Primer on the New Conservative Movement in Brazil

While watching the video, did you notice the striking similarities between Leftists in Brazil with those in Canada, America, and Western Europe? One common trait amongst all of them is that they will obfuscate, take quotes out of context, and even lie to move forward their agendas. For it’s all about P-O-W-E-R and Leftists believe they are on a religious-like mission to show us neanderthals “the better way”. Given that few to no prominent Leftist individuals will condemn what is going on in Venezuela or Cuba, speaks volumes about how blinded they are by their own “religious” convictions.

Update: Podcast discussion on this topic.

52 Replies to “Primer on the New Conservative Movement in Brazil”

  1. C. S. Lewis hit it out of the park: “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”

    They’re so much smarter than we are, you know, and they just KNOW what’s good for us…

    1. Bang; and main kicker is they’re not smarter than us. They cannot detect obvious nuance, but the deplorables can.

      They conflate immigration with border busting, illegally entering at other than border crossings. When Trump says he will “ban Muslim immigration,” the great unwashed know he doesn’t mean Muslims in Indonesia. But it serves the fascist intelligentsia to paint those remarks as racist, therefore hateful, therefore fearful and attacking of Democrats, I mean Republicans, who are now entitled to “defend themselves.” What a putrid, disgusting mess of anti-rationality.

      Either way it’s Trump’s fault because he’s a racist. Circle “logic” is easier than thinking or defending one’s opinions & policies.

      1. I wouldn’t so much call the intelligencia in the West “fascist” rather I would call them the servants of fascists. This is why they can follow their moral compass while it points in the opposite direction.

        1. Sadly, one can say the same of many church denominations. The Sixth Commandment says “Thou shalt not kill” and, yet, many so-called Christians actively support armed revolutionary groups.

          Their justification was that negotiation or passive resistance didn’t work, so it’s time to take use weapons. But that’s considered “good” killing as far as they are concerned, as they believe the passage in the Bible about “preaching liberty to the captives”.

          1. The Bible does not say that one should not defend one’ self or that evil should be allowed to exist and enslave people. My Bible says thou shalt not commit murder. the tree of liberty has to be watered with the blood of tyrants, that has been true throughout human history.

    2. They’re so much smarter than we are, you know, and they just KNOW what’s good for us…

      After I started grad studies nearly 40 years ago, I got to know some of my fellow students, some of whom turned out to be lefties. They never referred to themselves as being smarter than conservatives like me, but, instead, considered themselves to be “enlightened”.

      And, yes, they thought they knew what was good for me because, by comparison, I was primitive and, presumably, communicated largely with grunts and banging rocks together.

  2. Right.

    The leftists show no mercy to their enemies in Cuba or Venezuela. And they can expect none in Brazil.

    I have just one suggestion for future President Bolsonaro.

    Former patriotic governments in Latin America were in the habit of adopting out the children of executed leftists to good families, in hope that the children would turn out better than their parents.

    They very rarely did.

    Many military officers foolish enough to adopt the pup of a leftist dog later died in prison after their “children” helped later leftist governments send their fathers to prison either for crimes they didn’t commit or acts that were not crimes in the first place.

    This time, Mr. President-to-be? See that your men feed the pups to the sharks of the Atlantic Ocean with their sires and dams. Better them than you, or anybody else’s child.

    Leftism seems to run in families. It gets harder for me with each passing year to escape the conclusion that it’s a genetic disorder resulting in the offspring of leftists being born as evil as they are. If there’s money to waste looking for the mythical “gay gene,” there’s money to invest in research aimed at isolating the gene for leftism, and then in neutering and spaying the carriers.

    1. So, I see that eugenics is making a comeback.

      It is just indoctrination, and yes, indoctrination is THAT powerful.

    2. The worst pogroms involved left on left. Not even close folks, especially given Hitler was a collectivist too.

      There is no difference in the depravity and sheer body count out of power lusting socialists and fascists.

      They’re all collectivist criminals, who kill at will. Their distinctions are without a difference.

  3. no one yet has come anywhere near mao’s legacy of power thru violence. not remotely close.
    or the wrongheadedness he pursued. pol pot came close to that.

