51 Replies to “Reader Tips”

    1. I just finished watching that video and I have to hand it to Jordan Peterson for not totally losing his temper at the programmed NPC Marxist questions she threw at him. I also found the constant snide “gotcha smile” she had very irritating and very unprofessional on her part. Listening to her helped me to understand a little more as just how bad our society is screwed up.

        1. Thanks. I saw that and read it. Dr. Peterson had better keep an eye on his health as he is wearing himself out.

        2. Alternative Title for his column,

          My Conversation with an NPC (Non Player Character)

          Dr. Peterson tried valiantly to break through the reporter’s Leftist programming, but could not reach the unhappy soul inside, screaming to be set free.

      1. I don’t recall ever reading an issue of GQ and now I have another excuse to keep it that way. And here I thought that GQ (which I still remember as Gentleman’s Quarterly) was still concerned about how to be a sharp-dressed man….

    2. Helen Lewis was well aware of Jordan’s intellect and erudite ability, and was deliberately provocative but respectful of his character.
      He was dressed in a very handsome suit for the interview, which elicited a compliment from Helen, and my impression at the wrap up was that she thoroughly enjoyed his company.
      Great questions and answers bit at the end of the interview…(‘multiple orgasms’ was the funniest response)

    3. What’s fascinating about Jordan Peterson to me is his relentless focus on the question. He won’t sit there and allow the question be asked in a way that sets up a false premise. So often he interrupts the question to correct a point. He fully engaged in every question. It’s been said elsewhere that in this interview he looked tired and he seemed to me a little testy. He could use a break.

      1. I agree about him needing a break, but he has committed himself to quite and extensive tour.
        I agree also that Peterson has a knack for staying focused and also for not letting the interviewers get away with putting words in his mouth or setting up false premises. This was very clear in this video and made Helen look like an NPC fool.

  1. Barbara Kay: Who really won the Munk Debate on populism – and why

    The big winners in this debate were freedom of speech, civility in the public forum and the fact that hundreds of thousands of people who will eventually see it can make up their own minds about Bannon’s allegedly evil views.

    The losers were activists on the far left, who looked stupid for their obstructionism in trying to prevent two of the brainiest polemicists in North America from duking it out on some of our era’s most important questions. Bannon had the most to gain by a solid performance, and he gave it. Frum’s performance did not meet expectations – not mine, anyway – and so, never mind the voting outcome, I would consider that Bannon is feeling triumphant today, while Frum may be experiencing something like a hangover.


    1. Thanks Ken. Barbara Kay is the one columnist I miss since I quit the National Post. I don’t know why I don’t search for her more online. She’s a wonderful writer. Frums temperament seems to be the overwhelming takeaway from this debate. Hate is a strong word but David Frum is consumed in it. It can’t be healthy. If Trump wins a second term I truly believe he’ll have a breakdown.

      1. The left seems to be consumed by envy and hate. So all leftists should ask the question: What happens if they win?

        Answer – a cultural revolution, Mao style. So a lot of the intellectuals who are leading the debate will find themselves tossed out of university, or whatever job they have. They will be given brooms and told to sweep the streets, or be sent to collective farm fields to pick vegetables.

        As for industrialists and rich tech gurus who support the left; the new Joe Stalin will “take care” of you. If you doubt this look at Vladimir Putin. It’s so easy to fall out of favour with leftist rulers.

        1. “If you doubt this look at Vladimir Putin. It’s so easy to fall out of favour with leftist rulers.”

          Ol’ Vladimir might be many things but he is neither a Stalin nor a leftist.

          Inasmuch as he has any political beliefs, they are probably fairly simple: RUSSIA FIRST.

          1. I agree. I was actually pleasantly surprised, but maybe not so much, that Solzhenitsyn’s “Gulag Archipelago” is a required reading textbook in Russia. That doesn’t sound like a return to leftism to me.

            In North America I expect that Das Kapital will become required reading in our schools. It already is unofficially.

            Putin is a dictator in the mold of the Czars, and as you say, Russia First.

          2. Ken (Kulak): “In North America I expect that Das Kapital will become required reading in our schools. It already is unofficially.”

            The saving grace is that few students these days are likely to have the stamina or attention span to read all 1,152 dull-as-dishwater pages of that dreary, turgid tome!

          3. In Vladimir Putin I see much the same behaviour as Joe Stalin. And I believe Vlad is a fan of Joe’s. But in any case the key point is: if he does not like you Mr Industrialist, or if you get too powerful, Vlad will get rid of you; just like Stalin did.

            And I am not sure Vlad primarily believes in Russia first, I think it’s Putin’s well being first.

          4. “russia first”.
            and THAT is all you need to know to start understanding, predicting etc Putin’s moves.

