41 Replies to “How To Make An Entrance”

  1. ….The hate coming from the deranged Left is great my friends! And you are a Raycist…

    1. Nancy – Understantement of the year and long overdue in this country for a Leader that ACTUALLY gives a rats ass about Canadians and this Country.

      What we have now is a carbon copy of 17th Century French Aristocracy….
      As such, I hereby volunteer for the new Alberta Division of the National Guillotine Association’s initial convention…..heads need to roll and not just figuratively.

      Defacto TRAITOR’s & Subversives in the PMO – Caucus

      1. Steakman…I know …trying to be optimistic is difficult. I think things will have to get worse before they get better. Unfortunately.

        I went out and about today on this fine sunny day here in Calgary.
        Most people probably don’t know what’s really going on, I thought. Ignorance is bliss.

        I have never been so worried. Canadians are getting screwed.

        I am happy for Americans though, they have a fine President!

      2. Harper cared and look what happened to him. The first PM to ever be a normal, average, citizen and he was painted as some monster and replaced with a trust fund baby who is “fighting for the little guy” by raising taxes on the 92% of Canadian families by more than $1200 a year. Anyway whatever Canada is a joke. A complete joke.

        1. I had a terrific Canuck business associate in Calgary. He was smart, witty and innovative towards our business. None of you will believe me but he also liked U.S. beer. We sat all one afternoon after an industry meeting drinking corporate beer and solving the world’s problems. Yet as smart as he was, he despised Harper. I told him that Harper was the best thing that happened to Canada in decades. He was snide yet embarrassed talking about him. Like Trump critics, it was mostly complaints about style and character, nothing of merit. I still like Harper. He’s sharp, current plus he’s very easy on the eyes.

    2. Well,in his defence, Justin HAS accomplished many things: he has seen three major pipeline projects go down the tubes, he has embarrassed the whole country by dancing across India like a deranged drunken uncle at a wedding, he screwed up trade deals with China and India, he’s led every gay pride parade in Canada, he’s told an amputee veteran to go to hell- nicely, he has welcomed the world’s poor, tired, and huddled masses to walk across our Border to go on welfare in Toronto and Montreal, he’s f***ed all Canadians with a carbon dioxide tax, and last, but not least, he finally legalized marijuana 47 years after the LeDain Commission recommended legalization to his then-PM Daddy.

      I could go on with his accomplishments all day,but frankly I’m beginning to feel a bit nauseous.

      1. don – get ready for Turdeau’s next steps (to be announced after the next election – if he wins):
        a) tax of $1000 on each SUV and pickup truck – applied at the manufacturer so its “hidden” from consumers. this will be done to fight global warming
        b) inheritance tax – he’ll ask for 20% and then cut it to 10% so he will say he’s listening to Canadians
        c) wealth tax – each year you pay 1% of your world wide assets: house, investments, bank account, pension plan, business, other property etc. He’ll say its only 1%.

        1. People forget about PET’s car air conditioner excise tax that was put in place back in the early 70’s (1973???) under the guise of energy savings. That tax has saved about as much energy as an SUV tax will save in CO2. Exactly ZILCH.

          Where has all that tax money gone, what was it used for and how much energy did it save? Today turning off you AC actually increases fuel consumption because cars are so aerodynamic that opening a window disturbs airflow and creates drag.

          1. everyone remembers the tax. For a lot of people it was the difference between getting a car with Air Conditioning and rolling down the window on a scorching day.

        2. they will want to put my modded Mustang in the crusher,and when most is done and electric cars will have failed, just think of what citizens and industry will have to go through to bring us back up to “private” ownership of transportation. If allowed…Turdle is scaring me.

        3. Yes , a capital tax is in his repertoire.I am certian he will do it better than anyone and will make it 2%. Buying gold or silver with your limited savings and hiding it in your back yard is looking more and more attractive. Just do it before they have all your banking information.

        4. Joe, spot on! I expect these new taxes within months if Trudeau wins another majority term. And his disloyal Opposition has to depend on Andy Sheer,or is it Shear,or Scheer, to unseat him! The NDP government here in B.C floated this idea in the ’90’s, but public outrage caused them to drop it like a hot potato.

          As foobert often says, it’s a great time to be senile.

        5. d) poop tax. After all, pollution is not free.

          Reminds me of an old saying once seen scrawled on an outhouse wall.

          “Here I sit broken hearted, paid a dime and only farted”.

