13 Replies to “There Goes The Narrative!”

  1. Damn. None of that meets the narrative and can never be shown. He still might be able to sell that to FOX though. He might as well apply for a job with them while he’s there.

  2. I loved it when he said: “… But, the truth is….” What you hope is that half of their viewers, which would be about 500,000 households, who saw that realize the President has the exact same information and is telling the truth.
    The co-hosts? I don’t think so.

  3. Politics aside……..adding to our population people that are comfortable with this standard of living only degrades a country. I was on a school board where families would live cheek to cheek in houses with limited plumbing and these children would come to school unbathed and with dirty clothes. I do have a heart for these kids but their parents have no means to bring their standards up to US poverty levels. At least not without a lot of welfare and government assistance.

    If individual state along with the federal government reduce the handouts, this will solve itself. I also agree that seasonal farm workers are needed but they can come here legally. Fact is though, machines are making that need less so.

    1. Tom, cut welfare and “seasonal” works will come out of the wood work, they are now call welfare trolls!!!

    2. Until there isn’t ONE more person below the American standard of living … everyone in the entire world should come to America. Every single poor person in the world. The Honduras caravan is only the beginning. There are Socialist BILLIONAIRES across the world who have the means to ship and fly vast caravans of poor people to the USA. NGO’s dedicated to worldwide Socialist Rule will CRASH the American economy according to the Cloward-Piven stratagem.


  4. Perhaps most of the adult males are self declaring to be women and children. The main stream media is thus “politically correct”.

    Solution? To all Liberals, Democrats, and socialists, using your own money build a few factories in Honduras and hire these people.
    Since you all love higher taxes, you could easily cough up 10 to 20% of your incomes. Should be easily solvable leftists.

  5. Another form of media distortion — as pointed out by one observer yesterday — is to completely ignore the migrant-invasion story. CBC News today (Tuesday Nov. 27) scrubbed any story on this from its main web page, and buried one story, in its “world news” page, way down to 16th place. The corrupt Globe and Mail, today, doesn’t have any story at all, neither on its main web page nor in its world news section. A lot has happened with the caravan-invasion the last two days, but these two flagship news outlets refuse to report on anything of substance.

  6. MSNBC obviously has to tighten up its hiring practices. A journalist managed to worm his way in.

  7. Strange. All media-cartel reporters are supposed to receive instructions from their respective senior editors. And the senior editors receive their respective directions from their corporate bosses and the Democratic Party. Something is amiss here.