        2. Joe, I don’t think Vlad is anything like Stalin. He regrest the passing of the USSR because of the loss of natonal status for Russia. He is a Russian Nationalist; if he does admire STalin, it is in this respect, Stalin got Russia respect.

          I think we should open our arms to Russia; it has always wanted to be accepted as a Western nation, and patently is, but the old scares of Hunnish Asian hordes from the Steppes lie deep in Europe’s psyche.

    2. I’m a big fan of Barbara Kay.

      David Frum’s hatred of Trump has distorted his otherwise ability to think clearly. He’s lost all perspective. I don’t bother to read him any longer.

      I still read the NP. Been a subscriber since day one and now subscribe online. What else you gonna read?

  2. Some late night surfing of stuff. It appears that carbon taxes aren’t going to be limited to $50 per tonne. Post 2019 election, there appears to be no limits & our Dear Leader Government has been asked about it repeatedly in the HoC: https://www.spencerfernando.com/2018/11/02/watch-trudeau-liberals-leave-door-open-to-massive-carbon-tax-hikes/

    Then we read about this, elsewhere on that pesky little “open borders” stuff: https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-11-03/soros-partners-mastercard-hand-out-money-migrants

    Who is funding ours? Would you trust a Liberal now with your country? What does Andrew Sheer have to say about this? Why are the Prairie Provinces still in Confederation, sending unchanged Equalization to Central Canada & now Carbon Taxes, to boot?

    1. So the New World Order elite reptile is giving out pre-paid credit cards to invaders. He keeps his hands clean but the money he gives out is U.S.A. taxpayer subsidized through his N.G.O.s. Funding human trafficking is a crime, no?

    2. “Why are the Prairie Provinces still in Confederation, sending unchanged Equalization to Central Canada & now Carbon Taxes, to boot?”

      The “Prairie Provinces” don’t send a dime to fund equalization. Individual CANADIANS and CANADIAN corporations and businesses regardless of where they are resident in CANADA fund it by paying Federal taxes from which equalization payments are drawn.

      Your complaint – which in my view is a fair one – should be with the actual output (the equalization payments themselves), not with your phoney input (“provinces” making equalization payments).

    3. Some late night surfing of stuff. It appears that carbon taxes aren’t going to be limited to $50 per tonne.

      I’m reminded of the following quote by P. J. O’Rourke:

      “Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys.”

      The clods who voted for Prinz Dummkopf and company gave them freedom and permission to ransack everybody’s piggy banks. Robber barons, indeed.

    4. “..Why are the Prairie Provinces still in Confederation, sending unchanged Equalization to Central Canada & now Carbon Taxes, to boot?…”

      I can say that in Calgary at least, not one person that I have spoken to has any admiration/love of, or for this current Liberal Govt…ZERO. The stark HATRED here is palatable….many of us having gone through 1981 with his POS father and what he did to Albertans….to now suffer through a near identical and even worse spawn..

      Should the unthinkable occur, and the 2 bit Vacuous Communist despot we have now as PM returns in Oct 2019, I do believe you will see a groundswell of Anti EASTERN Canada sentiment erupt leading to vote on secession. I know I will likely lose my shit if that useless, dangerous POS returns to continue his ongoing, in yer face, Globalist directed destruction of my country. A country I served.

      Preference would be to see him hanging off a lamp pole on Bank Street….along with any number of CBC types.
      TRAITORS All.

      1. I see you’ve contracted Hy Perbole and Co. to provide the content for your comments!

        Don’t be shy – tell us how you really feel.

    5. PO’ed in Alberta, (from PO’ed in BC.)The West is still in Confederation because first, we don’t and have never had a politician who is anything but a satisfied trough hog, and the situation hasn’t gotten to Venezuela status and probably never will.
      Iow, we have no revolutionary leadership, and without leaders there IS no revolution. Make no mistake, the West won’t be allowed to quietly and legally leave confederation, we are the larder for the decadent East and they need our resources for survival.

      Oh,and you misspelled Scheer’s name, speaking of satisfied trough hogs.

    6. RE the carbon tax.
      1) Turdeau and Climate Crusader Catherine still say Canada will meet its Paris commitments re CO2. Well there is only one way to do this: Canada will have to purchase carbon credits – at a cost of many billions a year. I’m sure Trump will be happy to sell them since the US converting coal plants to natural gas would have lots of credits to sell.
      2) Not 100% sure on this, but I think the Paris commitments also oblige rich countries, starting in 2022 or so, to send a $100 billion a year to poorer countries to counter the effects of climate change. Notice how Justy and Cathy haven’t told Canadians how much our share will be.

      Venezuela here we come. And Butts will be pleased.

      1. The rest of the world will laugh as nobody gives a rat’s arse about the Paris climate accord, except th money grubbing third world exploiters with Swiss bank accounts.

