6 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: Our Fevered Planet”

  1. Let those Eastern Bastards Freeze in the Dark….no.?

    The best attributed Ralph Klein quote that still resonates in Alberta….as it damn wll should.

    1. Don’t blame ya but please give me a bit more time to get my wood (EPA compliant) stove in. Always got to have a plan B.

    2. The quote was a general sentiment and a bumper sticker but I don’t think it was Klein. Klein told Eastern Creeps not to come out west and get on Calgary’s welfare rolls.

    3. That was Lougheed in reply to PET 1.0 and Marc LaLonde et al re: NEP

      “Easter bums and creeps” was Ralph. Always loyal to the common good. Ralph offered free bus tickets to BC for the loafers.

  2. And, ironically, it’s on the earliest date it can be in the calendar. It’s darn cold out here next to the grill!
