36 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

    1. Repugnant…yes. The Liberals have been using our tax dollars to buy votes for decades. It is a defining characteristic of the Liberal Party. Adscam, etc etc.

    2. Just think of them as NPN. National Public Newspaper(s). The Canadian proles don’t know what’s good for them selves, so they’ll be deducted via taxes and benefited good and hard.

  1. Dear Santa
    Justin told us we have been good boys.
    So please bring us fishnet stockings, blond wigs, high heels, mini-skirts and lots of cheap red lipstick and toothpaste for Christmas.
    John Honderich
    Paul Godfrey

  2. This excerpt from the comment section of the Nat. Post article is priceless.

    “Peter *****”
    $600 mil for you a**holes to sit on your fat lazy a**es all day cutting and pasting crap from other agencies, re-wording, and putting them in your own?? Don’t deny it! I got into an argument a few months ago with a CBC reporter who stated that’s what he does ALL day, and that he shouldn’t be blamed for mis-information (he copied) from other Canadian and foreign agencies, and put in his own articles… GARBAGE NEWS/FAKE NEWS “

  3. The media and government’s definition of a free and independent journalism is right out of a Newspeak dictionary. If media is financially dependant on government and government forms a committee to regulate eligibility and “standards” for support then journalism is neither free nor independent.

    “To determine eligibility for the credit, the government plans to create an independent panel drawn from the “news and journalism community,” which will also “define and promote core journalism standards (and) define professional journalism.”

    Politicians, citizens and journalists will all understand that the media must align their reporting with government policy and suppress stories that will displease their political bosses. Look at today’s GM reporting. Journalists are correctly reporting that GM is closing 5 plants in North America to cut costs and restructure but how many are omitting reporting that Ontario is one of the highest cost juridictions? And why Ontario is high cost? From the WSJ:
    “Canada is among the most expensive countries in the world to build cars and the highest-cost market for car assembly in the North American free trade zone.”

    Score 1 for the financial post (for now):
    “Magna International Inc’s CEO said carbon pricing, rising electricity costs and labour costs are making it increasingly difficult to remain competitive against other jurisdictions that don’t face “all these burdens.”

    1. way-to-go Ontario! only took 15 yrs of “liberal” rule.
      the new Gordie Howe Bridge wil be bringing in all new vehicles from south of the border, coming to your local dealer, soon.
      my 1999 FORD pickup was assembled in Oakville.
      bu-bye auto sector.

    2. The media and government’s definition of a free and independent journalism is (the government) free from scrutiny and (journalism) independent of having to discover facts and report them accurately to the public. “Real” journalists slag their colleagues who turncoat to take cushy PR jobs because … they all want those jobs. And now they can all havejobs in the Official Press, just like the CBC.

  4. ” to set up a news incubator at Ryerson University”

    I guarantee liberals will be pleased with whatever hatches in that fetid swamp.

    1. There will be Four Laws of Canadian reporting:

      1) Liberals in power + good news = Liberal policies are awesome

      2) Liberals in power + bad news = blame factors beyond the Liberal’s control

      3) Conservatives in power + good news = credit goes to factors beyond the Conservative’s control

      4) Conservatives in power + bad news = Conservative policies are awful

      To remain eligible for subsidies and be a member in good standing, all journalists will be required to follow these 4 simple rules.

  5. ” . . . the government wants to protect the ‘vital role that independent news media play in our democracy and in our communities’ . . .”

    War is peace, Brother.

    1. If the government truly wants to protect the “vital role that independent news media play in our democracy and in our communities” then it needs to do two things:

      1. respect and uphold Section Two of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms; and

      2. keep its mitts off “independent news media” entirely.

  6. We have come full circle. The Papers were started in Canada by the political Parties, at one time the most powerful Conservative Paper in Canada was in Brandon, Manitoba. Each paper honestly shilled for Their Party.

    Somewhere along the way it has been forgotten that the Press in Canada owes their existence to the political Parties, and we maintain this fantasy that the media is an august and noble reporter of only the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me according to my political masters, just to keep the peasants quiet.

    I love this blatant buy out of Canada’s whores, er…media, as a big fan of transparency and honesty.

    1. I actually have no problem with papers run by political parties as long as the parties’ coffers – not national and provincial treasuries – are involved.

  7. LOL, love the logic; advertising dollars have tanked because the consumer has opted out en masse; but they feel there’s such a need for their services…

  8. All the major media companies should be excluded from these tax breaks and hand outs. They are not independent and they have no ties to the local markets they serve. The people who could have used the money and would have made investments in their local areas were bought out long ago by Postmedia, Torstar, Bell Media, CanWest Global, Corus, Rogers, Newcap, and Quebecor. Those that weren’t bought out were forced out of business by predatory pricing tactics and dirty tricks.

    This is a big business and these “incentives” will go straight into the pockets of the media owners and shareholders. Your local community newspaper isn’t going to see a return to the days when it had its own local publisher, editor-in-chief, and editorial staff. Even the guys selling the ads don’t serve a single community they serve many.

    If you really want to drive a nail in the coffin of these “businesses” take away their right to distribute flyers tax free. A community newspaper is no more than a tax free wrapper for printed flyers. There used to be lots of local distributers who delivered these flyers, but they too were put out of business by these corporate media goons. These are people who fought with government to have 12-year-old paper boys declared independent contractors so they didn’t have to pay them minimum wage or offer benefits.

    They cry that local communities need their own voices and yet these corporate raiders are responsible for most of the newspaper closings in the last 20 years. Last year Postmedia and Torstar swapped papers in 37 markets and promptly closed them all consolidating news and ad departments as they went. This left some areas with no local paper and other areas with one where there used to be two.

