19 Replies to “Sunday Afternoon Political Discussion”

  1. Shapiro lost his credibility with me when he showed he was against Trump.

    1. He reinforced his credibility. When did anyone on the right have to conform to everything that any leader says/does?! Individualism is a hallmark that separates us from the mindless grou pool think of the Left.

      1. Every time I’ve heard Shapiro speak about Trump, he didn’t have anything good to say. He reminds me of Paul Ryan.

    2. Same with me. Although I identify with many of Ben Shapiro’s values, Ben’s political instincts are apparently not generally conservative but instead strictly Orthodox Jewish and therefore make Mr. Shapiro shortsighted in regard to the overall benefit to America of President Trump’s foreign policy regarding Israel specifically and the mid-East in general.
      As I see it, President Trump does see that America’s and Israel’s interest do intersect and is directing his Foreign Policy to reflect his vision of that mutual interest.

      Ben Shapiro should recognize that fact and curtail his anti-Trump rhetoric(or at least sly implications) to serve the best interest of Israel, American Jews, and America in general.

      ps. I love Ben Shapiro and have relished watching many of his videos and other’s videos of Mr. Shapiro promoting values and conservative positions with which I agree.

  2. Dems are singing a new election tune…?

    Cajun Country Revival – You Won’t Be Satisfied

    Hollywierdos continue on the Hitler theme:
    Cher: Trump Would Do a ‘Photo Op with Hitler If He Thought It Would Rally His Base’
    ‘This isn’t Cher’s first time invoking Nazi Germany to attack President Trump. In 2016, she said that Trump was a “f*cking idiot” and compared him to Hitler and Stalin.’

    “I was thinking despots — Stalin, Hitler — even though they said the same things, we’re going to make Germany great again, and it was at a time when the Deutsch mark I think was at 25 cents.”

    Trump may be many things but the Hitler schtick isn’t fly. Cher check your meds…


    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group ‘True North’

    1. The chemicals that have been pumped into Cher’s head … to keep her looking no older than 32yo … have destroyed all functional brain cells. I envision Cher shuffling up and down the halls of her Hollywood mansion muttering to herself about Madonna and how Sonny molested her at age 14 … #meetoo

    2. Hans their Hitler rhetoric is oh so typical for Hollyweird Actors – Actresses…
      Lets have a good look at their educational qualifications which I think most would find interesting. I would argue that 99% of them had zero Historical education…nor relatives that lived thorugh Adolph’s time-place.

      THEY know SFA about what really transpired and who/how that came to be…..just that Hitler was a dictator and a bad guy. The sum total of their knowledge. Ask them about Mein Kampf and you will likely get deer in the headlights look.

      Buffoons whom I deride on a constant basis….with the exception of perhaps Mark Whalberg and few others with some common sense and backbone. Fkn losers all.

      ..both my parents suffered. One forced to leave home and live on a Northern Holland Farm to eat little but tubers during th winter of 44, and the other in a Slave Labour Kamp for 3.5 yrs….I think I have some idea.

      Trump is the Polar opposite of anything the National Socialists did.

  3. Well its better than the CBC’s political scrum show today. where the usual socialist journalists decided that the only people opposed to Trudeau are white, uneducated, trash.

    1. Ontario John: If that is so WHITE, UNEDUCATED, TRASH need to vote right along with the EDUCATED WHITE TRASH to GET rid of Tru-groper and the LIE-bral gov’t. VOTE OUT THE LIE-BRAL GOV’T IN 2019!!! VOTE OUT THE LIE-BRAL GOV’T IN 2019!!

  4. Tucker is right. There is disquiet in the land. Tucker didn’t get into it but there is also disquiet in Britain with Brexit and on mainland Europe with rebellion against the EU emigration diktat . There is also a certain level of disquiet in Canada, especially western Canada, as we see a level of support for Maxime Bernier right across the country. There is also disquiet in Brazil, and we saw the recent election result.

    The question is, where will the people turn? To the radical left with the Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbyns or to the non establishment Donald Trumps and rightists Jair Bolsonaros?

    Tuesday should give us an answer as far as the American people are concerned.
    In Canada, we will only know if there is a shift from Starbucks coffee to Tim Hortons coffee. Sure as H there won’t be any establishment politicians other than Max that actually has the people’s best interest at heart.

  5. Has anyone heard of a social program that will give us free weed?
    I haven’t heard anything! Why isn’t Prime Minister Trudeau trumpeting free weed for all?!
