23 Replies to “Are We Still A Member Of This Thing?”

    1. Since I don’t believe global warming is a threat, I make no sacrifices, and I would expect those who do would have a much smaller carbon footprint than mine.

      1. I have long held to the following philosophy: as soon as Gore, DiCaprio, Suzuki et al. reduce their ecological footprints to the same level as mine, I’ll be prepared to join them in reducing our footprints down to the next level again.

  1. Solve the problem and close the U.N. Send all of the parasites home. Do you really think that Solheim was the only one?

  2. You have to realize the mantras of the left:
    a) do as I say not as I do
    b) everyone is equal, but some of us are more equal than others.

    examples? 1. Al Gore, 2. Justin Turdeau, 3. David Suzuki, 4. Leo DiCaprio

    1. Bill Morneau, The crazy Climate Barbie lady, Paul McCartney, Tony Blair, Monsieur Macron, Frau German Lady, etc.

  3. Meanwhile back at UN headquarters…

    “U.N. human rights chief Michelle Bachelet has sent a letter to all states, telling them they have legal obligations under international human rights law to prevent climate change and try to mitigate its effects.”

    But in America things are undecided…

    “The United States is the only country to have announced its intention to withdraw from the Paris accord, and President Donald Trump has cast doubt on the science underpinning it. ‘Brutal and Extended Cold Blast could shatter ALL RECORDS – Whatever happened to Global Warming?,’ Trump tweeted on Wednesday.”

    But then the WMO weighs in…

    “WMO chief scientist Pavel Kabat said unusually cold weather was consistent with climate change. ‘On the longer timescale we are not that much worried about the current political disturbance,’ he said. ‘Global warming is unequivocal,’ added WMO Deputy Secretary-General Elena Manaenkova. ‘Climate change is scientifically proven.’


    1. I notice that when Trump wondered whatever happened to Global Warming, they responded by talking about climate change, dodging the question as usual and inserting a straw man.

  4. Say hallelujah and pass the plate for the Church of DiCaprio…

    Now, to read verse from the Book of Suzuki……

  5. If you start with the understanding that this kind of UN appointment is seen by the recipient as a lottery winning event, a life changing opportunity to enjoy the good life, all the while still being able to feign goodness and virtue by pretending to provide salvation for their fellow man, it all starts to make some sense.

  6. Even if you fly first class every time, how can you spend $500,000 in 22 months? You’d have to take charter flights every time to spend that much money.

    1. London to New York – First Class (only the best for the UN climate crusader) = $8000. Do not book ahead, you want a flexible timetable in case your sightseeing er sorry meetings last longer than planned. Make three such trips a month = $24000.
      times 22 months = $528,000. And he has yet to pay for a hotel, meals, limo etc.

      Even if two trips a month, each lasting 8 days. Hotel at 500 a night plus 200 a day for meals that would be about 27,000 a month.

      So you see, important people, like UN officials, can spend large amounts of money on travel. Mais, c’est tres importante, non?

      I call it the Justin Turdeau travel in royalty syndrome.

  7. U.S. un-fund them 100%. Revoke all their visas, passports and privileges. Toss them out of the country. Turn the UN building on the East River into public housing. After 10 years, bulldoze it into the river. Slap dust off hands. We are tired of your stupid shit. And even more, we’re tired of paying for it. Go set up your new head quarters in Bumf*ck, Egypt. It’s closer to where you pour the money into shitholes.

  8. Actually the best way to handle the Un,would be to call a meeting in NY HO and then bar the doors until they pay their bills,then make them pay to leave the USA.
    No pay drop them off in Antarctica.

  9. Sadly though, even if there are momentary corruption exposure blips to the globalist agenda like this and individuals like Trump and movements like Brexit stopping it here and there, it does seem that the globalist agenda is slowly but surely taking control of all of our lives. The Canadian government and a couple of provincial governments actively destroying our energy resource industry, the BC government mandating the end of fossil fuel vehicle, are just a few localized insignificant incidents in the Maoist like Long March going through western society. The monster Maurice Strong’s dream is coming true before our eyes. Trudeau’s carbon tax is a small part of taking us back to the Stone Age.