    7. It’s not been a secret that the Liberals intend to raise the tax considerably after the elections; they have said so. It’s just that it is not widely reported by their presstitutes, nor Andy 2%

  3. That’s a great cover of Hallelujah. The strong tenor singing at about the 2.5 minute mark is outstanding.
    There is something poetic about the Italian language; these guys could sing the names in the phone book and sound great.

  4. https://www.nationalnewswatch.com/2018/11/03/conservatives-names-former-mayor-to-face-maxime-bernier-in-beauce-in-2019/#.W93CQ9VKiUk

    Our Andy names a dairy farmer to try to unseat Max Bernier. It seems Scheer considers Bernier his enemy more than Trudeau.

    I wonder,if the Trudeau kids were old enough to get married, would Scheer be invited to the wedding as a member of the same club, just as Mulroney attended the nuptials of the Desmarais/Chretien kids?

    1. Well lets say Bernier is not a friend of Scheer’s or the Conservative party, he’s more like a friend of Trudeau. We need to hope he doesn’t get enough support to put Trudeau back in power. Bernier has his supporters I’m sure, he would be a great asset within the party but his ego got to him.

      1. The Conservative Party made a colossal mistake when it chose Prinz Dummkopf Lite as its leader. Scheep is like George Maclellan–he likes to be in charge but he doesn’t want to do anything. The CP needed someone willing to fight, like a Ulysses Grant or William Tecumseh Sherman.

        Sheep’s attempts at doing nothing inoffensive to the electorate won’t get the voters to respect him.

        1. Your attitude is the colossal mistake that gets regressive progressives elected time and time again.

          Another colossal mistake would have been making Bernier the CPC leader, with his colossally poor judgement.

          Along with no vision other than a poorly defined and easily defeatable version of quasi-libertarianism.

          That’s assuming his lack of political acumen, loyalty or ethics didn’t undo him and us first.

          Harper effectively fused conservatism and libertarianism, and was defeated partly by ill-defined “real” conservatives who were “real” easy for the statists to defeat, since neither has any real vision for this country.

          Scheer is a Harper man through and through, which says a lot about you, Bernier and our chances; none are good.

          1. Sheep has been party leader for nearly 18 months and has done nothing of substance. His “vote for me, I’m just like Juthtin” way of running things will doom this country to at least 2 more terms of Liberalism. By then, it won’t matter what he does because we won’t have a country left.

            Scheep doesn’t address my concerns and he certainly doesn’t represent my views.

            If the PPC runs a candidate in my riding, that person will likely get my vote. If not, then I’ll cast my ballot for the Conservative, but not because of the party’s thumb-twiddling leader.

          2. Sadly, your opinion of us who think otherwise suggests that your kind of “conservative” are just like the guys who you are trying to convince us not to vote for. So, go ahead, like last election…accuse us of being Liberals. The LPOC accuse us of being islamophobia, gender haters, racists, Tax Cheats, Polluters, we will penalize you for continuing to live in this country by taxing your use of CO2, a life giving gas, as if the Government of Canada OWNED the air we breathe AND US & use to LIVE, while Mr Scheer is maintaining a cordial, well modulated response to all of this & wishes all Canadians to come together to “discuss” the measures to mitigate the “problem” in a cordial, structured environment while being taxed into the grave. He won’t even slap that cretin masquerading as a “Leader” for anything he has said about Canadians who don’t make the rules.

            Then we’ll import a bunch of illiterates to drain what resources are left in this country that we haven’t yet banned outright, to destroy the currency & economy, then impose a marxist state gulag to clean out Old Stock Canadians (including old French Canadian women who object to their antics), well ’cause they’re old & need euthanasia, are considered a “cost to medicare”, we are all considered a “cost” to these insects, while they dine on our dime & discuss our future existence at their whim.

            And LOSE. Then blame us for it, because ” we had the wrong attitude”, or outlook. Out of respect for the blog owner, I’ll refrain from saying some of the things you need to hear from people who aren’t buying what you in the current CPC are selling.

            The only difference between the CPC today & the LPOC are the names & degree slope of that slide to Venezuela. You might want to ask Mr Scheer to address that issue before the election so I can make an informed choice.

            Right now my take is Burn It, with the likes of you puking your bilge on this blog.

      2. Part of leadership is managing the team you have. Harper managed just fine with Bernier in the party.
        I am seeing a lot of Scheer stupidity from the dairy queen, and he reminds me an awful lot of Joke Lark.

      3. I suspect Bernier will do better than Scheer in Quebec, outside of fairy communities of course :^)

  5. Russian literature is classic. Winters coming comrade.

    A good read, a snifter of brandy, Sonny Rollins playing St. Thomas in the background, a log on the fire……

    Lifes good.

  6. Jeeez, you jazz sophisticates are killing me.

    Your invited out to the trap shack to listen to some polite jazz…..I’ll get the brandy.
