What Would We Do Without Peer Review?

The Atlantic;

Over the past 12 months, three scholars—James Lindsay, Helen Pluckrose, and Peter Boghossian—wrote 20 fake papers using fashionable jargon to argue for ridiculous conclusions, and tried to get them placed in high-profile journals in fields including gender studies, queer studies, and fat studies. Their success rate was remarkable: By the time they took their experiment public late on Tuesday, seven of their articles had been accepted for publication by ostensibly serious peer-reviewed journals.

10 Replies to “What Would We Do Without Peer Review?”

  1. This just gives more evidence that so much so called science is nothing but fake today.

    1. Many academic publications are simply cobbled together just to get them into print quickly so that the authors can show to their financial benefactors how they spent their grants.

      The more titles one has in one’s CV, the better one’s chances are at getting tenure and, thereby, a seat at the golden hog trough. The more titles one has in one’s CV, the better one’s chances are of getting one’s grant renewed.

      It’s all about money and status.

  2. A question: has the Grievance Studies Scandal received exposure in our Canadian media cartel? It’s a splendid story exposing the corruption in academe, so I wonder if it is being suppressed. P.s., I am reading two academic papers (both with conservative implications) this weekend at a regional conference.

    1. So I checked the respective web sites of CTV News, CBC News, and the Globe and Mail (using the search word “Pluckrose”, the last name of one of the three authors of the hoax), and none of these leading cartel members ran a story on this. The fix is in, living in Orwell’s world as we are.

  3. Deep in the posted Atlantic story is that the hoaxters advocated, as one parody, that white males should be forced to remain silent all term in certain “progressive” classes. This is a true story. I was a Reform party constituency president, in the early 1990s, a young undergraduate student, a fairly normal looking guy, told me that, in one of his classes at St. Thomas university, as the only male in his class, he was forced to remain silent all semester. St. Thomas U, which sits next to my university, is known for its “progressive” bias. It was a win for we Reformers, since he became a good field worker for our party. He also transferred to my university, UNB at Fredericton, the next year.

  4. There is so much that is accepted today as “science” that does not follow the scientific method. One of the biggest examples is evolution. There is no data whatsoever to back this theory, and yet it is taught everywhere as truth.

    In other cases, the “science” is completely fabricated. Alfred Kinsey was a massive sexual deviant and super pedophile, and yet his raping of children was published as “research”.

    It’s almost as though there’s an agenda behind these frauds that must be sold to the people, and “science” is the chosen vehicle.

    1. I read a story kinsey whacked off so much he broke something.
      regarding evillusion, the ‘missing link’ ISNT a primate, the REAL missing link is how inanimate crystals and simple molecules had the ‘smarts’ to become a living things that have ever and will ever exist.
      I posed that Q to a geologist, ‘where is the code, the capacity, capability, propensity of a proton to ‘know’ how to interact with other protons to become a sentient species?
      ’tis the electrons’ came the answer.

      see how they DODGE the Q?

  5. I really love the fact they submitted a rewritten Mein Kampf and got it published in an intersectional publication.

  6. The downside is now all the stuff I used to enjoy is no longer believable, archeology, astronomy and the like. You know they’re all pulling it out of their asses.