    1. For sheer numbers, my two great uncles might insist that you squeeze Joe Stalin in there after Mao.

      1. both Stalin(and the USSR) and Mao offed about 75-80 million dead. Durante wrote a puff piece about Stalin, and out PeeAir was travelling all or China, praising Mao. Lefties are that stupid.

  4. No matter how vehemently they assert that the socialism they are pushing is German, or British, or agrarian, or urban, or , whatever, it all springs from communism. They are all alike as two peas in a pod.

    1. And they all eventually end up as totalitarian in some manner. Anywhere from simply controlling people’s every economic move, speech and thought, to slaughtering them by the tens of millions.

    1. “And if Canada does complain? “I think Bolsonaro will basically brush that aside.”

      i love this final line from the linked article! Virtuous Little Canader, with it’s government’s delusions of grandeur, will be swept aside, just as we were by China,India, and the U.S.

      We’re minor leaguers,and when we venture into the Big Leagues with our current team, we look like the amateurs we are. The media in Canada is guilty of propagandizing Canadians into believing the whole world watches us breathlessly in anticipation of our marvellous leadership on every social justice issue, but I think it’s only the media that cares about our virtue signalling.

      I note how CBC quotes a Metis activist on the issue of indigenous rights, as if Canadians have anything to be proud of regarding indigenous rights, we still have tens of thousands of people living in third world shitholes as we practice apartheid openly, and are told to feel righteous about it. We have essentially a parallel system of justice for indigenous people, and still they fill our prisons.
      Brazil will do whatever is necessary to bring their country back from the edge of the communist abyss, and Canada’s opinion on their actions isn’t worth squat. Trudeau and his JV team better stfu or we’ll be barred from trading with South America next.

  5. Greetings from a long time reader from Down Under.

    Leftism seems to me to be the lust for power built on a foundation of hate and envy.

  6. We have blithely accepted the left’s insistence on … moral equivalency. All religions are = equal. All cultures are = equal. So, if conservatives follow the Ten Commandments which insist “Thou shalt not murder” … then it is perfectly acceptable for the leftists to murder the opposition with impunity. The two “beliefs” are morally-equivalent. You know, one Terrorist is another man’s Freedom fighter. There is no … immorality … associated with “by any means necessary”. And if murder is justifiable … then tales of Gang Rapist Kavanaugh and MAGA”bombs” are simply child’s play. And that whole “Constitution” thing? meh. the Left finds parts of it “immoral” and in need of a good executive order or two to set it straight.

    1. “All cultures are = equal… except ours; ours is a stain on the face of the cosmos, and MUST be ERADICATED, by any means possible.”

      There – fixed it fer ya!

  7. Bolsonaro is a degenerate, but he’s also the only real option. Haddad is just Ha-ddisaster. Sergio Alckmin was the real choice, but hopefully president Bolsonaro can be steered towards liberalizing reforms like privatization and gun liberation and away from promotion ‘traditional values’. The irony being that the latter set of policy goals will wash away those values in the long run.

      1. Yep that is what happens when leftist NPCs pretend to be libertarians, they produce jewels like “gun liberation”.

      2. Steve from Rockwood: You might have meant and the right to bear arms…everyone can have a gun to defend himself!!

    1. You cannot have freedom without civilized culture and values, of course that it impossible to explain to a turd world NPC.

      1. Life appears to be very, very, cheap in Brazil. It takes more than a change of Presidente’ … to change that mindset.

        1. This has everything with values. Savages have savage values and built savage cultures and societies. Not your fault NPC that you come from savages but even you eventually need to accept reality.

  8. Because all the communists worldwide, can trace their training and indoctrination back to Stalin and the KGB.

    You thought the US or Canada was the only country where the KBG planted operatives in schools, journalism, and entertainment?

    Cuba directly, Cuba->Venezuela.
    Cuba is probably backing ALL the communists within 10,000 miles.

    1. Kevin: When do we start to clean up Canada. We are still indoctrinating with our Communist Lie-bral gov’t PM Tru-groper. The NDP have been doing their part of indoctrinating Provincially but are starting to be wiped out! Are Canadians starting to WAKE UP???? I sure hope so!!! DO WE HAVE THE GUTS TO VOTE OUT THE LIE-BRALS IN 2019!!!