          (reply to Joe @ 6:41 PM)

    3. And we’ll get him. Whether Justin the Tapette likes it or not.

      Justin will be the last leader of the Liberal Party, and just possibly the last prime minister of Canada.

      The US army will head north, the Libranos will flee and their replacements will organize referenda in each province on US statehood, which will pass by 90+% majorities.

        1. If I didn’t know any better I’d be tempted to try whatever makes Justin think Trump will allow Canada to be a safe space for America’s enemies forever.

          We’ll clean our own house, or the Americans will do it for us. Choice is ours.

  2. .
    I am a long time member of an aviation discussion forum for professional pilots , mechanics etc.
    Last month one of the Boeing mechanics was servicing the Trump (personal) Boeing 757 jet
    He sent us a picture of a decal attached to the fuselage which says … “MY OTHER PLANE IS AIR FORCE ONE”


      1. No GOPe POTUS has ever done anything even remotely close to this on behalf of his fellow (R) Congressional candidates. None. Ever.

        And whomever decided to rent out airport hangers for his speeches is a genius! Quick in, quick out. Great photo ops … cavernous venues … miles long lines! The only other time in history this happened ? Yep …


        1. Yeah, but the deranged left has gone psychotic on these events.

          It’s just sooooooooooo Hitleresque!!!!

  3. I watch the opening of each rally and post something like You’ve got Trump and we’re stuck with Trudeau.
    Anything to release some of the angst. We’ll never get rid of Trudeau and his ilk. Never.
    We won’t have to be invaded soon. Much more of Jr and most of us will be walking towards the border waving white flags.

    1. All Trump’s speeches are great. His comedic timing is impeccably spot on. He slices the Dems to pieces.

      Will have to invest in some American flags to go with the white ones.

    2. My plan at this point is to just make it to retirement and snowbird as long as possible while sucking off the teat of the last remaining suckers. This country is beyond hope. It really is. Basically a branch office of the US that bites the hand that feeds. Sabotages everything it has going for it at every turn.

      1. In the same boat, disciple of kek! Just 6 or 7 more years, then I can also bleed as much out of TruDOPE and Whoregan as possible, as just another pensioner. I have no faith in the generations following, full of softheaded snowflakes that enjoy their socialist masters nannystating them with endless tax increases.
        If TruDOPE and his minions keep up their treasonous leftard ways, we may very well see a Stars and Stripes annexation within my lifetime. And what a wonderful day that would be, to see TruDOPE and his commie minions sent off to Guantanamo for an extended Cuban vacation

      2. Unfortunately, we’re right behind you. Trump is just a dead man’s leg on the left’s highway to Venezuela.

  4. I watched the C-130 land at PBI today. I assume bringing stuff for a Trump visit to Mar a Lago. I love seeing Air Force One at PBI.

  5. I was pretty sure that the American experiment was over … that the communists had won. Put a fork in it.

    And then along comes this guy, who says, “What’s wrong with you people? America is the best idea that anyone ever had! Let’s get this show back on the road where it belongs!”

    And the next thing you know, the economy is booming, the government is shrinking, and millions of sad and sorry people are smiling and laughing once again.

    God bless America.

  6. The deranged party, aka Democratic party, can have their Oprah and various and sundry personalities from the entertainment domain stumping for them, along with their rent-a-crowd demonstrations, but those dealing with real life in the real world of day to day living will see through it all. Trump is speaking to them and fobbing off the crazies making them even crazier. We need someone of that caliber right here, right now.

  7. Watch heads explode:


  8. My young boys love Trump, not because they follow politics that closely although I do keep them informed. They love Trump because they detect in him a real man (something that is increasingly in short supply) and a man of substance.

    For Trump’s sake I hope the Republicans do well on Tuesday. I am not sure there has been a president who has worked harder or who has been more faithful to ordinary hard-working Americans than Trump. Yet he has had to endure an endless and vicious barrage by the media and the rest of the left-wing/progressive establishment. It must take its toll on him.

    He deserves victory on Tuesday, and I sure hope the electorate is wise enough to give it to him.

    Go Trump! MAGA!

    1. Trump has been attacked by the media and his opponents throughout his business career, due to his public projects and brash (!) personality, so, I believe much of it he tunes out and has skin thicker than an elephant, and the constitution of one as well.
      And when he is offended? Instead of cowering or apologizing, he doubles down the offence.

      That’s what his voters and admirers love about him, he takes no shit from the yammering moonbats!
