36 Replies to “Wither Canada”

    1. I believe that photo of the Draft Dodger’s Son was superimposed over the photo of Conn Smythe, two polar opposites if there ever was one.
      Very good video,I especially liked the statement that when WW1 was declared, Canada was legally required to immediately take part as our masters were in Britain.

      I wonder if the people who want to hand control of our country to the UN recognize the consequences of NOT having control over your own country,but I suppose their argument would be that the wonderful UN would never send us to war as those awful Brits did 104 years ago.

      I’ll be long gone, but I DO hope future Canadians enjoy the Post National State being foisted on us by Trudeau and his partners in destruction.

  1. Where’s the vomitorium?

    11 FUCKING pages of CAPTCHA. My vision is 20/20 WTF is going on here? Rabble taken over this site?

    1. Sometimes there is a second screen in one captcha. Don’t be in a hurry. If new cars or fire hydrants show up click on those too before you accept the results. Also there are some ambiguous pictures.

    2. All I’ve been getting for months is a box to click “I’m not a robot”. None of the captcha you’ve been getting. I thought it had been changed permanently for everyone.

  2. It reminds me of how leaders in communist countries are portrayed. They are often shown in heroic poses and doing valiant deeds, even though they actually never did those things. Those pictures and paintings were meant to inspire the proletariat to work harder for their socialist state under the love, wisdom, and guidance of their Dear Leaders.

    Prinz Dummkopf must be followed by a Kenworth hauling a trailer of his costumes. Last week, he was also the Marlboro Man.

    Since Sheep is absolutely bent on making himself like HRH, are we going to be seeing similar portrayals of him as well? (“Vote for me. I’m just like Juthtin.”)

  3. I want to thank Canadians for keeping Germany from ruling Europe.

    World War 1 soldiers slept, ate, and died in filthy, death smelling, rat, lice infested, water filled ditches.
    One old World War 1 vet was asked why he was wiling to ‘go Over the top.’ He replied that ‘it would be better to get wounded or killed than to live in conditions worse than his farm animals back home. The horses, cattle, and other animals slept in barns with straw beds, roof over their heads. Even the pigs could get out of the mud if they wanted to.’

    They are all dead now, but we should never forget their sacrifice.

    1. I am reminded by the last stanza of the poem …

      Take up our quarrel with the foe:
      To you from failing hands we throw
      The torch; be yours to hold it high.
      If ye break faith with us who die
      We shall not sleep, though poppies grow

      In Flanders fields.

      … that our newest generation(s) and immigrants have broken faith. They wipe their asses with the sacrifice of OUR (not their) forefathers. Their multiculturalism doesn’t include OUR culture … at all.

    2. “I want to thank Canadians for keeping Germany from ruling Europe.”

      That wasn’t the point of the war. WWII maybe – WWI no.

      1. “That wasn’t the point of the war. WWII maybe – WWI no.”

        Er, actually it was.

        The German Empire had invaded Belgium, Luxemburg and France. Success would have made it the dominant power in Europe. It also defeated the Russians, and shipped Lenin their way in a sealed train to keep them internally preoccupied.

  4. Just trim the mustache on both ends and a comb over, voila!
    Reminds me more of ol’ Russian Uncle Joe though.

  5. A soldier in the Bernard ‘Monty’ Montgomery or T.E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia) vain…… A little lite in the loafers.

  6. I must admit that I’ve never paid much attention to Canadian Military uniforms (my being in the U.S.). Are they all that ill fitting and rumpled? One would think that the PM would be able to find a better looking uniform when he plays dress-up.

    1. No, the uniform he is wearing looks like garbage because it doesn’t fit properly. He doesn’t care, so that is the result.

      1. An officer had a batman or two to press his clothes, among other duties. The Regimental Sergeant Major would have crapped all over a batmen with an officer looking that badly. Today officers have no servants and unless the colonel really cares might be accused of looking like bags of shit. In my militia unit the colonel looked the scruffiest. Considering officers in battle have a lot of duty outside the unit they command, having servants is a great idea. Apparently batmen did not mind the job.

        1. Scar, my dad and his best friend joined up asap after war was declared. Dad went into the RCASC and ended up a truck driver taking supplies to the front lines, he was often under fire. For the last six or so months of the war his unit was attached to the Bridge Builders of the British Army. They were in front of the front lines, got the hell blown out of them on many occasions.

          Dad’s best friend also went into the RCASC.He was assigned as the driver to a high ranking officer, and never had a shot taken in his direction the whole war.

