22 Replies to “#NewRules”

  1. Some guy can’t empathize with a woman besieged by fascists, and can’t identify with her. Sounds like sheer stupidity, edging over into mental illness.

    1. “Lack of empathy” is one of the textbook diagnostics of sociopathy. Also psychopathy and malignant narcissism, I think.

  2. Ace of Spades, from an actual legal expert, regarding some “old rules” …

    “Use-of-force law gets complicated fast when we’re talking about defensive force in the context of highly-defensible property, such as ne’s home. American jurisdictions have taken wide variety of approaches to achieving what they each feel is the appropriate balance between the value of the property rights of the defender on the one hand and the value of the life of the aggressor on the other.

    That said, most jurisdictions create some special provisions for the use of deadly force in the context of highly-defensible property, such as one’s home, where the use of that same deadly defensive force would be unlawful absent the context of the highly-defensible property.

    The Carlson home is located in the District of Columbia, and the relevant defense of highly-defensible property law is most conveniently found in DC criminal jury instruction 9.520, which reads in relevant part:

    [A person may use deadly force to protect [[his/her [home] [business]] [a home in which s/he is a lawful occupant] if s/he has a reasonable belief that an intruder is entering the home or business with the intent to commit a felony or to do serious bodily harm to any of the occupants.]
    The news reports I’ve read have indicated that the angry, threatening mob had used sufficient force against the Carlson home to substantially damage (“crack”) the front door, which can be reasonably perceived as little else but an intent to unlawfully and forcibly breach and enter the home.

    Would such aggressive conduct lead a reasonable resident inside that home to conclude that an intruder is attempting to enter the home with the intent to do serious bodily harm to any of the occupants—meaning not just to Mrs. Carlson but also her children present?”

    “I rather think so.”


    1. Granted, Andrew Branca is an expert in area of self-defense law. What is unresolved, in my, mind is what weapons, aside from wheel guns, will the Almighty Lords of DC allow a mere peasant to possess in their home? Six shots from a .38 are simply not enough firepower to stop a determined mob.

      1. Hmmm As far a as I know, An AR-15 would do a much better job than a lousy .38 Caliber Revolver….Way more accurate and much better range. Given that, an AR-15 is not a restricted weapon in Wash DC now is it…?

        Train your family in its use and have 2 or 3 of them around in case these psychotic Animals come calling again. And if required use them to their fullest extent.

        To AntiFa: How about calling on Ted Nugent next time…??
        Fkn COWARDS

        1. A “lousy” .38 calibre revolver is a deadly enough weapon if, as with all types, the user is properly trained and mentally conditioned. However, a long gun is easier to shoot accurately than a handgun, so that recommends an AR-15 or a shotgun, where an AR-15 isn’t allowed or you are just concerned about having an “assault weapon”. (And if you are small enough to find the recoil of a 12gauge a bit much, a 20 is plenty for the job. )

          The use of deadly force to defend oneself is a very serious thing and if successful and justifiable, still can have life-changing consequences including a lasting regret at having allowed oneself to get into a situation that required it. But everyone should give thought to it and make appropriate preparation because, good news, the process of making a proper appreciation and plans tends to lead to measures that make it even less likely you will end up needing to use more than a display of the potential to use force.

  3. Matt Yglesias offers an uncommonly plain view of what the SJWs are all about. His “argument”, if it can be dignified as such, is that Tucker Carlson’s public speech and MERE EXISTENCE as a white male Conservative create such violence in the world that the attack on their house by the Forces of Wokeness was 100% justified.

    This is the mindset that accuses all NRA members of being murderers when a nut kills people in a bar in California.

    It is a propaganda technique used by Goebels in WWII to justify the murder of 6 million Jews, and by Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot and whatever a-hole was running Armenia, Rwanda, and lately Syria. You pick a visible group, you demonize them, and then you try to kill them all. 100 million dead. Thanks, Commies.

    The problem SJWs have is that they PICKED THEIR OWN GROUP. That being middle class, college educated Whites. They are so stupid, so fundamentally mentally unwell, that they called fire on their own position.

    They also don’t read history, because if they did they’d see that every one of those dictators is dead, and all the regimes they led are gone.

    It’s a stupid idea, thought up by weak, desperate, stupid men, and it doesn’t work.

    1. ?

      my my phantom you are being harsh.

      good!! they goddamn deserve it. every filthy little contradiction and historical record to show what closet monsters their thinking shows.
      jeezuz jeezuz jeezuz, Tucker’s wife hides out in the closet thinking its a home invasion (who wouldn’t?) and this squishy little man pounces???

      doxxed. its a good thing I dont have the resources of I would bring a crew with me to his place and blow the hinges off his doors, take a chainsaw to his living room floor, and cut open the plumbing to give the snivelling leftist shytstain a sampling of what he promotes.

  4. “They have planted the wind and will harvest the whirlwind. The stalks of grain wither and produce nothing to eat. And even if there is any grain, foreigners will eat it.” NLT Hosea 8:7

    The wind seems to be increasing in intensity.

  5. As usual every word out of their mouths is a lie and you have to question all of it.

    “If your instinct is to empathize with the fear of the Carlson family rather than with the fear of his victims…”

    What victims?

    1. What victims? Well, that’s the fun part.

      See Stan, Tucker Carlson is guilty of killing every single black man ever shot by police. He’s guilty of every rape in the USA since forever. He’s the one to blame for urban unrest, he’s the one that caused the Caravan to suffer privations and starvation.

      Or, to put it in terms that are not a lie, Tucker Carlson is a visible person who doesn’t agree with SJWs, so he’s a convenient fall-guy to blame all that crap on. To a parasitic worm like Matt Yglesias, anyone not 110% on his side is fair game for destruction.

      The only reasons there’s not an angry mob burning Matt Yglesias’s house down today is that nobody takes him seriously, and the cops are run by his side.

      Eventually what will happen is that the lunatics like Matt Yglesias will drive all the normal people out of those cities where lunatics rule. They will will then find out that their food, water and electricity comes from territory they don’t control. As civil wars go, it’ll be a short one.

  6. “To a parasitic worm like Matt Yglesias, anyone not 110% on his side is fair game for destruction.”

    That is the state of our society today. Recall the “beer and popcorn” days in Canadian elections when you were a bad Canadian if you didn’t vote Liberal. Any action or comment not fully supportive of the progressive agenda is labelled with racist, alt-right and dozens of other epithets.

    Push-back needs to start now. Mr. Nice Guy does not win civil wars and make no mistake, there is a civil war going on.

    1. If you don’t think that’s the strategy for the next election you’re crazy.

  7. “And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another.”

    Jesus speaking about the end times, Matthew 24:10.

  8. The publication of the names, photos, addresses, phone numbers and social insurance numbers of leftist swine should be routine.

    That would make it easier for decent people to refuse to sell to them, refuse to employ them, and refuse to speak to them except to curse them or to order them off respectable people’s property on pain of grievous bodily harm if they refuse.

  9. Lucky for Matthew, his predicament can be easily fixed! Perhaps he won’t have to go too long with this lack of empathy problem he is having.

  10. The Khmer Rouge and the Chinese Cultural Revolution thugs thought the same way.

    Sooner or latter, Mr. Yglesias will be chewed up up by the same beast he feeds.

    Happy days ahead.
