19 Replies to “Leftist Elites: Don’t Believe Your Lyin’ Eyes”

  1. My god, would you WANT a leftist to tell the truth? You’d probably vomit if he did.

    “I’m a leftist because the thought of raping and murdering my boss’s daughter gets me hard as a rock.”

    “I’m a feminist because my single mother’s pedophile boyfriend raped me and the thought of cutting off a man’s you-know-what is the only thing that gets me wet.”

    “I support open borders because I’m into big black sausage.”

    “I support Islamic immigration to Canada because I’m a fairy who hates Jews and Christians.”

  2. Fantastic! Wish I could send it to my friend but she doesn’t have sound. Yesterday in an email she went thru that whole thing and it really annoys her that I won’t go along with her hatred of Trump. I always sign off with a polite: “Well, we’ll just have to agree to disagree, Sandie.” (She’s the one who always brings it up, not I, which she fails to notice.)
    I want to know: How many families and friendships has Trump unwittingly destroyed since he 1) began his run for office and 2) won the election?

    1. “unwittingly ”

      You use this word, but there’s very clearly an intentional effort by the White House to create a bigger division between left and right. Those familes and friendships are just collateral damage.

      1. Hight of hypocrisy. The left pick the rules of engagement, the right is merely begging to play by them. It is just a start baizuo.

      2. Andrew, I think you’re getting a reputation for being paranoid. (I was going to say “dense”. ) There is no way that you can possibly believe that the W.H. is intentionally trying to create a bigger division between left and right. This is so ludicrous that we must assume you live in your parents’ basement as there is no other explanation.
        Before I begin buying legal cannabis oil for medical reasons, would you be honest with me and tell me if you have been a long time user of marijuana? My only concern is that long-term use might have the same effect on me.

        1. I’m honestly impressed at the sheer density of personal attacks you were able to pack into this comment.

          1. Hooray for me! And I did it politely. No attack, no yelling, just an old 90 yr old sitting here trying to figure out who Andrew is and what makes his mind tick. It’s possible my son thinks about Trump like you, but then, he has two businesses and employees that take up his time, besides working non-stop at 61 yrs of age himself.
            Do you own businesses? Do you have employees to care for? Do you work 6 days a wk non-stop? Sometimes putting in 10 hr days and a few hundred miles of driving?
            You don’t have to tell us your business, Andrew, but you can understand why I am curious about you.

      3. “Intentional Effort”
        That sonny boy is a Total pile of revsionist BS.
        Answer the Question….Did Accosta touch her or not..??

        The only “intentional Effort” I have seen to Lie, Decieve and push an AGENDA, is and has been for 50 years, come from the Communist Inspired LEFT and their meida vassals.

  3. You know, I thought it was a bit of ‘over-the-top’ hyperbole for MY President to call the Press … “the enemy of the people”. Now I know it was not. In fact as with so many things MY President says … it is a simple, clear, unvarnished, factual statement. The mainstream media ARE the … “enemy of the people”. Oh … let’s just say in a Joseph Stalin sort of way … or Chairman Mao kind of manner, or an Adolph/Goebbels/Riefenstahl way.

    1. The lyin’ media is so invested in propagating it’s version of ‘wonderland’ they will DEMAND you don’t believe yer lyin’ eyes!

      The M.A.D. complex experience revulsion at the the very thought that Pres. DJT could ever be right about something; because well he is evil like Mao, Stalin, Hitler or so the propaganda goes…

      Next they’ll say he kills kittens for breakfast.


      Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
      1st Saint Nicolaas Army
      Army Group ‘True North’

      1. They’ve already commented on the fact that he eats hamburgers, well done, with lots of catsup, no veggies, and diet coke. All things that put him in the red-neck class I suppose. Altho’ no alcohol must really confuse them.

  4. A liberal puts on a thinking cap tries to use it to think and they disinstigrate or end up with a migrane

  5. it truly took decades for moi, with my asperger’s driven emphasis on evaluating evidence, developing some sort of deductive reasoning approach, considering other similar situations etc, to realize, there are those on the planet who are so far gone, they actually and truly believe their own lies. they really cannot tell truth from fiction nor fiction from truth. their warped minds morph their fantasies into a claimed truth.
    nothing sways them. you try to point out their flawed conclusion and they shout and shout and shout like a flock of gulls. it’s like they are hard wired to recognize any threat to their mindset and methods.
    it did take a long time for me to realize this was true of some on the planet. it was a strange realization, a good one, to realize it was time to take a long hard look at the ‘bandwagon’ mentality around me.

    now, imagine THAT bunch put in charge of things. oy vey. welcome to communism.

    that’s when my full wokeness started.

  6. A few days ago UnMe said the video was doctored,

    I said anyone who sees a doctored video has an IQ of 75 at best

    It turns out the video was not doctored AT ALL

    and UnMe does have an IQ of 75

  7. The media cartel is in full fake news mode.
    How is it possible for the talking heads to say opposite of what actually happened and was recorded on video?

    The have studied lessons from the former communist countries on how to do it. Those who lived there knew the truth while watching lies on the television and reading them in the newspapers. The proper way to say it is reading between the lines.
    People in North America will have to learn how to do it while the freedom in every sense of the word is in rapid decline. Hopefully, it’s going to happen, the learning part, before the national socialism and fascism will take effect.

    Here is small brief how things changed over the decades.
    Going visit family in a communist country, through the border control and customs, had to open every damn piece of suitcase, bag, wallet and such.
    Going to the US and coming back was a breeze, did not even have to have a passport.

    Today, while of course there is no communism, you don’t need a passport to travel around Europe.
    On the other hand going to the states is or can be a trying time. Coming back more so.
    Once coming back through Osoyoos crossing the Canadian gardistas looked at every damn piece of clothing in the suitcase. They went through the purse of the spouse and generally were severe boneheads, it was obvious they were enjoying themselves. Have told them that the communists would be proud of them. That did not bother them though they were surprised.
    Americans on the other hand found it to be a nuisance when the computer picked us for a closer look.