    The newspaper business, now the media business, has always been an oligarchy. Advertising paid the freight and it was advertisers who were being served. Proprietary research showed that more people read the flyers and advertising in their community newspaper than read the news.

    As a result, journalism always came second and now that people can’t be bothered picking up a paper or reading their crap online their business world is collapsing. Well, so be it. They brought it on themselves. Bailing them out doesn’t serve the public interest in the least.

    1. of the companies listed:

      Postmedia, Torstar, Bell Media, CanWest Global, Corus, Rogers, Newcap, and Quebecor

      which aren’t profitable?

      Rogers adjusted net income last quarter was $624 million, do they need financial support? – no, they are profitable
      Bells net income income last quarter was $850 million, do they need financial support? – no, they are profitable
      Corus net income was $33 million, do they need financial support? – no, they are profitable
      Quebecor net income was $186 million, do they need financial support? – no, they are profitable
      Shaw Communications net income was $200 million, do they need financial support? – no, they are profitable
      Torstar lost $18.7 million, do they need financial support? – no, they need to be allowed to fail
      Post Medial lost $33 million, do they need financial support? – no, they need to be allowed to fail

      Failure is always an option…

      If only the conservatives could actually stand up and repeat that over and over in the House of Commons

      1. “If only the conservatives could actually stand up and repeat that over and over in the House of Commons…”

        But that would take:
        (a) guts
        (b) honesty

        And Scheer and his sheep are lacking on both counts.

  9. I did a quick search to try and find the video of a passionate Scheer clearly articulating to the Canadian populace why this is such a horribly bad idea. For some reason, I couldn’t find one.

    1. Scheer isn’t that stupid. I’m sure he knows very well that 95% of the media is already in the tank for the LPC and the NDP, so there’s not much use provoking them even further.

      This would be a good time for Scheer to equivocate,just like Trudeau does, and NOT answer the question if it ever comes up.

      1. “This would be a good time for Scheer to equivocate,just like Trudeau does, and NOT answer the question if it ever comes up.”

        “This” would be a good time? Pray tell, when has Scheer-the-steer ever done anything else but shake and equivocate?

  10. So its not a free press anymore. The CBC has proven that money sells integrity and buys allegiance.

    The liberals tried to change the voting system – to favour them. They will try again.
    They tried to change parliamentary rules to basically shutdown any and all debate. They will try again.
    They passed a motion making it illegal to say Mohammed f*cks goats in outer space.
    They have disabled religious groups from receiving government employment funds – or at least the ones not willing to compromise their morality.
    They have re-cloaked First Nation’s financial disclosure.
    They have neutered Alberta’s ability to move their commodities and earn a living and will NOT make it in the national interest to get a new pipeline to tidewater.
    They played shenanigans with the ship building programme and are attacking an honoured soldier.
    They pay money to terrorists.
    They will not buy new fighter jets.
    They have increased taxation on beer and wine in perpetuity.
    They increased CPP payments.
    They are letting thousands of bogus refugees cross the border and have them set-up in hotels but aren’t footing the bill.
    They give millions to Hamas.
    They have dramatically increased government spending every year.
    They are being sued by First Nations bands and veterans.
    They are going to tax carbon dioxide and increase that taxation in perpetuity.

    And this time next year they’ll still be being going at it with a majority in the HoC.

  11. I’ll believe the government wants an independent press when Ezra Levant receives $500,000 from this fund (and is invited to sit on the board dispensing the cash), until then this is just funding Liberal propaganda.

  12. So, since they’ve pried this out of our pockets, why would anyone now willingly pay for a subscription?

    1. “So, since they’ve pried this out of our pockets, why would anyone now willingly pay for a subscription?”

      Excellent point.

  13. Lets face it, the Media of the Trudopian State has been corrupt for quite some time, crazy Peeair is responsible for the current state of our Liberal Party Media. I think this latest Liberal Party bribe of their Media is simply the payoff for the Media’s support of the Liberals during the last election. If you are part of the corrupt Liberal Media you are someone without moral character or integrity, you’re just as arrogantly corrupt as the Liberal Party you serve, essentially a third world scumbag. 600 million dollar payoff, a quid pro quo… and 600 million is just the start of this bribe, like “bilingualism” the costs of a permanently corrupted closed door system will grow to far more obscene amounts, into the billions and billions… count on it.

  14. As many above have alluded to, we know what most of them are and now we know the price. We knew this was coming when Tass (CBC) got a few hundred million over five years. There were hints at that already at that time. That said, I feel sorry for those who decry this blatant buy off.

    Disclaimer. I have a paid subscriptions to the online Calgary Sun and the National Post.

  15. Kate,

    Why not sign up yourself? You provide a real news service providing Canadian, US, and International news stories, and links to stories you the public should know about, like the PS Knight-CSA story. Your site is an award winning site with longstanding readership. Why shouldn’t you be allowed to share in the tax money you and your fellow Canadians pay every year?

    And think of the fun you could have turning the government into knots if they ever try to dictate your editorial comments and viewpoints?

  16. “The government is pledging nearly $600 million over the next five years to help news organizations struggling to adapt to a digital age that has disrupted traditional business models.”

    Yeah, it’s only been 25 years.

    You can’t expect people as stupid as journalists to figure out that the internet changed their business in a mere 25 years.

    1. Seems to me that journalists were a lot less stupid back in the 1950s, before they started getting “educated” at the universities.

  17. 600m over 5 years. How many ways are they going to split the pot?
    Quebek will be at the front of the line. So let’s say they automatically get 50% of the dough.
    Fishworld is next in line for 30%. Ontario get 19% and the west (Georgia Straight)
    get the rest.
    The libranos will be mindful of their election chances.
    This scam will be one of the first to go once government changes. It’s shameful.