          So, yeah, some fellows would want to be an officer’s batman,it was a hell of a lot safer than the infantry.

  7. https://www.nytimes.com/1986/04/27/nyregion/document-traces-hessian-war-role.html

    A lot of people have moved to North America and stayed here for generations because it is spacious with untapped natural resources and there is opportunity and employment. It is and always has been multi-culti. The Natives, the English and the French love a good fight for control.

    BTW did anyone ever see the one and only movie that JustTrudeau was in about the Great War? Any comments, if so? I did, and he seemed very nervous, he’s no actor. He wears a suit well. Wonder if that’s a fake mustache and if those are fake eyebrows?

    abtrapper: re: the CAPTCHA………..did you try going from left to right, v-e-r-y S-L-O-W-L-Y? Works for me, most of the time, sometimes it’s a busy route though, I think. (Maybe there are elves who ‘work’ the green lights and maybe they are afraid you’ll “trap” them, heh, heh)

  8. Moving directly to the comment box and without reading the comments and background to this disgusting picture. It is a desecration.

    Now I will go back and watch the video and read the comments.

  9. Trudeau and the cabal that surrounds him is something we should be worried about. We cannot allow them another term in office. Trudeau himself is not too clever, putting it mildly, he can be easily managed by an agenda driven cult behind the curtain. God help Canada.

  10. I recently read revolution comes after change not vice versa. Given the present state of affairs it may be ugly. And there is a very real reason the government wishes to have access to all your data , financial and regulatory control over the media, and your firearms status . You may also wish to reflect on the fact we basically elect a dictator for 4 or 5 years at a time who has the means to change the rules of the electoral game.

  11. This veteran finds that photoshopagraph disgusting and not the least bit humorous; in fact it denigrates debate.

    His politics notwithstanding, he was never in the military nor at the sharp and grizzly end of combat, amongst our heroes.

    That image is an offence to those who willingly placed themselves in harm’s way.

    He didn’t do any of that – the service or the photograph. I will never countenance stolen valour.

    I beseech you, please remove any reference to that dreadful image.

    1. Lying in the mud, snow, and ice water while being shot at, is better than listening to the clapped out posturing.
      At least one has, the relative psychological ‘luxury’ of being able to fight back, and the goodly benefit of dying FOR something depending on the ROE; rather than some nebulous post national nihilism.

      The merchants of ‘feel good’ are always trying to sell you a mess of pottage for your birthright…
      Like PET the elder donning his “pickelhaube” during WWII…it is what passes for ‘leadership’.

      So instead of active nihilism like war, we are offered the passive nihilism of post nationalism in the form of nebulous ‘globalism’.

      “You will shine in the world like bright stars
      because you are offering it the word of life.” Ph2:15-16


      Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
      1st Saint Nicolaas Army
      Army Group ‘True North’

    2. Don’t get your shorts in a bunch. I think that photo was a still pic from an actual made-in-Canada movie about the Canadians in WW1. Remember that Trudeau was an “actor” prior to entering politics. I didn’t watch the movie (it was made 20+ years ago), but I remember seeing the commercials for it.

      1. Turdeau is still an actor, and a poor one at that. Sometimes in Question Period he has to actually read his lines from a piece of paper.

        He’s now off to Papua New Guinea for a vacation (er business trip). Wonder what Butts has picked out for Turdeau to wear?

  12. The media reports that feminist Trudeau gave a speech on freedom of the press today, but the Canadian media were not allowed in. However the media is defending this decision, because Trudeau is wonderful and must have had a good reason.

  13. Does anyone know about this photo?Is it real or photo shop ? It’s totally disgusting but unfair if he didn’t dress up like that. Keep in mind I cannot swallow what he is doing.

  14. How long are we going to put up with this disgusting “Nancy Boy” while he destroys our national traditions? He is a phony and a poser nothing more. He is just a poor version of Mr. Dressup who apologizes for everything except his own incompetence.

    1. Frankemm,

      With all due respect, if I may correct you… the capital letters in your quotations are incorrectly used and are an insult to anyone with this proper name.

  15. The Great War is a CBC television film documenting Canadian participation in the First World War. The film stars writer-director and award-winning documentarian Brian McKenna, Michael Rudder, and future Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau — who became the official Liberal candidate for the Papineau, Quebec in April 2007 — portraying his fifth cousin, twice removed,[1] Major Talbot Papineau. The film aired in two parts on Canadian television during the 90th Anniversary of the Vimy Ridge battle, on April 8th and 9th, 2007.
    I’m sure you’ll want to see an interview with him in uniform:

