12 Replies to “I, For One, Welcome Our New Self-Driving Overlords”

    1. I read somewhere recently that Canada is the highest cost North American location for automobile production. Taxes and energy costs were cited as reasons. So it’s doubtful if any of the future new electric and self driving vehicles they are preparing for will be built here. Note also that they do not appear to be sending jobs offshore unless you want to count the production of the Cruze in Mexico. GM is getting leaner.
      Ford and Chrysler have already made similar moves to get out of unprofitable lines.
      I agree with Kate below about the Volt. Much of its technology will find its way into smaller, more affordable vehicles.
      I’m still wondering, however, where the electricity is going to come from to charge up thousands of electric cars on a minus 20 winter Toronto night with no wind. Tesla batteries? They need electricity too.
      Speaking of Tesla, I looked at a model 3 in the mall the other day. The fellow there showed me that they have a charging network that will get you from Calgary to Vancouver and then down the coast to Los Angeles. Charging times are still an hour or more but it’s possible (don’t try it if you want to go to Saskatchewan though).

  1. Part of this is undoubtedly the removal of CAFE standards, which forced manufacturers to make cars nobody wanted and sell them at a loss, because they had to meet “fleet” fuel economy standards to offset the SUV and truck market.

    1. Jobs saved! The Liberals will “invest” a billion or two in rebuilding the Oshawa GM plant to Elon Musk’s specifications, hand it over to Tesla, and pass laws requiring us to buy their electric cars. Planet saved! You’ll be able to read all about it in our new independent media (- independent Canadian media saved! More jobs saved! Re-elect Prime Minister Castreau! No, wait, President-for-Life Castreau!)

  2. The tiny robots fell to the ground…

    Getting hit by a falling drone: -10 social credit points

  3. it wasnt a mishap. thats the cover story on a live experiment to drop gas canisters on the last holdouts of sanity once chirer becomes the sole world power.

    now let’s see how fast that conspiracy rumour ‘takes flight’ (pun intended)
