker, and enjoyer of all the fun things that D.C. has to offer. On any given weekend, you can find me biking on the trails in Rock Creek Park, lounging with roommates on our front porch, or enjoying a papusa at Haydee’s Restaurant.

    1. “…or enjoying a papusa …”

      He tries enjoyin’ a papoosa roun these parts an some squaw will sink a tomahawk in him.

  9. Public Sector Unions need to be decertified and removed. People like this Karaffa wouldn’t have a leg to stand on without a Union.

  10. The Liberals in Canada are so much better organized. The “civil service” and the “state broadcaster” are all functioning wings of the Liberal Party. By design.

    (Yes, I know it was a supposed Tory who invented the CBC, but even the Conservative Party currently is a functioning wing of the Liberal Party, designed to lose just like the Stanfield and Clark days)

  11. Use a major search engine to look for all stories about “stuart karaffa”. You’ll find that only conservative friendly sites will report on the story. And thus, the majority of the American electorate will never know a thing about the story … or the next person revealed … or the next.

    Keeping the general public deaf, dumb, & blind to what’s really going on with the government is what keeps the Left winning elections.

  12. Remember that Ronnie smoked a Union… Aircraft Controllers became lettuce pickers…..The State Dept will have to investigate and report to Trump that all the laggards have been reassigned to IRAN…..or….
