The Deplorables


Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini announced after the European Union Summit on Sunday that Slovakia will NOT support the United Nations Global Migration Compact.


“Slovakia will not support this United Nations pact under any circumstances and will not agree with it,” Pellegrini said after the meetings.


The Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration is set to be signed in Marrakech in December.

48 Replies to “The Deplorables”

  1. Slovakia has been independent for only 25 years after an eternity of being ruled by others. Others are not always so kind. It is not unreasonable that they control their own destiny. Why turn the developed world into shitholes? Why not develop the shitholes?

    1. Why not force the locals to clean up their shitholes. Give them a diplomatic mop and pale, as it were.

      1. “Why not force the locals to clean up their shitholes. Give them a diplomatic mop and pale, as it were.”

        I tend to agree, but that means giving them weapons and support. It often creates more refugees (Syria for example) and you risk looking like an imperialist a-hole, poking your nose in places where it doesn’t belong. Sadly in most cases, that’s still the best solution.

    2. You can’t. Shit is shit. All you can do is properly contain them to keep from leaking into the water supply, and clean them out when they get overfull.

      1. Sounds about time for a trailer park boys shit quote….There’s gonna be a shitquake….its what happens with two tectonic shit plates collide….

      2. …unless you live in Montreal, then you can flush it in the Saint Lawrence River, with permission, of course!

  2. Must say I’m proud of my tribe.

    There is hope that others will do the same.

    Grew up under the Stalinist communist rule.
    Trust me it was no fun.

    1. When I was coaching my youngest son’s competitive soccer team, I hired a “professional” trainer to help with the team. I hired a young man who I had met previously in our local soccer club. He was a Slovakian (who spoke perfect English with a cute accent). He was also a Masters degree candidate in Biological statistics at UC Berkeley, and an excellent trainer who was great with my boys. If he was representative of the Slovakian people, he was the BEST possible Ambassador of the country. He had the precision, and attention to detail of a German, coupled with a very positive personality. Richard W. was a “credit to his people”. And now I see just why I resonated with him so well.

  3. The tribe will not tolerate this. You can bet that Five Eyes are now doing their best to overthrow the Slovakian government.

          1. So Trudeau meant nothing when he said on election evening that Canada was now a post-national state?

          2. “So Trudeau meant nothing when he said on election evening that Canada was now a post-national state?”

            He meant nothing intelligible. I wouldn’t overcomplicate the fundamental inanity of his statement. The simplest explanation is the most likely: he actually doesn’t know what he’s saying.

  4. Why do we have federal governments and sovereign nations when the planet’s uber state (UN) is busy writing national policies for all nations. Kill it now. It would be the one thing within Trump’s power to do that no one else could accomplish and it would be the best thing he could do. What a positive legacy.

    Kenji: Get Your President on it will you.

    1. “Why do we have federal governments and sovereign nations when the planet’s uber state (UN) is busy writing national policies for all nations.”

      No UN policy is enforceable without the consent of sovereign states. So – long story made short – if you don’t want your country consenting to UN nonsense, elect a government that won’t.

      1. All true but poseurs like the Spawn need that “higher authority” to justify his “noble and virtuous” actions in keeping with the institutional left and that alone seems to work for his drone supporters.

      2. Can anyone here name anything good that the UN has done?

        When I hear of the UN, the only things that come to mind are crap-science climate reports and useless peacekeepers:
        UN peacekeepers stood down and allowed 8,000+ to be massacred in Srebrenica.
        UN peacekeepers accused of involvement in Haiti child-sex ring.
        U.N. Peacekeepers accused of rape in the Central African Republic.

        1. To that list you might add the massacre in Rwanda where the UN truly outdid itself: it helped kill 800,000 people just by doing nothing at all.

    2. John – Can’t wait to find out who he replaces Nikki GOPe Halley with … someone who will find cause to trim the US contribution to the UN down to a nubbin.

