41 Replies to “November 27, 2018: Reader Tips”

    1. Lol!

      Ya! I’m with Gatekeeper in the comments. That was a beaut. Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy or maybe it is an it. I’ll be laughing for a while.

      It is funnier every time I watch it. Once in a while it would be nice to be on Twitter.

    1. Musk will be embarking on a one way trip and will take every bug with him because they are genetic and most of us have them.

  1. Drain the Swamp, details,details,details…..

    Just found about this site tonight.
    Have lots of coffee.

    1. How dare you presume a gender. Use non binary pronouns you reprobate. Would you call your own child him or her too you monster?

    2. I must agree with the Russian bots 🙂 Abortion is a moral issue, and I think it wrong. However, being a moral issue, it is always going to be a difficult decision when presented with such a situation that could lead to abortion. We all know the arguments, no need to repeat them. Either way, not a joyous decision and certainly not something to celebrate.

  2. Just when you thought Hollywood couldn’t get anymore disgusting, Breitbart has a story on an actress who uses the foreskin of babies from Korea to improve her looks. And Heather Mallick explains at the Toronto Star that everyone in Canada loves feminist Trudeau because he is so interesting, and all other Canadians are boring and bland. Our Unifor journalists at work.

  3. On BART this morning, in Oakland, CA, two black officers just pulled a young white guy off of the train. Should I alert the news media? Oh right, they don’t care because this doesn’t fit the narrative.

  4. I’m still laughing over the perfect shot in opening Twitter video. Dave, that was funny.

    Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey Lied Under Oath To Congress. Shouldn’t That Matter?

    On Wednesday September 5th, Twitter’s Jack Dorsey swore that he would tell the truth to Congress. He didn’t. He lied. I have the old fashioned opinion that such a lie should matter. It remains to be seen whether Congress agrees.


  5. I see our man in Ottawa, Washington Moscow and more crystal freeman is up on her stump over Ukraine again. Apparently the ruskies captured a coupla rowboats or something that the ukies had.
    A few facts:
    Ukraine is ethnically Russian.
    Khrushchev gave it to the Ukraine in the 60’s.
    It’s a very corrupt place at all levels. When they change governments it’s just changing one corrupt group for another.
    Aren’t the Ukies just ruskie lite anyway?

    1. “Ukraine is ethnically Russian.”

      I believe you meant to say “Crimea” is ethnically Russian. Ukrainians have to go under the Crimean bridge to get to some Ukrainian ports. It is an international passage by law and by agreement. The Russians were just being pigs. Like those tiny naval vessels were some kind of threat. Even if Russia owns Crimea half of the enclosed Sea Of Azov is Ukrainian waters. English are just Germans lite?

      1. I think it was George V who said the royal family should start speaking English. They spoke German up to that point – so yeah the English are just German lite….ha ha

    2. “it’s just changing one corrupt group for another.” Kind of like the US, eh? Sorry, could not resist that, but increasingly that is exactly what it looks like with all the Mueller garbage going on.

  6. Robert Mueller and Whitey Bulger (who was recently beaten to death). Was Bulgerès death another Deep State hit? Would not surprise me: https://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/crime/item/30517-was-whitey-bulger-s-prison-murder-a-deep-state-hit-to-protect-mueller. Over the years he seemed to have some covert connections to Mueller and the FBI.
    Someone really needs to go after Mueller. The guy is not squeaky clean. In fact, he seems to be up to his neck in nasty ventures, including Uranium 1.

  7. Not the most important thing of the day, but…BREAKING NEWS!!!!! Green Party Leader has announced that she is to be married, to a Mr. John Kidder!!! (Ok, not that important at all).

    John Kidder is a brother of the late Margot Kidder, so we are talking important family lineage here.

    1. Looks aside, I suspect he does not know what he is getting in for. In my view, May has a nasty streak.

  8. from the link:
    aka the white version of Mike Tyson.
    “that’s a TKO”. carry on !!!

    I’m a hippy pacifist. emphasis on the fist part for those who misjudge my capabilities and true nature.
    I just set another personal best in the gym yesterday.
    1550 pounds on the incline leg press.
    4 reps, only about a 1 foot push but Ive never seen any of the jocks do it.
