33 Replies to “October 27, 2018: Reader Tips”

    1. As I keep repeating, ad infinitum and ad nauseum, “(Some) people have to experience an awful lot of pain before they learn”.

      I’ve read/seen nothing to invalidate that.

  1. Hilarious post. Can anybody tell me if The Simpsons is worth watching?

    The posted clip is great satire. Good satire lampoons the establishment. Nearly all of establishment’s power-centres sre run by the powerful Left — which means good satire ought to lampoon the Left. But as one can imagine satire is almost absent from Hollywood’s creative comedy.

  2. Angelo Cordevilla’s latest… “Our Revolution’s Logic”
    “The primary objective of any people who find themselves in the throes of a revolution is to find ways of diverting its logic from its worst conclusions.

    “Prior to the 2016 election I explained how America had already “stepped over the threshold of a revolution,” that it was “difficult to imagine how we might step back, and futile to speculate how it might end.” Regardless of who won the election, its sentiments’ growing “volume and intensity” would empower politicians on all sides sure to make us nostalgic for Donald Trump’s and Hilary Clinton’s moderation. Having begun, this revolution would follow its own logic.

    “What follows dissects that logic. It has unfolded faster than foreseen. Its sentiments’ spiraling volume and intensity have eliminated any possibility of “stepping back.”


    1. “…this revolution would follow its own logic.” Revolutions always do. Look at the history of every country and one never knows in advance how it will end.

      Cordevill has the same thoughts as others have had and also referenced the Peloponnesian Wars. Curtis R. McManus in his book, “Clio’s Bastards”, expands on what Cordevill writes. The results of what is happening today in the US and in Europe may well mirror the results of the 400 BC time period in Greece.


      Make no mistake, there is a civil war occurring in the US.

  3. https://youtu.be/UxJvrD80nJ4

    In a ceremony at a Leafs game on October 27, 2018 the “Hockey Song” by Stompin’ Tom Connors was inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame.

    Tom was a true Canadian who loved this country. He was never seen without his black Stetson and cowboy boots. He wore holes in the floor with his foot stomping to keep time with his tunes, when performing.

    His biography is an interesting read. He was a true survivor. It was always about the music. His lyrics were simple and straight from the heart. He had many fans everywhere he went.

    1. I’m a fan of Stompin’ Tom. On trip to PEI many years ago I drove to Skinners Pond to see where it all began. An old frame schoolhouse long abandoned had a pair of boots nailed to a broken window sill. Shoulda taken a pic but I didn’t.

      Tom was a tough old bastard. He never quit understood all the fuss over him. He won numerous Juno awards and then sent them all back in a cardboard box declaring they were worthless ( which of course they are).

      On the road he lived the life as hard as any rocker. Whisky by the gallon and staying up all night. His sidemen used to stay up with him – in shifts! Not sure how much womanizing he did but on the road it’s almost impossible to ignore (as a former road dog I have some experience in this area).

      Good on ya Stompin Tom. You spit in the eye of the establishment until they could no longer ignore you!

      1. As best as I can remember, the biography I read a few years ago didn’t mention much about women, if I recall correctly. If there were any, on the side, so to speak, he was very discreet…or no one was talking about it. He was, after all, a married man.

        He was very principled and hard working. Yes, he was a drinker and a heavy smoker and played hard. The rejection he faced from the recording industry was ugly. They underestimated him, thought his records were unsalable. He self recorded and sold his vinyl records himself wherever he played. Of course, he had to share a cut everywhere he went. But he was a hard bargainer and got used to bartering whenever he could. There was always a room and food etc exchanged with any small hotel he played at.
        The people loved him and he always had repeat gigs.

        The fact that his single mother in Saint John New Brunswick adopted him out to a Skinners Pond P.E.I. farm couple who were mean to him led him to run away from ‘home’ at the tender age of 13. He hopped on the rails and thumbed around looking for his next meal. When he bartered for his first guitar after working at some menial job, he was on his way. Slowly and one step at a time. So you might say he lived by his wits. He didn’t have an education to speak of but he had that stubborn Irish streak and the gift of gab and wrote a few songs. Quite a few! Plain ones, the kind that folks liked to hear to get away from it all for a few hours on a weekend, to cry in their beers.

        When he became more popular he finally did get a record label. Difficulties always arose about fair pay. Through this popularity he received more prestigious gigs. He even got introduced to the Queen! Since he was so stubborn he refused to take off his hat for her. She accepted his condition as if it was like a piece of religious garb, so Tom Connors won that battle.

        The fact that he received so many honorary doctorate degrees and awards didn’t make him too high minded. He always was principled and didn’t care for Canadian singers who recorded elsewhere and then collected awards in Canada. That led him to give back his Juno awards, as you say, and he said, they were worthless. In general, the book was a sad read. I wept for the little homeless boy that he had been. Times were different back then.

        Ultimately he survived and thrived in it all. He is a hero. He is a Canadian hero. Our hero.

        Oh, yes, and he travelled with his own plywood to ‘stomp’ on! I’m not a huge huge country fan, but I loved that guy! The image of an old pair of boots nailed to a broken window sill, back in Skinners Pond is something not too many know about. It is a good one!

        1. I’m no country fan… well except for Texas swing and Hag and some stuff with outstanding musicianship. Cole Porter the Great American Songbook – jazz is more up my alley.

          TC was an original. Told the shysters that dominate the music business to go to hell. Hair on ya Tom.

