19 Replies to “I, Napoleon”

  1. “Irony”, she says, “What does THAT mean?”

    “And what the ***** do you people mean by ‘eating their own’?”

  2. Very interesting. She’s being shut out of her echo chamber so she’s resorting to wallowing with the deplorables in order to be heard because she’s discovered they’re the only ones willing to listen to “other” views.

    1. Oh scar baby, being banned from the Cons web site is also becoming a “honour”, those pricks are just as bad as the libtards. I think Mad Max will be gaining many votes if the cons do not change. They need to understand that there are those of us who want scheep removed, and they do not like to hear that. scheep did ban Rebel media from their convention, just so liberal like!

  3. The world started going to hell a long time ago. Okay, fine. But, society started going to hell in the 1970s and has been going faster and faster with each new movement. In that tottering town, San Francisco, the Sodom or Gomorrah of the West, their large flourishing LGB community held their first “gay” parade about 1970. In Australia, the original March for Jesus took place in 1983. In 1994 the first Global March for Jesus covered every time zone and involved over ten million Christians; and It is estimated that, by the final Global March in 2000, over 60 million people in 180 nations had taken part. What effect did the Jesus marches really have? Churches are still empty. We all know what effect the multi-thousands of alphabet pride days has had on society when mothers will take their little children to watch the perverts parade and uniformed police will march with the blessing of their bosses. Now we have the trans gaining more and more power so where do we go from here? More children becoming trans, spurred on by their parents and teachers till we’re living in a country controlled by about 2% of the population? Insanity.

    1. no gellen, the 70T’s was just a shift! The “church” started to loss “power” , and the religious power brokers went else were. Hell, the RCC in central and south America were cozy with the communists, and also in Africa, and still are for that matter.

      1. Took me a while to figure out RCC – yes, and they also used violence to keep out Protestants who tried to open churches. I left the United Church in the 70s when God is Dead became fashionable. I had been raised as a child in the Salvation Army so had had strong teaching in my early years. Who was it said: “Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the man.” Aristotle?

  4. Haven’t all these leftist read the memo? Trannys are at the top of the importance scale. They rule. Gays, immigrants, socialists, whatever …. all lower status than the man who pretends to be a woman.

    We are going through a period where the perverts and the mentally ill are running this pop stand and we are paying huge for that.

    In the future they will do documentaries on this period of Western World insanity …. and on how much we miss the Western World now that we are all slaves of the new world order.

    Freedom is something that you don’t miss until it’s gone, And when that happens you will learn what horror slavery is …. then you will have plenty of time to ponder your stupidity to have let freedom go without even a fight.

    Once gone …. current technology guarantees that it will be impossible to ever win freedom back again.

    The Revolution WILL BE televised and will be brief.

  5. Just wait until she finds out about the human rights code in Canada and gets hauled in front of a kangaroo court for hurting these thing’s feelings. I’ll be there laughing about it.

  6. “Haven’t all these leftist read the memo? Trannys are at the top of the importance scale. They rule. …”

    Only until the left has handed everything over to the Muslims, JV.

    1. Well yeah, being at the top makes it easier for the Muslims to throw them off.

      Welcome to the Brave New World, where if you point out that Muslims are murdering gays and transgenders, you’re Islamaphobic, and if you point out that homosexuality and transgenderism are proscribed by the Koran, you’re homophobic/transphobic.

      1. “Islamaphobic” “transgenderism” “homophobic/transphobic”

        I make a conscious effort to avoid ever using such contrived words.

        When you use your political adversary’s terminology in a discussion, they’ve already won half the battle.

  7. Makes sense. The only people left on Twitter are scalp hunters. So a scalp hunter got scalped. Should’ve seen that one coming.

  8. Meghan Murphy, on her Facebook page, posted this on Nov 24th:

    “There are some inaccuracies in here, but glad this bullshit is getting coverage, either way. Basically two creepy dudes didn’t want me tweeting about them, so got me banned. A real marginalized group of people we’ve got here, folks: White men who don’t like feminists telling the truth about them and use their power to silence.”

    She still doesn’t GET IT. She deserves no sympathy or help.
