31 Replies to “Those Moderate Muslims!”

    1. Yes, me too! Never felt more secure with Brillcream Ralphie and the crack shots scripting their front man……. telling us what they want us to hear of their schemes and dreams for a Canada we may not recognize if they get another go at it.

  1. So here is the issue that the Sockmonkey could embarrass himself on, pray that he doesn’t get asked during his latest attempt at showing how loved he is abroad on the vaca …. er trip to meet the same group of Asian countries he po the last time he met with them.

  2. I’d be very interested to know exactly who organized that protest, and who paid for it.

    Funny that this information never ever ever EVER makes it into news report, don’t you think? Almost as if they were hiding something.

  3. Canada should take her and then we could say that we have taken in at least one “real” refugee. Unfortunately, like the UK, Canada is under the “leadership” of someone who agrees with Obama that the future does not belong to those who would insult the Prophet Mohammad. The left and idiot center now panders to the most retrograde force on the planet.

  4. Kinda reminds me of the Kavanaugh hearing, simply substitute women for muslims and kavanaugh for bibi.

    1. Believe the group of muslim women accusing the minority christian in their village, evidence be damned = Believe Blasey Ford, Swetnick, and the other women accusing the male judge, evidence be damned
    2. Behead the woman, even for such a minor supposed offense = Reject Kavanaugh, for a supposed high school incident that was never reported at the time, despite a lifetime of impeccable work and honorable character
    3. Muslims protesting in the street = SJWs banging on the doors of the senate and screaming from the senate gallery
    4. Due process be damned, the ends of muslim supremacy justifies the means of persecuting christians = Due process de damned, the ends of Democratic goals and feminism justifies the means of persecuting males and/or republicans

    The only real difference is that a woman’s life is at stake as opposed to control of the Supreme Court.

  5. yer all guilty of islamophobia.
    the rcmp are coming to your door right now to arrest you if you dont pay your tax arrears in bitcoin . .
    uh . . . oops !!!
    seriously a death sentence for blasphemy. did you get that pm TURDoo? still in love with communism too I bet.

    oh pulEEZE come hither election day. I wanna see how fcukin far gone we really are.

  6. Strange how feminist Trudeau and his loyal media are ranting today about the murdered muslim journalist in Turkey, but are ignoring this story. I guess feminist Trudeau is only worried about women in downtown Toronto, and not Christian women in Pakistan.

  7. It’s sad, this is sad. Women get a bum rap, for no good reason.
    We are the beautiful ones, who procreate.
    We procreate the sons that you love.
    We procreate the daughters that you love.

    You men make it all possible.
    We women make it all possible.
    We are equals.
    Why can’t some people accept that?

  8. First she gets a ‘fair trial’ and then they hang her…

    “Multiculturalism” the one way street to oblivion…


    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group ‘True North’

    1. Does the United Church have any preachers left who aren’t godless ugly lesbians? Just wondering.

    2. Why is this surprising? The Bishop of Rome is not only left-leaning but sympathetic to Islam.

      Then again, one Canadian Lutheran synod is led by an SJW. More than 30 years ago, “liberation theology” was openly supported in one Lutheran seminary. That made me wonder just how one could become ordained if one didn’t espouse that belief.

      It would seem, then, that the heretics inside the church are those who actually believe in God and the Bible.

    3. Back in the early 1980’s I referred to the UCC as just another division of the NDP. That the UCC went atheist is nothing new.

      1. Wasn’t it also UCC clergy that, a number of years ago, tried for form a union, claiming that they, as ministers, had to endure harsh working conditions? Whatever became of that?

        (I can see it now: “Sunday worship services have been cancelled because the clergy has taken job action. Among the grievances is that ministers are required to preach about 10 commandments. The union’s demand is that it be reduced to 8 at most.”)

  9. One thing that hasn’t made it through the media filter is her “blasphemy”.

    She was working in a field and drank from the muzzie only well.

    Nice culture, eh?

    A Steve

  10. This is Islam,

    It can’t be bargained with. It can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop… ever, until you are dead!

  11. This Fact of Islam is hidden by our government and our national broadcaster! Bring in this type of religion to Canada is fatal!!!