  5. The UN babytoucher club is getting a little too big for their britches. It’s embarassing and somewhat frustrating (but hardly surprising) watching PM Groper kneeling at the feet of the UN sovereignty and offering up MY labour, effort, lifestyle and belongings to them.

    Every passing hour I look to our terrific neighbours to the south and envy them for having a leader that actually cares about their country and their people.

    Make Alberta Great Again

  6. The social justice spoiled brat anarchist notices – in the midst of higher cause destruction of others’ property and spouting slogans about evil capitalism control of society with outmoded notions about prosperity and liberty – that one of his fellow freedom fighters just dropped a concrete traffic barrier on his foot, thus causing brain damage, leading to his immediate high pitched entitlement scream for capitalist socialized healthcare while demanding his mother immediately instruct legal counsel.

  7. I can hear the screams already. How RACIST of Slovakia, refusing to submit to invasion only because the would-be invaders are brown!

  8. If trudeau wants to go full UN, then why do we need them? shouldnt they resign, on masse, and handover their power (and their expense accounts) to the UN? ….(never go full UN….

    1. If we could just vote out our Dear Leader in the very next Federal election, perhaps he might disappear off to New York to occupy one UN sinecure or another.

      We can always dream I suppose.

      1. As long as he isn’t replaced by another UN sycophant. (Scheer/Paris Climate accord supporter…cough cough,).

  9. I do find it interesting but not surprising that it is the new democracies that can clearly see that the actions of the European Parliament and the UN as clearly socialist plans to take away their liberties and hard won decocratic freedom. As escapees from Communist domination I congratulate them on taking a stand. If only the people of Canada would give our Socialist (pretending to be liberal) leaders the same message.

  10. I think the pact is very concerning. Although it is not legally binding, it will for sure be used to steer policy and promote more migration around the world. This all takes on an additionally sinister tone in the light of the newspaper bail out: “Canada’s Treacherous “Faustian Bargain”
    And of course, the signing is already being done under the radar. I am convinced most Canadians have no idea that this is happening even though it is a major move by globalists against national sovereignty.

  11. I would like to know why Scheer is not even bringing this up as a topic of discussion. Why is Parliament ignoring the planned signing of the pact? If nothing else, Scheer should be pushing for a discussion of the policy implications.

    1. Because you are a gullible low info voter who will support the “only viable alternative to the Liberals” no matter what?

      Not my fault you got sucked in by the CBC when they said everyone else was “unelectable”.

  12. Good for Slovakia and the Slovakian people for electing a government that cares for them. Unlike we did. Kudos to Lev.

    Well, we know what PM Groper will think of this. Remember his words on the election evening when almost the first words out of his mouth, “We are now a post-national state”. His plan is to give our sovereignty over to the UN in stages.

    Scheer is keeping his powder dry. Real dry.

    1. Agreed, Ken. First visited Slovakia in 2001, when they were still influenced by laws from the communist regime (one was that every worker had to be provided with a lunch; absent a canteen at the workplace, a small allowance was given to purchase said lunch in the town. Made the mistake of ordering one once – it was awful. Watery greasy chicken soup and not great everything else. But it was interesting, and the relative who was studying at a uni in eastern Slovakia became very fond of the people and their culture.

      Even then, they were a very proud people, and did NOT like being thought of as inferior Czechs. Took advantage of this once when, visiting an old church, had the attendant assume I was American. My response was to the effect of “I’m Canadian; that’s the same as assuming you’re Czech”. Doubt that particular attendant ever made that mistake again.

      Had the opportunity to return last year and delighted to see the city was still prospering but still very Slovak. I wish the Slovaks all the best. At least they’re not alone in this; Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic will be standing with them.

      1. We spent a day in Bratislava. Great view from the former Roman settlement known later as Bratislava Castle, and great food at the Sky Emontree.

        All the best to the Slovaks in thwarting the EU and George Soros.

  13. Good for Slovakia, if I recall correctly they are also the country without a single mosque within their borders. The globalist new world order is breaking up and the more they squeeze the faster it will break.
