“But even this I could understand as not everybody is MENSA material. Not everybody is going to appreciate a good Victor Borge skit over a Margaret Cho tampon joke.”
“But even this I could understand as not everybody is MENSA material. Not everybody is going to appreciate a good Victor Borge skit over a Margaret Cho tampon joke.”
What to add to this?…
In the short run, yes, being a member of the master class of the globalist system is immensely profitable. In the long run, eventually you run out of other people’s money—that is, you run out of productive, innovative people you can expropriate.
When the people who kept industrial civilization going disappear, so will civilization, and the globalists will die of hunger and plague, along with the hordes of halfwits who kept them in power.
The smarter of the globalists know that. Their plan is to be dead and gone before other people’s money runs out. There’s a reason precious few of them bother having children to take over the family rackets. There will be nothing worth inheriting.
“In the long run, eventually you run out of other people’s money—that is, you run out of productive, innovative people you can expropriate. ”
Heh. In the long run:
“Oh, how small a portion of earth will hold us when we are dead, who ambitiously seek after the whole world while we are living!”
Phillip II of Macedon
Lenin was genius smart, Stalin too, so too Mao. Hitler dictated one book and wrote another and got elected German Chancellor. No dummy. MIT prifessir Gruber who said his fellow citizens were stupid so we can lie to them.
Yeah, there are a lot of stupid people constantly doing stupid things, but it gives slightly less stupid Democrats union jobs in the edjakitiin/crine/welfare industrial complex.
But real crime, real waste you got to have really smart people. Robert McNamara, Hillary Clinton, Hollyweird.
Hmmmm, the corollary would be that smart people have to be brutal killers and crooks. Looks like it has been and continues to be that way.
“Women’s Ass Kissing Industry”
Pegged our Sockmonkey PM concisely as a charter member.
My observation is that most stupid people are only really dangerous when they think they are really smart.
An intelligent person who has convinced themselves that they are smarter than everyone else is more dangerous and being really intelligent does not prevent someone from being really ignorant, also.
However, history has already repeatedly proven that man’s insatiable greed for more, more, more power will probably be the primer of our undoing, not particularly stupid people. I couldn’t ask for better proof of this than the current globalist-fueled Democrat Party and how they have openly violated multiple laws, basic ethics, and even due process itself in their voracious hunt for power.
I may have posted this before, but in light of the discussion, it bears repeating. It too, while humorous contains a lot of basic truth:
Excellent article,funny but Oh so true.
not once in 50+ yrs did Victor Borge ever utter any toilet humour.
not once. I wish I had had the opportunity of seeing him live but youtube is ok.
I think Kate was taking lessons from him with those titles.