    1. Aint it great Unthing..??
      Freedom of speech trumps ANY religions right to condem Criticism. Unless of course I’m reading this wrong…? Unlike Canada with a poor imitation of Charlie Chaplin running the show where one so called Religion is attempting a Political coup – totally suportted by a Corrupt Media and Batshit Crazy Leftards a lot like you…

      ..apologies to the genuine Chaplin Family.

    2. And Ireland also delivered the wackiness of Sinead O’Connor who convert to Islam and was
      quoted as saying her decision was “the natural conclusion of any intelligent theologian’s journey”
      BWAH WAH WAH hilarious. she finally went off the deep end.
      I think UnMe may disapprove of my attitude.

      1. rumour is ms connor’s (or wtfever her handle is now) itinerary includes a detour to the land that gave us the ‘profit’ (its ALL about money and powah). rumour also is once she gets a certain distance ‘into’ the hinterland the plan is to abduct, gang rape her, and sell her into the white sex slave trade ISIS is famous for.

        hopefully that will be the very LAST we hear from or about the c*nt.

  4. Smug Canada probably wouldn’t let in a caravan of migrants either

    “Schadenfreude is of course the German word for taking pleasure in the discomfort of others. There should be a specific Canadian variant to indicate our enjoyment of Americans’ discomfort, which is and always has been a major source of satisfaction for many of our media elites. Maybe schadenfreud-eh?”


  5. Hard to say if Scheer and the Conservatives are really going to take on the Media, or if the stories this week about a combative
    Scheer are just the opening shots by an overconfident Canadian Media Party.

    I suspect that at some point in the next year, we’ll see a tearful, apologetic Scheer on national television begging for forgiveness for disparaging those great defenders of democracy, the Canadian Media.

    He will then continue on to apologize to the Liberals for playing politics, and to Canadians for acting Conservative.

    A summer spent by Scheer at the Maurice Strong Liberal School of Cultural Marxism in the Laurentions is lauded as co-operative democracy in action.

    In related news the colour blue is banned.

    The Jejeune continues his reign.

    On a sidenote, the CBC’s budget is increased to the point that the Globe and Mail asks for a loan; and Peter Mansbridge returns amongst whispers of endless interns.

    Canada resembles these remarks:

    “A deliberate attempt is being made by the MSM (Mainstream Media) to destroy the remaining fabric of American society and force the country’s disintegration and absorption into a global government.

    They don’t have very far to go: since the 1960s, a family-centered culture that was the “hub” of the greatest nation this world has ever seen…that bastion of the family has been eroded and all but destroyed. The replacement “culture” has been one of drug use, pornography, “sloth” within all the generations… young, middle-aged, and elderly, and a fostered unwillingness to take responsibility for anything of value. The country is an entitlement nation that “asks not what you can do for your country, but what can you take from it.” The family is not even referred to in that manner anymore. I have read the term “consumer units” to refer to households, as well as “household groupings”
    And read the newspapers, the magazines, and the like: it will all jump right out at you. We are at a tipping point where the economy is not stable, where there are many elements that could turn into tremendous social conflicts and upheavals domestically, and the rest of the world is little by little “decoupling” from the Petrodollar and reliance upon American markets.

    Throughout all of this, the Media has been there to make it worse, to skew the news, and to force societal transformation and paradigm shift through its propaganda toward a Communist society and the relegation of American sovereignty toward global governance.”


    1. Swampy, the left-wing Globe and Mail is boiling mad that Scheer’s Conservatives are going to rebut its hit pieces.

  6. The US economy is probably riding a sugar high.

    “The third-quarter disappointment is the slowdown in business investment. Nonresidential fixed investment subtracted 0.04% from GDP after three quarters of strong capital spending. More than 2% of GDP growth came from a buildup of inventories and 0.56% from government spending, notably defense. Those are transitory measures that don’t drive growth for the long haul.”


    1. Or you could read the heading – “Trump tariffs, the Fed and a Pelosi Congress pose risks to growth”

      The Fed (read Swamp) is attacking Trump. Another big risk to the economy is electing Democrats. The only thing Trump is responsible for are tariffs and they are a temporary negotiating tactic. The economy is still cooking in the USA.

      1. ” they are a temporary negotiating tactic”

        They’re not, and even if they were they’re still terrible.

        The fed isn’t attacking Trump. They’re just doing their job and you’re just getting your victim complex on.

  7. “In the latest example of the massive race to be wrong first that spontaneously erupts after any mass shooting, terrorist attack, or similar calamity, a host of conservatives and “conservatives” sprinted to shout, “Cui Bono!?”

    “Cui Bono” — literally “to whom is it a benefit” — is like the starter’s pistol for conspiracy theorists to strap on their helmet lamps and go spelunking into their own posteriors for an explanation that affirms their superstitious view of the world.

    A case in point: Lou Dobbs.

    “Fake News — Fake Bombs,” he tweeted from deep behind his own sphincter. “Who could possibly benefit by so much fakery?””


  8. Sorry uNPC but conservatives were well behind the leftist curve on looking for a conspiracy and who to blame, and most of the “conspiracy theorists” I saw did not claim a conspiracy, just that it would be a leftist. The actual “bomber” is very curious in his beliefs and history.

    1. uNPC also skews his economic data to support his lib-left agenda. He only quotes one quarter’s worth of investment data to bad-mouth Trump’s economic policies. Yet a considerable amount of academic research points to the fact that U.S. real investment has sagged for the past 10-12 years, all throughout the anti-business Obama administration. It will take time for Trump’s pro-business policies to work.