  9. Any country that has a state broadcaster, was directly influenced by the USSR and the KGB.

    CBC, TVO Canada
    CBC Barbados
    Canal 7 Argentina
    ABC Australia
    BBC UK

    You get the idea. Basically, every country on the world has had direct influence of Soviet operatives at some point.

    Yuri Bezmenov was operating in India before he defected.

  10. I strongly recommend this video. I like Brasil and follow it, visiting occasionally. Brasil, like many countries, have become captive of the left/media/international financier international elite. The folks who move easily from Singapore to Rio to Toronto to Cairo without noticing any difference in their life. Those who do not have to suffer the consequences of the policies they advocate; those with walled villas in sumptuous locales.

    I did dream of a global society, but not as a modern, socialist feudalism; a serfdom where the local populace is controlled. In my dream, nation states, or groups of people wth similar outlook, can live in their own house, and with their own ways, in the greater global community. For this to occur, the locals must be allowed to control the decisions.

    Some people may question how a group of nationalist movements around the world can join together to form a global force against globalism.

    At first hearing, it sounds paradoxical.

    But, first, each nationalist movement can assist the others against the common enemy. Now, post WWII, nationalism is a dirty word and, ultimately, the dirty slur is used to put down any rebellion against the current globalist order. But the current globalist order is not simply rule for the sake of international financiers and technology corporations (which do provide valuable capabilities not achievable by smaller economic groupings). No, it is a combination of these self-same multi-nationals linking up with local and global organizations such as World Bank, IMF and the Holy United Nations, and the national local power elites, in an unhealthy crobny capitalist system. Socialists are drawn to government, and the larger the better. It has always been an internationalist movement and so naturally becomes a part of this globalism.

    Have you noticed how each new “free trade” deal produces even more bureaucracy? Restricting market access to the larger organizations who can afford the extra effort, rather than making trade for all easier? These are not Free Trade deals, these are controlled and manipulated trade deals designed to benefit a small, international set of traders.

    I could go on but I am running out of steam. There is a major political philosophical work buried in these ruminations somewhere. We could see a “nationalist manifesto”.

    We also need to privatize the CBC (Canadian content :-))

    1. Robert of Ottawa: Exactly…you have hit the nail on the head! PRIVATIZE CBC and VOTE OUT THE LIE-BRAL GOV’T 2019!!

    2. “Have you noticed how each new “free trade” deal produces even more bureaucracy?”

      This is oft-repeated but never demonstrated. NAFTA did not produce more bureaucracy. Further, I am uninterested in your choice between international socialism and national-socialism.

    1. We don’t do “narratives” here, that is for the urinalists and presstitutes.
      Interesting stuff emerging about the shooter, but not enough solid facts to actually do a blog post about, other than the fact that the “narrative” is already collapsing.

    2. If you are implying that the “culture” of SDA is white-supremacist and anti-Semitic … then you’ve not spent 5min. reading the posts here. I suggest you carry your OWN narrative about other people’s narratives that you wield as a bludgeon in HATE and bitter resentment. You sound very much like the HATERS who preach incivility … because they claim Trump engages in HATE speech.

      “Lock her up” … is NOT “hate speech” … it is “Justice”

      “Boooing” the Presstitutes who hound and LIE about our President … is not “HATE-booing” … it is what they’ve “earned”.

      The HATE is heavily weighted on the political left … because you’re butt hurt that a non-politician is running this country into one of its greatest eras of prosperity in the history of the USA.

    3. Scroll the front page up a$$wipe. I am sure Kate is deeply disappointed that her schedule interferes with your desire to see her post new material. And what reaction do you want? A Trump hating anti-Semite has committed mass murder, surprisingly he appears to be neither a member of Antifa nor a representative of the broad strata of society.

  11. This is a great video. Thanks for sharing it. I’ve been to Brazil many times. I love the country and the people. They really deserve a change after so many years of rotten corruption. Parabéns Brasil!!!
