Family Feud


Frank Stronach, the 86-year-old Canadian business titan who is renowned within the Thoroughbred industry as a breeder and owner of racehorses and for building North America’s largest conglomerate of racetracks, filed a bombshell lawsuit in a Toronto court Oct. 1 alleging that the daughter he appointed to run his empire, Belinda Stronach, has mismanaged the family’s chief assets and trust funds while forcing her father out of control of the fortune he created. […]


The 73-page lawsuit, which TDN obtained from the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, lists 39 demands for relief that Frank Stronach is seeking via court trial, including the removal of Belinda Stronach and Ossip from all corporate officer and trustee positions related to the Stronach empire.

16 Replies to “Family Feud”

  1. The posted article is from an obscure newsletter directed to rich racehorse owners. I wonder if the corporate media cartel knows about this, given that it involves Liberals?

    1. My mistake. The G&M features this as a lead story today, so it will be part of the major media discussion. No references to the cozy Liberal ties, though.

  2. Was wondering what happened to the lovely Belinda who swung right and left to get higher on the political pole then fell flat.

    Peter must be smiling now.

  3. I am inclined to side with Belinda on this. It could very well be that Frank created a non-viable entity with the race horse business, and she is trying to contain the damage, and moved to stop him from doing more harm.

    1. The horse business is for people with money to burn. Maybe the money Frank needed for burning had been allocated to other ventures.

  4. When you’re 86 years old and waiting to die, just cash your $50 million annual paycheque and STFU.
