43 Replies to “Chinada”

    1. Bruce – have used that phrase for many years while doing taxes and bookkeeping. It’s a good old gold rush saying, though rather think the correct prounuciation would be “No tickee, no laundlee”. Trust me, everyone gets the message, not least because I do not hesitate to either toss chits which are for personal expenses or – when bookkeeping for corporations – put the dubious expense to the shareholder loan.

    2. My favorite was the Abercrombie & Fitch T-shirt which proclaimed: “Two Wong’s can make it white”.

      I’m leaving too … 😛

      In a related story, I just saw the film Crazy Rich Asians … and was surprised to discover it was a decent film with something of an uplifting positive ending. Watched it with the (adult) kids over the holiday weekend, expecting a laugh-out-loud comedy … but got a Rom-Com instead. They should remake the film as Crazy Rich BC Asians … in the Horror genre.

  1. Faced with a race for whom every libel curculated against the Jews by disinformation agents over hundreds of years is but a simple statement of fact, our masters have not only welcomed the overseas Chinese with open arms but given them control of the white genocide racket.

    What’s the difference, you ask? Easy. Judaism considers buggery and pedophilia to be monstrous and worthy of death. The Chinese could not care less what their white vassals get up to as long as they keep paying tribute.

    Our masters have a problem with the God of Israel, Who does not approve of their buggering little boys, and want His Name stamped out at all costs. The Chinese share with our masters the belief that any and all who sincerely fear the God of Israel are a threat to their power, and their bottom lines.

  2. They are already acquiring real estate in Calgary. Nature and markets abhor a vacuum. The differential in housing and land costs is too great to ignore.

  3. If pipeline proponents make dumb non-sequitor ‘arguments’ like Kate’s here, then it’s no wonder things aren’t going so well.

    First, there’s nothing wrong with money laundering. It’s vital to the fight for freedom. Second, it’s hardly a massive part of BC real estate let alone the BC economy. Third, there’s no reason to believe it would lessen with pipeline development. Indeed, when Alberta was hot it flowed with drugs, especially in the patch. NTTAWWT

    1. Money laundering it vital to the “fight for freedom; a “massive part of BC real estate?” TY Josef, great job of disinformation.

      Hillary and Justin can only marvel at how you link two irrelevant assumptions to made a ridiculous conclusion.

      You accuse others of non sequitur arguments? If not so obviously counterintuitive and ignorant, it would be nutty (which it is).

    2. The fight for freedom?

      That money is the proceeds of what our betters call crimes against humanity when it happens to Muslims.

      The overseas Chinese are committing mass murder of Canadians and getting rich doing it.

      Get back to me on the fight for freedom when the Chinese are told that if they want British Columbia they can fight for it like men, and that every buck-toothed slant-eyed swine in Richmond is not worth a hair on a Canadian child’s head.

      1. “The overseas Chinese are committing mass murder of Canadians and getting rich doing it.”

        WTF are you babbling about? No one’s being forced to do drugs.

        It’s not the fault of the Chinese that you suck at life. I mean yeah they’re a lot smarter than the typical Canadian, but the typical Canadian is a lot smarter than you. You built your compound, go live in it.

        1. It’s not my fault you were buggered by your funny uncle or your parish priest.

          It’s not my fault you can only get your lad up by thinking about buggering little boys.

          It’s not my fault that you hate good, decent people who have a problem with that.

          It’s not my fault you want good, decent people hauled off to pigfeed factories so the Chinese can have pork chops for breakfast.

          Deal with the problem and only the problem. Ask a local farmer to help you chop it off and throw it away.

          Better that than have the whole of you hanged for giving aid and comfort to the Queen’s enemies—or your soul condemned to hell. Far better.

        1. Supply? Really? A record number of 55,000 units are currently (3/2018) under construction in Vancouver. Vacancy rates are a shockingly/unrealistic low of 1% … yet as many as 40% of high rise condo buildings are uninhabited. Those statistics tell the entire story of an unhealthy, unaffordable, unrealistic housing market. A market controlled by absentee owners laundering their Communist-capitalist Yuan¥¥¥¥


          1. I was on a business trip a month ago and stayed at the Holiday Inn Express @ Metrotown for a couple nights. My room overlooked the skyline to the west, where there were a handful of newish (up to 5 years old) condo towers. The closest one, at night, only had 5 suites with the lights on, for both nights, this being a 30+ story building.

            I don’t doubt for a second that the majority of the units in these buildings are empty and foreign owned. So what though, if foreigners want to park money in empty units, so be it. This is in the middle of Churnaby, its like a foreign country there, far removed from the Burnaby I knew 35 years ago as a broke BCIT student.

            There’s not much complaining from homeowners though, of their new found wealth in their homes. But the ENDP wants to crash the market, I’m sure there will never be any unintended consequences from that strategy!

            Its painting a broad brush by blaming Chinese gambling money laundering on this. The cure no doubt, will be worse than the disease. And so far, all those conditions the millenials are complaining about haven’t changed. Rents are high as ever, prices still way higher than the yutes can afford, etc. To change all that, would require draconian, economy destroying measures. Is the ENDP that stupid? Does your dog bite?

  4. The BC gov’t has failed at “actually doing” something about this. Gov’t in Canada seems to be on a roll…
    The RCMP are obsessed with distracted driving, using the correct pronouns to address who used to be simply transvestites, the border police couldn’t care less, the unionized longshoremen are not paid to think, only to do, the provincial gov’t won’t act on anything they consider “their people”.


    Everything in Canada, is broken.

  5. “First, there’s nothing wrong with money laundering. It’s vital to the fight for freedom”
    The article and short film clips show how a why there is a problem, people are dying from drugs laced with fentanyl and the money earned making it ends up in Vancouver, inflating property values to the point where only the rich can live there, but rather than read the article you throw out your own ‘dumb non-sequitor’.

    1. 1) People have the right to die of drugs if they want. If you want the fentanyl to go away, legalize heroin.

      2) The notion that foreign money is inflating property values is a myth. Foreign buying account for a small portion of that market. The only reason prices are so high is because of restrictions on development, the ALR being the most obtuse but hardly the only one.

      1. You mean legalize … and subsidize … heroin, don’t you? Fentanyl is CHEAP, heroin isn’t. Both are illegal. The CHEAPEST Fentanyl is mail ordered from China. Heroin is far too expensive for the average addict.

        Brain dead black activists insist the CIA fabricated Crack Cocaine to kill-da-Black-man. Yet an ACTUAL conspiracy by the Yellow man … to kill-da-white-man … goes unreported. Eliminating RED State voters is of no importance to the leftist media.

  6. To think how surprised I was by the naked fear evidenced by Sudbury acquaintances (in Sudbury) because a squad car passed before my seatbelt was affixed back in the 90s. The infractions continue to contract as the repercussions expand. Don’t worry, we’re right behind you.

  7. Sell lots of stuff to the Chinese… then nationalize all foreign owned property. Compensation sure; one penny to a million dollars. Hey that sounds familiar.

      1. Commie? oohh UnMe surely you can do better than that?

        Perhaps my sarcasm was a little too obtuse for you. Apologies if I disturbed your “safe space”.

  8. Wanna bet how many Canadian politicians, of all political stripes, have been bought off in B.C. and elsewhere?!

    1. That was also my first thought. How much of this 5 billion has ended up in Liberal Party re-election coffers?

  9. Kate et alia keep intoning ‘Chinada’ like that’s supposed to be scary. Why is a synthesis of the best of Canada and China bad again? Oh right because foreignerz.

    1. Synthesis of the best of Canada and China? Criminal gangs selling illegal drugs (more dangerous to their users than most common illegal drugs) into Canada and then laundering their profits through the real estate market is the your idea of “the best of China”? And the “best of Canada” is real estate and other sectors of our economy getting corrupted by this and our failure to allocate enough resources to criminal intelligence and law enforcement?

      Classic UnWit. Take two fentanyl tablets and don’t post in the morning.

      1. Hey, if you want to end the illegal drug issues, legalize the drugs.

        ‘our failure to allocate enough resources to criminal intelligence and law enforcement?”

        Tons of money is already spent on these programs. Feel free to spend your own.

        1. We could end all crime by repealing laws. Perhaps you imagine you would do well in such a state of things.

        2. Please finish your INSANE idea … legalize … and SUBSIDIZE (with taxpayer $$$) … drugs. Haven’t you already learned from legalized marijuana that the price goes UP after legalization … not DOWN as your ilk always predict. Dopers and junkies can not AFFORD legalized (and taxed) drugs … so the black market of CHEAP, dangerous, unknown drugs actually expands under legalization.

          We’ve already subsidized the needles … so might as well subsidize the heroin, eh? Why would anyone want to facilitate the drugging of western society?

          1. “Haven’t you already learned from legalized marijuana that the price goes UP after legalization”

            That’s a lie.

            “Please finish your INSANE idea … legalize … and SUBSIDIZE (with taxpayer $$$) … drugs.”

            No just legalize. Stop lying, stop resisting, we will shove it down your throats like we always do.

  10. “I often ask my anti-pipeline friends in BC, “What do you plan to do for an economy after you’ve run out of real estate to sell to Chinese money launderers?
    Ok, so they’re not my friends anymore.”

    You know the old saying: “With friends like that… “

  11. I find it odd, that if I show up at my bank to deposit a 5 or 6-figure cheque from a legitimate transaction, I’m obliged to account for its origin. Yet, apparently, I could walk into a casino in BC with a big bag of cash, no questions asked. Don’t know if the same rules (or lack thereof) apply here in Alberta.

  12. We are where we are today because too many “polite, quiet, accepting” canadians have allowed our country to turn into a sh*t show. We can turn this around by waking people up.


    Canada’s Treacherous “Faustian Bargain”
    by Salim Mansur
    November 26, 2018 at 5:00 am

    Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, it seems, adheres to the principle of globalism, according to which the world is borderless, and the idea of sovereign nation-states is both reactionary and obsolete. In this borderless world, the governing body is the unelected, untransparent, unaccountable and deeply corrupt United Nations and its agencies, which possess the authority to legislate international law that is then enforced by member states.

    The Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration is a document detailing the requirements for UN member-states to adopt as policy that amounts to unfettered global migration. Trudeau has bought into this UN agenda and has decided to impose it on the Canadian people without their prior knowledge or consent.

    The Global Compact requires the media outlets of member-states to adhere to the objectives and refrain from any critical discussions of these objectives that would be deemed as not “ethical” and against UN norms or standards consistent with the ideology of globalism.

    Read the rest here:



    1. The Tunnel of Babel

      Two physicists walk into a bar—actually, they stroll into a government office in a crumbling-concrete, linoleum-floored brutalist building styled on-the-cheap after Le Corbusier during the boomtown rush of the post-WWII nuclear frontier. They are prepared to pitch an idea that goes roughly like this:

      There is something we cannot precisely describe, nor are we able to quantify its dimensions, nor how it behaves, or whether it has any commercial application. We don’t even know if it actually exists but we think the people of the world owe it to themselves to find it, name it and pin it to the mat. We’ve got ten nations signed up and expect the rest to fall into line. Want a piece of the action?

      Bien sûr! the bureaucrat replies. Here’s a blank cheque—no—wait— just take the chequebook and let us know if you find anything worth selling. Bonjour! Bonne chance!

      For the past sixty-four years the people of earth not involved in CERN have been urged to accept the apocryphal tale above as gospel. We’re also recommended to overlook the compulsory purchase at rock bottom prices of enough villages and farmland on the border of Switzerland and France to enclose a one hundred and twenty-seven kilometre circle bored out of solid rock to a depth of one hundred metres and lined with the most expensive custom-purpose equipment ever invented. Like many of the most important things on earth you rarely hear about it on the nightly news.

      Though it’s a bit like discovering Zuul in your refrigerator, we are told that a statue of Shiva The Destroyer & Transformer of The Universe is the harmless centrepiece of the CERN campus in the same way we are ordered to get over the fact that the following videos of a shindig at the Gotthard Base Tunnel portray frolicking mountain mouflon native to the region.

      The dual ceremony—one above ground, one (initially) leaked from below—was attended by select members of elite-approved press topside and heads of state down under. Neither event appears to be produced at a discount. Both feature pyramids, all-seeing eyes, what appears to be the ascension of a fallen angel and a Very Hairy Horned One performing The Dance of the Fancy Pants.

      Above-ground ceremony

      Underground ceremony part 1

      Underground ceremony part 2

      It’s neither fluidly choreographed or perceivably scientific but like all things CERN it is fairly unsettling and smacks of unsavoury ritual. Just break a bottle of Aldi Prosecco over the thing and be done with it is my advice but CERN has never rated my skills as an event planner and I suspect they never shall.

      When I consider that my local allotment scheme could not manage to survive more than a year due to infighting amongst the board, CERN appears a miracle of international cooperation. It is the largest and most complex building project in history, yet hardly anyone seems to talk much about it in terms beyond, “Magnets, Mr White.”

      Mention CERN at your next dinner party. Observe. The resultant grasp of and focus upon the topic will appear strongly reminiscent of Douglas Adam’s Somebody Else’s Problem field:

      An SEP is something we can’t see, or don’t see, or our brain doesn’t let us see, because we think that it’s somebody else’s problem. The brain just edits it out, it’s like a blind spot.

      It relies on people’s natural predisposition not to see anything they don’t want to, weren’t expecting, or can’t explain. If Effrafax had painted the mountain pink and erected a cheap and simple Somebody Else’s Problem field on it, then people would have walked past the mountain, round it, even over it, and simply never have noticed that the thing was there.
      The Enemy long ago learned to exploit the fact that humans are programmable and that the best-written programs yield the greatest control over hearts, minds and attention spans. Write the proper code, compile it into a software format easily accessible by young hardware and it will endure, whether in the form of cultural affiliation, spiritual practice or Mum’s Table Manners. If well-written, originative programming is powerful enough even despite subsequent iterations and updates to resurface as a ghost in the machine, enhancing, conflicting with, detracting from or shadowing all future experience. Ergo: We are raised to be good citizens. We trust in our governments. Scientists are smarter than we are and work for the betterment of mankind. Do not be alarmed at the large hole in the ground. What’s on TV tonight?

      Read the rest here:

